Imani's Blog (34)

An Offering

  My familytaught me how to make best use of my gifts, about proper ethics and responsibilities that come with gifts. I have learned that ceremony helps keep me sharp, happy and healthy. I wrote this not long ago, it is just an…


Added by Imani on June 3, 2014 at 6:32pm — No Comments

Thank you little man

There are some souls that come into your life

and you know they needed you as much as you needed them.

They fit into your life perfectly, and leave their footprints on your heart forever.

They make you smile, laugh and cry, and you love them with everything you've got,

I had to say goodbye to you today dear one,

you were so sick, and…


Added by Imani on October 19, 2013 at 12:00am — 2 Comments

Keep Good Faith

May we see beauty in this darkness 

and find joy amidst the chaos

May we wait upon the promise of home

with all good faith

Added by Imani on July 16, 2013 at 3:01am — 1 Comment

The Willow Tree

Those of you who cannot see The living poetry of a tree,

are bound on every side of heart,

to dwell in ignorance, strife and dark.



Added by Imani on July 13, 2013 at 4:49pm — No Comments

You Are Joseph

You are Joseph

my father.

I have not spoken your name in a long time.

You left here in the Ripe Corn Moon

When Selu was at her fullest,

When the berries were ready to be picked

and the land was rich with life.

Under a new moon,

you began your journey to a far place,

to a new life.

You were a good…


Added by Imani on February 18, 2013 at 11:14am — No Comments

The Templar and the Fae

A moment in time

when the gods were kind

and granted small wishes to mortals below.

When fate was borne on the wings of love,

and the sun and moon aligned..…


Added by Imani on February 2, 2013 at 3:40am — No Comments

The Gift

Ballarat Australia Sunrise

The gift

It came with magnificent mountains that stand sentry over the valleys and plains.

With sunrises that light the mornings with fire, and the colours of the rainbow

Where the sun greets the mountain tops each morning with a warm kiss.

Emerald landmasses and tundra, white with new fallen…


Added by Imani on September 26, 2012 at 8:00pm — No Comments

I went for a walk

I went for a walk, I had things on my mind, I always do.

The short trip to the river turned into something else.

I walked far and buried myself deep within the trees and forest growth.

I sat beneath a tall and sturdy pine and I waited.

I knew it would come,…


Added by Imani on September 18, 2012 at 3:56pm — 1 Comment

White Fire

White Fire

I am kindred spirit to the wild and free places

that heartbeat matches mine

There my pulse races and my love comes alive and

the fire within is replenished and burns bright and fierce.

That love let's me walk…


Added by Imani on September 15, 2012 at 9:39pm — 1 Comment

The Way of the Medicine Wheel

Thirty six Grandfather stones placed carefully in the sacred circle, each with a purpose and gift to offer.In delicate tendrils, the sage smoke rises from the shell, my small offering to the universe this night

In the center, near the Creator Stone I stand, like a waiting child, arms outreaching, in supplication, waiting for direction and wisdom from the ancient ones.

Here am I.... in this eternal compass, and cosmic map that carries within it the wisdom of the…


Added by Imani on August 3, 2012 at 7:30pm — No Comments

A Sacred Place



We all just want to be loved and accepted for who we are, really..

A simple wish, and not always granted so easily.

When you have fallen and feel broken,

a certain freedom comes.

You have nothing to lose, or everything to lose.

And truth is the only thing left.

You have been tested to the core,



Added by Imani on March 16, 2012 at 12:48am — No Comments

Cherokee Rose: Tales of a Pirate Lord or ( having fun with my alter ego, lol)



You've heard of the Phoenix Rising?

And of her able Captain...

fearless Lord, uncompromising.

Well, sit yerself down, yer scurvy swabs,

and gather round the fire.

Drink up me hearties, and warm yer…


Added by Imani on March 16, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

Aurora Borealus

Aurora Borealus


They say the ancestors live in the great Star Nation high above us.

They watch over us and speak in the wind.

Sometimes they come in a cloud of beauty...

to show us they think of us,

and to remind us to look up and see Creator's love painted in the sky.

Some say that after the great and beautiful Thunderbird was punished for being so vain,

he was banished to live beyond the clouds so that his…


Added by Imani on February 16, 2012 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Rhythm of the Heart

Rhythm of the Heart

 I didn't notice the cold early morning air as I made my way down the dark footpath this morning.

A soft snow fell and…


Added by Imani on February 1, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments




It's easy to lose yourself in such a big universe.

Easy to forget that each atom and molecule

of you was made with purpose, creativity and pure love.

We are a separate and divine composition, yet part of a cosmic symphony.

Without us, the song is incomplete.

Born to create, we are given brush, palette, canvas,…


Added by Imani on January 24, 2012 at 4:56am — No Comments

Faery Tale


Faery Tale

My story is beautiful and unwinds like a spool of golden thread.
Odd that I was moved to open my writings with this Persian preamble to a fairy tale.
I had not thought of my liife as a fairy tale, although, many have called me Fae
Perhaps it has been one after all.

Added by Imani on January 14, 2012 at 2:42pm — No Comments

The House of Spirits


Sometimes, caught up in my human vanity,

I forget to look down and see the smallest of creations

and learn my lessons there

And sometimes I forget to look upward

and witness the love of Creator painted across the heavens

I forget that my heart needs the nourishment of the beauty surrounding me,

that,  my soul needs to…


Added by Imani on December 20, 2011 at 12:52am — No Comments

We Remember

We Remember

We are the children forged in fire, made from the ethers of space
born from the far off star
We remember who we are at last
People from the Great Star Nation
Come to this strange planet
It is not easy here but we are made…

Added by Imani on December 9, 2011 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

Kindred Spirits


The North Wind has blanketed Earth Mother once more with fresh fallen snow.

and the promise of rebirth just beneath it.


I sit inside the circle I have drawn with a branch from the birch tree. Sacred, loving guardian

who stands tall against the wind and lends its' strength so generously.

I am safe within this place

I feel no cold, I do not feel the winds that whirl around me

I am warm in the blanket of the…


Added by Imani on November 29, 2011 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

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coat of arms of McIntyre clan.

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