
I did hear you my name call!

I did so quickly run out into the Great Hall!

I pushed and moved out of the way all!

Only not to see you; so onto my knees I did fall!

I broke down into tears and just cried and balled!

I cried so hard as I sat against the brick wall!

If someone was pretending to be You-what gaul!

As I moped and lingered and lolled!


(art by Alicia Copper)

I did the Great Hall leave!

I felt such despair as if I were to bereave!

My ears mistaken? But my heart did believe!

You did call out unto me my name!

I know your heart and voice, so it was no game!

Throughout eternity your love and spirit is still the same!

My tears had become to great and my emotions I had to tame!

My heart although stricken with great saddeness and pain,

Felt no shame!


(art by howard david johnson)

My heart saddened, I in Silence, did into the Garden of Roses walk!

I just wanted to be alone and with no one talk.

My heart kept beating loudly as the tick and tock,

Of the Great Olden Clock!

Then I looked up to the Great Mountain sky and did see your hawk!

But I was the one who felt the great joy and started to squeak and squawk!

I knew where to go and so I ran to Our Rock!


So, down to the rock by the waterfalls I did go!

I ran so swiftly and not slow!

I ran down the mountain and through the Lowe!

Out of the farmer's hand, I did knock away his hoe!

I came to the path and then did walk on tip-toe,

I felt Wind a small breeze she did blow!

The breeze brought me into your embrace!

I broke down with so many tears running down my face!

You held me in Our Sacred Space!

The Rock and the Waterfalls place!

You did me hold and kiss!

Oh You, I had and do so much miss!

Your love is so pure and feels like bliss!

At this time we did unto each other make a vow and an oath!

To be True in the Heart to each other, over all and most!

Even beyond death and even if we became as ghost!

Your words to me,

"You gave unto me, your love forever and eternally"

I returned with the same words and that is the way my love be.

Throughout time, lives, dimensions, and in Life- Yggdrasil Tree!

You and I bonded, mated and became a We!


In the Here and Now!

Oh my, this is not a good wow!

My heart deeply pains and often has so many pangs and pows!

I will go on and accept as I have my whole life!

That in the other places I am and always will be your wife!

Without you, does cause me great strife!

I focus on the Earth task at hand!

I do clearly understand.

On your spirit I make no demand-

For as Divine Will,

No matter if things are chaotic or quiet and still!

You called me last night from the hill!

You said unto me, that you would return soon!

Before the next full moon!

You meant in this Earth realm you would unto me come!

For We are eternal and One!

Twin Flame merging brighter than any sun!

(written by margaretburns 7/5/14)

Views: 35


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Comment by Rosey Cross on July 15, 2024 at 6:58pm

Thank you Mystic!!! Love to you! xoxoxoxoxo

Comment by Mystic Wolf on July 5, 2024 at 9:48pm

This is BEAUTIFUL Rosey!!!

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