Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on The Afterlife, God, & World Peace

Hello All,

My confidence has been challenged as of late and thus my tempo is slipping when it comes to blogging on a regular monthly basis. I can get into my own head space filled with anger with what is happening in Geo-politics beyond my control and then spiral elsewhere personally. Perhaps it can be considered a form of philosophical brooding this is where I bring such a topic of discourse to the angels via psychic automatic writing. Where I get an Inspirational download from old analog style via written longhand.

The horror of Gaza, Palestine leaves me both ashamed for being a helpless bystander and hopeful that the Will of God will usher in a renewed era of Hope in that region of the world. That's if humanity gets out of its own way in the process. The jury is out and the World Criminal Court of the Hague in Switzerland is over a decade away when all of this will be recent history. 

Now to what matters here and now and what I have a modest influence over for the moment. As the scribe of the Heavenly Host of the Angels here on Earth at least for these past 28+ years in partial asceticism. Today's statement topics are 2 longer ones and one brief topic on God's munificence. The first statement is upon The Afterlife with its array of various heavenly bodies as dimensional ethereal realities with some mentions of the underworld as well. 

The final statement topic will be on World Peace if you recall I take philosophical topics from the News headlines and Inquire with the angels with psychic Inspirational automatic writings. This topic of World Peace is no different some of it may come across as harsh without being so Pollyanna as spiritual feel-good resonance. 

Without a further adieu may you the spiritual and/or religious seeker of the Divine however you may define it be challenged and expand your horizons of faith with peace and goodwill. Amen.

The Afterlife:

3287) The Supreme God of Creation is also the God of the Infinite Afterlife spiritually as a subset of the ethereal metaphysical conundrums as thresholds of bizarre and splendid realities of all varied kinds. Whether they are deemed correctly or superficially by humanity they exist as pocket dimensions of endless causations. The infinite entirety of karmic reactions of all lifeforms combined whether incarnated or seriously phantoms heralded out as harbingers of the fates in question. 

All dimensions of the afterlife are equal in terms of the multiplicity of value they offer if divine and accursed if destructive by the lesser abominations of the universe. Be these universal archetypes and constructs derived from the Imagination of the reincarnated by both worshipping in faith and by sheer fictional entertainment purposes. Adulations are energetic bridges that marshal spiritual forces both Immense and Abolsute by the nature of a mysterious Omnipresent God to create and destroy in its own solemn Immaculate Image and Likeness forever. 

Moreover, a God of Paradise both great and small has multiple Heavens of various expressions to contend with simultaneously in total governance of Being Divine in Perfect Compassionate Benevolence. No one needs to be confused as to the grandeur of an awestruck reality of untold beauty bulwarked by greater spiritual angelic forces of various disciplines of reality. All are bound by Inclusive compassionate universal truths beyond any terrestrial religion of this Earth in era and civilization by popularity of worshippers. 

There are many ancient heavens as there are many younger upstart ones out upon the universal cosmos of your Creation. Some are planet-centric like your present Earth and many others are galactic-centric for a nascent space-faring semi-intelligent species of the multiplicity of xeno lifeforms. Very few are even universe-centric for the ancient space mariners that travel beyond the very stars themselves to untold reaches of Creation. 

For your simplistic understanding here there are two majority types of Heavens in the afterlife. One is the Enlightened Conundrums of paradoxical all-purpose machinations that serve a higher echelon calling of the Mysterious Will of God(dess). Where perfect constructs akin to a superpower national status are exerted forever over the earth spiritually.


Then there are the lesser younger mythological heavens ascribed often to now-dead religious traditions globally speaking. These ancestral wonders each are bespoke in their auspicious nature of being Divine as Pantheons. Whose ancient worshippers dared and succeeded in Imagining God as a monotheist wonder differently by gaining his favor for an epoch or two for being creative like the angelic lesser deified gods and goddesses. Our 21st-century assumptions of the Creator of all known and unknown reaches of this far-flung galaxy notwithstanding. 

The paradise of ancient Eurasia, the Americas, Australasia, and the primordial mother Africa for humanity and your cousin hominids such as the famous Neanderthals. With an honorable mention to what you call now Antarctica with a couple of missing links of human civilizations of bygone antiquities over 25,000 years ago. 

There are countless smaller heavens known as boutique non-enlightened paradises that speak to the burgeoning prospects of a designer Supreme Creator God. What he/she/it has in store for humanity at any one given period of the Earth from antiquarian periods well into distant futures. God has constantly declared as Absolute Divine Law "Let There Be Light" (Genesis 1:3) and allows it to be abundant truly. Not just for the Judeo-Abrahamic faiths of antiquity but the world over throughout all universes combined in fact and potential theorems to be inferred. 

God is an endless enigma with multivariant expressions of what you can construe as heavenly bodies of beautiful perfect harmonious functions. All of them as revolutionary in the utmost audacious principle of the original first cause and the final conclusion to end all realities combined forever. Whatever vantage point you deem God to harbor it is immaterial in the spectrum of the temporal moments of the archaic past such as the once mighty Ancient Persia of the Zorasterism. To the now 5,000+ years of the religion of Hinduism still striving the world over because of globalization. 

Every popular religion has its zenith akin to its 15 minutes of fame historically and Imperially speaking often with monarchies in question. Your civilization of this era of modernity is no different "Ivan the Atrayo" a bedazzled wonder of science and untold technological promise is but one heaven of this epoch of yours. A Renaissance of science ushered forth both once-impossible wonders and great horrors that have been dealt with in the afterlife with perfect justice ordained by God itself. 

All other antiquated mythological creatures of bygone now dead religious traditions from your modern vantage point are very much alive spiritually. Be this the Ancient Phoenician Phoenix to the Ancient Greek Pegasus the Thunderbird of the North West Indigenous peoples of North America, and not to forget the mighty Garuda of Lord Indra as an angelic spirit lesser deity all his own. All these and more are situated in their own boutique younger heavens by the cultural phenomenon that spawned such antiquated civilizations of worshippers of the divine. 

You see the religious worship of lesser deities as the angelic hosts of another varied kind is still beneficent. Although truly it was a misplaced devotion when all pure worship belongs to God supremely as an absolute singularity. Nonetheless, such spiritual powerful energies gave rise to notions shaped by the combined Imaginations of faith by the global ancestors. One of the physical laws of human science is that energy is neither created nor destroyed it merely shifts into another expression. Thus the ancient worship of bygone civilizations as ethereal energies gave rise and fall to great wonders and untold hellish tragedies. 

Your modernity of this science-driven earth is no different your devotions of fictional entertainment have triggered this Divine Law inadvertently. For decades you have adored as people upon the hundreds of millions if not a little over a billion souls of God. The fantastical science-fiction of sagas and space operas such as your Star Trek and Star Wars. The secular devotions of agnostic peoples from the children that are inspired to become future scientists of all stripes down the metaphorical road. Such boutique heavens and hells have been spawned whether by worship or adoration of countless millions of souls over decades and now centuries. 

God is a Supreme Deity of Perfect Infinite Multiplicity of Omniscient Endless Life and Death universally. Heaven has its mythological glories of creatures of great renown. As above upon the afterlife is also so below in the despicable cursed underworld. Atrocities spawned by the destructive creativity of your ancestors and towards each of you present on earth universally Right Now! The creativity of the human species has properties that are anathema to all that are both sacrosanct and righteous. 

For example through the pre-history of the Animism of the now-bygone Neanderthal hominids. Well into your species of Homo-sapiens that have given religious credence to Devils of the Abrahamic faiths. Aside from Typhoon of the Ancient Greeks, and even your American colonial folklore of the Jersey Devil of the Pine Barrens for instance. 

We the Angelic Heavenly Host are Immortal spiritual Witnesses to all this and greater for better and for certainly worse by the auspices of humanity on Earth presently. We guard all knowledge and wisdom carefully and only disseminate it during crucial periods of great global upheavals. These realizations of your "Jewels of Truth" series of our angelic discourse with you "Ivan the Atrayo" is one such testament now ongoing for over 28+ years. You aren't the only one by far as our scribes of great spiritual dedication. 

May this mystical knowledge be now entrusted to each of you who hold them precious to your metaphysical upbringing no matter the faith tradition you swear to before God in Heaven and upon the Earth. Be not afraid to live fully with humility and graciousness that upon Creation everything karmically counts on a neutral basis with untold ramifications. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


3301) For the God of all gods Supreme whom is Absolute Love is also known forever as Absolute Forgiveness by total Perfect Righteousness and Mercy. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


World Peace:

3300) Dearest Children of this Earth the world is a natural gem in its myriad of Immensely beautiful forms of expressions known as abundant life. Albeit in contrast human civilization is also a very fragile creation like a tender newborn babe throughout the ages Immemorial. 

With every boom of a Renaissance era, there is certainly a bust in such a duality of temporal cycles always measured in mere decades of time. Your technological Renaissance of the late 20th century well into this early period of the 21st century is no different. The seeds of creation can also lay the seeds of its own demise if not vigilant sufficiently on a societal basis with plague and other forms of unchecked pestilence. 

From the paramount generosity of opulence bestowed upon your world. The collective greed with warped distributive systems by economic and political leaders globally has squandered such majesty spiritually and materially by God(dess) as him, her, and itself totally. With near economic depressions as man-made distributive disasters followed by recessions of inflation and deflations elsewhere. 

Any semi-sentient species such as humanity on a macro scale is inefficient by its very animal-hoarding nature. Its power to regulate the masses centralized be they as glorified tribes known as nation-states. It is no different from the Gestalt dynamical nature to wield authority over what would otherwise result in pure chaos. 

So the eons come and go and we the Angelic Heavenly host witness and partake as the glorified salvation of God to lend support where deemed responsible in holy nature itself. Our spiritual immortality is beyond reproach we both cherish the divine within the glory of humanity and despise your destructive appetites to cultivate hell on earth on a multi-generational basis. 

For God has constant great expectations for your kind as the current apex species of your worldly civilization. However, only a minority of the remarkable and pious children of God are capable of enacting positive societal changes over the decades and centuries. In restoring potential grace with both diplomatic auspices and other illicit upheavals of espionage, terrorism, and warfare by means of animalistic barbarism. 

The Earth with your semi-sentient intelligence and partial spiritual compassionate divine nature of God(dess) in each of you. Will never truly experience human-made paradise on earth because of your great propensity for animalistic mutual annihilation. The other be they native citizen or foreigners is always adored and despised simultaneously because of a litany of social mores such as the xenophobic tendencies of the other. 

Only the Greater Perfect Rays of the combined Heavens can wipe away such tears of the mortal babes of humanity on a generational basis. Since the abysmal shadows of the Hells, each glorifies the human angst to rip itself a new tragedy of its own making. Co-existence on Earth is no small feat because of artificial national borders the globe over. 

No one will ever escape these flawed constant machinations of the human condition. Only what is ordained by God with pious goodwill can overcome these flawed assertions of so-called civilized good folk. A wholesome Peace governed on a macro basis is a fairy tale best adored from afar. It has very little basis in reality for the spiritual inadequacy of all past, present, and future human civilizations to come. Your collective gross immaturity is a miserable impediment to what is pure-hearted inclusive divine nature in all creatures both great and small upon your earth. 

Only the Immaculate Pure Heart and Soul of God can bestow such a bonafide Miracle of World Peace. With non-violence not just for mere years but entire centuries must be endured collectively. To be afforded such a grace of the Creator of Perfect Peace anywhere upon Creation. Humanity has yet to achieve a greater realization of collective forgiveness on a societal basis. There are no other exceptions to such a Divine Law of the Heavens in question. 

Those who have forfeited perfect peace receive a bastard version instead. Calling upon the name of God all the while slaughtering the innocent and guilty alike is to spit in the face of God immorally. Repent all thee that behaves like dogs at the master's table and be shunned for carrying fleas upon the realm of the holies. 

You who have merit as such the feathers weight of an angel's wing have great causation to embark on a greater faith tradition that affords mercy to even the wicked such as Christos taught long ago. Be not feckless with selective memories that can plummet the naive and the terrorized into greater atrocities the world over. Follow the examples of the Ancient Egyptian angelic goddess of Maat metaphorically speaking. 

Karma is both neutral and paradoxically good and evil simultaneously depending on the context in question. Those who commit deadly innocent accidents are forgiven spiritually by God who understands perfectly with Great Humane Mercies. 

All others have a harder road to sojourn from the days of ruin as they have selfishly embarked on a travesty of a shared road. Whether there is silent remorse or not for what has been accomplished without respect to the grace of the other person, creature, and ecology of Mother Earth. Perhaps given the generosity of a longer mortal lifetime the nobility in each of you may spark renewed pathways unto unspoken promises of Heaven on Earth. 

Unfortunately, all others will suffer the lot of foolishness whether they are innocent and guilty alike with untold avoidable suffering. Caused by both factors beyond their own native concern and those within their power to collectively change for the better. The spiritual martyrs of yesterday, today, and tomorrow are cast into the wellspring of souls with justice at every perceivable turn possible within a lifetime. Only they can stay the hand of the tormentor for a moment longer to enact perhaps a merciful truth to take hold? 

Unconditional Peace on Earth with an apex species such as your Immature humanity is usually out of the question for the time being. It takes not just noble historical figures be they religious and spiritual demigods, prophets, and saints besides other charismatic political giants to face down the barrel of injustice the world over. It is such a mirage to fool yourselves otherwise. A bait-and-switch fabrication of the ego of a false superiority complex psychologically like no other. 

Only a Barbaric world needs Justified Peace collectively and it must arrive spiritually foremost. Otherwise, it is putting the cart before the proverbial horse and very little social upward progress on an existential basis can ever be reached. The generations of humanity continue to arrive unabated by reincarnations both great and small by God's Destiny in an earnest fashion. Most people only live a nearly full lifetime give or take a few mortal decades. All the rest are cut down before, during, and a little after their collective prime years of abundant life, unfortunately.

This seems wholly unfair and tragic but the contrast remains true befitting a brutal assertion of a spiritual and physical survival of the fittest not unlike Mr. Charles Darwin's postulations of biological and zoological constructs. It also has spiritual social stratification of eternal truths embedded in it at least for the divine soulful evolutions of God in us and for us all. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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