Chat Guidelines-Main

A Quick Set of Chat Room Guidelines

Developed by The Temple Chat Moderation Team

updated 4.14.14

1. May paste personal website, free service, and blogs, as long as it is not selling products.

    A) No repetitive posting of any site ie: Posting the link over and over again multiple times.

    B) Offer a short explanation as to what the link is about.

2. No spamming links in chat. EVER.

3. Do not post the same message multiple times. Whether it is a song or video or whatever it may be.

4. Respect copyright policies, give credit. 

5. No personal attacks or harassment of any kind. 

6. Respect one another’s beliefs.

7. It is OK to post a YouTube link to a song or video as long as it is not selling products or services. 

8. Please keep links to a maximum of three if you are posting more than one thing at a given time. In other words please don’t go into chat and just post one link after another. It isn’t called a link room, it’s called a chat room. If you have artwork or songs you want to share, make a page on your profile and link to that page.

*For a more detailed set of guidelines click here.

If you have questions or concerns feel free to contact any current member of the Chat Moderation Team, current members are listed below.

Thank You.

*NOTE- Please be respectful in chat, conversation is better received than confrontation and more information is shared with less time being spent attacking and/or defending. We can all learn from one another provided there is an exchange. It is the difference between chatting WITH someone and chatting AT them.

Also- it is never acceptable to talk about other members in main chat, specifically in a derogatory manner. Asking where a member is or mentioning a positive exchange is fine but it is inappropriate to chat about people in a public forum; aka- Main Chat.*

If any of these guidelines are violated there is a "3 Strikes You're Out" Policy in place unless the offense is severe in which case an immediate ban may be put in place, it is up to the discretion of the moderator placing the suspension/ban. A member in violation of these guidelines will be warned in chat, if they continue they will be suspended. If a member reaches a third suspension they will be banned from the site. Three warnings (suspensions) is more than enough.

~Current Members of the Chat Moderation Team~

 Kallica Mars


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