The Report of the Dragon is Now!


Transition and Change continue to be-

Human Collective awakening indeed!

What is happening- is there something in the air?

So Many and Much- physical and astral- Things so scattered everywhere!

The energy grids connected from days of old!

Their song is up and has been told!

Yet the Ones that are now old,

Do not want to release their hold!

777 here! New and Bold!


Time is Now

Chain of events, Change, and meteoroids can cause a pow!

Part of Gaia's transition is to have meteors passing through-

Many have been blocked by visitors of other world- as those up in the Blue!

This effects the physical and Change on the astral realms, many dimensions, too.

But this is old news, nothing new!

So what else may we see or do?

White Sun? New? Is this True?

Arrival of Nibiru in our solar system passing through?

Hmmm! Numbers 9 to 3 to 2!


(artist: Quark Master's Tumblr)

Spoke did I for years to Dame and Sire-

Concerning Pacific Ocean's of the Ring of Fire-

The Dragon is Honest; evil will say liar!

Due to so much pollution of muck and mire-

The volcanoes are stirring up and many have already blown-

They are truly getting ready to Change and grow!

Deep down in the mantel of the Earth deep within-

Spins and rotates back to original way of spin!

Supervolcanoes found under New England again!


As Gaia's rotation is starting to change to the opposite direction,

The fire changes and climbs up each volcano is a vibration of a low frequency connection.

The volcanoes and their power are still undetected!

As Gaia talks to the Sun and Her brothers, the planets-She speaks unto Thee!

Why are you still living such ways and hurting me?

I gave you life!

Continuum is imbalance, war, hunger, sickness, and strife!


Spoken have I for years! What does it take?

Humanity’s Collective imperative to Awake!

As the sun's solar flares and earthquakes shake-

The Ring of Fire's volcanoes are very much awake-

And in unison a song of ash, rock, lava, and fire will intensely make!

They will create new land.

Drain many beaches of their sand!

They will cause the tectonic plates to not just rattle and shake-

But they will quickly move apart,

Since the fire comes up from Gaia's heart!

They will take away much current land,

And many will be shocked and not understand!

That this is a serious matter at hand.

They will erupt in a times series of three-

Until all of the volcanoes blow and then there will be-

Devastation and Change in land's mass;rising up from underneath the sea!

Many look to the sky to see-

If that is where the worst danger be.

I spoken of this in 2014! My Heart spoke True

As told to me by the Dragon of Blue;

The Ring of Fire, a serious dangers are real! Get a Clue!

Think safe are you?

We are One! Not many or few!


North of the Fire of Ring,

Places where only birds sing-

Gaia Will clean up the pollution! Life there, by humans not seen!

Life Will be there preserved; as undisturbed Nature-

There will be more Tidal Waves and 7.5 Earthquakes of a major creature!

This will cause a ripple effect vibrating down to the fault line-

On top of the earthquakes already from natural gas wells that align!

Then volcanoes will in sequence blow-

West a huge wave will flow!

South-Rain of Fire and Ash will travel and go!

East-Shock Waves and Heavy Rain the will see;

In places where dry usually be!

To the North- New Glaciers will be set free.


The Dragon doth fly around!

Loving Gaia as Her beauty abounds!

Watching, Protecting, and remembering things unsound!


The Dragon communicated to the Star!

Transition closure is not afar!

The Report of the Dragon did clearly say-

We, The Children finding Our Right Way!

THe opposing evil is now limited is its day!

Alignment and new energy grids; we did create!

Our task complete with minimal mistake!

The Dragon spoke of evil's abuse and ego take!


(Invocation of Horus, by Amvaradel. 2010.)

New Aeon of the Crowned Child!

Entered not- meek and mild!

Our Lady; Our Beautiful Queen!

Is glorious and is clearly seen

Stop and look!

Think of yourself as a book!

All you need comes from within!

Keep your mind balance; do not spin!

Speak with your heart, not with your head,

For there are no words to be said!

Coming into Being is now clear!

Let Our Lady's love remove man's fear!

Awaken! The transition cycle closure is near!

Time may Change, but the Ways of Old,

Stop not being told!

Love and care of Gaia's life!

Spiritual unity and agape keet out strife!

Or we will see Gaia's cleaning up and breaking of walls!

We are each unique; connected is All!

The Dragon has Spoken! Heed The Call!


(written by margaretchristieburns 7/5/18)

Views: 34


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Comment by Rosey Cross on July 15, 2024 at 6:56pm

thank you Mystic!! xoxoxoxooxo

Comment by Mystic Wolf on July 5, 2024 at 9:49pm

I love your beautiful writing here Rosey!

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