
(image:Eddie Gowan)


Hello and Greeting from the Ships of Blue!

They have been watching and say what a great job we do!

Here are a few events, are they to be true?

In time we will see,

If these events be real or just a fantasy!

This is the way of things per chance to be!


I have survived Hurricanes Katrina, Gustav, and Isaac, too!

The weather people predict no major hurricane, this season, to come due!

I listen and ask, "What is wrong with each of you?"

Weather people you believe that, you really do?

Then, you may be amazed with what may be coming through!

From down in South America's way!

Another big Category four of five will come my way!

I am not sure of the exact day!

The Ones in the Blue-

Say it may be coming through,

Late August to mid September or so.

The name may beginning with L, M, N, or O!

This one will not have a heavy wind a first to blow-

Once it hits the Gulf, oh it will increase and grow!

Heavy damaging winds and even inland they will blow!

Get prepared for this one come, stay awhile and then go!


Have you been listening to the news at hand?

Where tidal waves and tsunai have hit the land?

Do not many know and understand?

These things have been happening on the Pacific side you see!

I have been talking about The Ring of Fire and the volcanoes therein be!

The Ones in the ships of Blue sometimes do not understand why many continue with fracking and such!

Fracking, oil spills, pollution and so much-

Destroy and harm Gaia's loving touch!

Despite the Great Work we do-

Sometimes malevolent spirits do get through!

They continue to try to keep their agenda around!

Keep things confusing and very unsound!

They do not want to be seen or even found!

The Pacific Fire Ring-

Will continue to bellow and sing!

There will be more danger for those with wings!

Vibrations and frequencies will change their ping!

For much ash and debris will hit the air!

Depending on the direction the wind blows; beware!

The ash and soot will make the air very unclear!

Carry out old bacteria to the Asian islands very near!


(art: Mother of Abominations by ATU-XII)


This was from the ancients days foretold!

Even written in sacred text of old!

This illness from the core of the Earth-

Will spread in the air and feel as a curse!

This will cause dots of red!

One infected will lay for weeks in a bed!

Luckily a vaccine will be derived!

This will keep many, especially the children, alive!

The most important from the Ones in the ships of Blue!

Is the great job and the transition into our new Aeon is successfully coming through!

Liber XXV, The Star Ruby by Aleister Crowley, so many has it moved!

A beautiful ritual, a form of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram improved!

The Ones in the ships of Blue-

Say this beauty and all make a postive impact of Gaia, that is true!

Not just the physical seen, but the astral and and many dimensions of great colors, even green!

Soon we shall see the return of Our Lady and Queen!

Increase in the ships of Blue now seen!

This Aeon of the Crowned Child, He!

Will bless and change Gaia the way She is meant to be!

The foundation firm is being laid!

By our hard work  and of right things said!

As with a brand new planted flower bed!

Gaia will grow, change and rise!

Right as we watch Her glory with our own eyes!

As more Ships from the Blue, are seen in the skies!

Do not let malevolent spirits take you by surprize!

Continue to do your True Will!

Follow your heart and listen to Silence and at times be still!

Divine Love

From Above

As Above, so below!

We know and keep the ways things are meant to go!

May We continue to gain wisdom and grow!

Agape, Peace, may we continue to know!


(written by margaretburns 6/28/14)


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