

Oh, my Sun God RA, my Lord,

You did unto me gave, a sword,

With a golden Shield attached by a copper cord.

I was so very, very sad!

The sight of your glory made my heart glad!

You ask what is my life was so bad?

Sorrow passes as does anger that makes one mad.


(artist not known)

Lord Sun God RA, unto me did say,

Do I remember the day,

When unto You, I did pray.

I answered with my quiet, yes.

I knew my answer and did not guess.

My life had been sad with a void and such a big mess.

At that moment I could not hold back,

My heart and life felt a void and did something lack.

I could not stop the flow from my eyes,

Releasing the many tears as I cry.

I felt so ashamed and did not want to look up to the sky.

I could not, to Sun God RA, lie;

And say, it is just in my eye a sty.

My tears made a river and I just sat there and cried!


(art: loki_ra_by_develv-d7bp5ss)

He said to think back to when...

My Spirit did first begin.

The Time before Yore.

The Days of Ancient and no more.

To find my balance in my heart or core!

Then, I would remember how to bring myself up and soar.

Then, RA walked through His Astral Door.


(art: Ra_by_TixoL)

What RA was saying unto me-

Was to get focused and think of how things first be,

When I was first created and my Spirit happy and carefree.

Then I came into Being.

Sometimes I would find myself inactive and dreaming.

It is okay to have emotions and feel things through,

As long as I do not allow them to stop the work I am to do.

Work things out and crying is okay too.

Then, I must, as will all who have grown.

Stand up and harvest the seeds I have sewn.

To lay around and just cry and moan.

Will produce a robot or drone.

Feel, but let things go free-

If it come back unto me.

Then it is Divinely Willed and meant to be.

This is what Sun God RA wanted me to see.


(written by margaretburns 7/21/14)


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Comment by Ogrin on July 22, 2023 at 8:23am

Inspirational, powerful and relatable. 

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