From Lilith’s Crystal Cave

42 Ideals of Ma’at

1. I honor virtue
2. I benefit with gratitude
3. I am peaceful
4. I respect the property of others
5. I affirm that all life is sacred
6. I give offerings that are genuine
7. I live in truth
8. I regard all altars with respect
9. I speak with sincerity
10. I consume only my fair share
11. I offer words of good intent
12. I relate in peace
13. I honor animals with reverence
14. I can be trusted
15. I care for the earth
16. I keep my own council
17. I speak positively of others
18. I remain in balance with my emotions
19. I am trustful in my relationships
20. I hold purity in high esteem
21. I spread joy
22. I do the best I can
23. I communicate with compassion
24. I listen to opposing opinions
25. I create harmony
26. I invoke laughter
27. I am open to love in various forms
28. I am forgiving
29. I am kind
30. I act respectfully of others
31. I am accepting
32. I follow my inner guidance
33. I converse with awareness
34. I do good
35. I give blessings
36. I keep the waters pure
37. I speak with good intent
38. I praise the Goddess and the God
39. I am humble
40. I achieve with integrity
41. I advance through my own abilities
42. I embrace the All

Ma’at is a Serpent Goddess of antiquity, along with Isis, Nephthys, Wadjet, Buto and the Great Old Ones in the court of the Great Serpent Au-zit, represented as a winged Goddess, sometimes indeed with a serpent lower half of the body.
Ma’at is one of the Deities depicted on the Sunboat of the Gods in Ancient Egyptian art, and is the Cosmic Goddess of Truth and Justice.

Maat has a consort, Thoth, the God of Wisdom. As the Goddess is a Cosmic Principle, Maat is ever-present, yet no temples were built specifically for this Goddess.

Ma’at was also worshipped as the Goddess of the Moon by the Pygmies of the West African jungles and the Ju, or San bushmen as they were known, and as these are the two most ancient peoples of Africa, in the cradle of humankind, it can be said that, Herstorically, Ma’at enjoys the status of one of the Oldest of the Old.

The root word Medha, means Divine Feminine Wisdom, in other words, Truth; and is the origins of the Names, Ma'at and Medusa. Ma'at is self-created, and symbolises the balance between polar opposites, or the Yin-Yang in an Egyptian context.

These ideals are in fact Cosmic laws applying to everyone , no matter which belief system or religion one resonates with .If only more would embrace and apply these ancient ideals in their lives as we enter the New Age of Enlightenment.

There was actually no concept of dogma or religious zealotry in Ancient Egypt. People lived a good life by simply affirming and practising these Ideals. 
As dynamic change is a constant that cannot be avoided, only delayed, it is purely up to the individual as to how they advance through their own abilities..

Blessed Be

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Comment by Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon on July 10, 2021 at 6:09am

Bravo! Beautiful!

From my own perspective, I also adore the ancient Pagan Goddess Maat! However, in order to simplify NATURAL VIRTUE, I narrow all the guidelines attributed to Goddesses and to Gods into:

Be yourself, remain natural, true and honest to yourself, to your own Nature, to Mother Nature in you and in all that exists. Respect all Differences in yourself and in Others and in All that exists! Do what you will but with Wisdom and try hard "Not" to harm yourself nor Others, nor Anything that exists! Love and be honest and loyal to your Creatress, to Nature, to Mother Nature, to your Goddesses, to your Gods, to your Fae, Pombagiras / Exus, Mayorals & Elementals, to your Ancestresses/Ancestors... And to Others and Other Species, Other Beings! Respect what we are made of, CHANGES! Respect eternal and infinite EVOLUTION, because all BLESSINGS flow from primordial Source of All as We are a part of it and equally It is a part of us. As above so below!

Thank you for your beautiful sharing and for the dear inspiration to make this comment!


Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon

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