Leila Raven
  • 55, Female
  • Chilliwack, BC
  • Canada
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  • Aquamarine Gemstone Knight
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Leila Raven's Discussions

Welcome to Temple Illuminatus

Started this discussion. Last reply by Zuda Jan 31. 290 Replies

Some Christians believe today is the Rapture

Started this discussion. Last reply by Firefly Mar 4, 2013. 85 Replies

Members leaving

Started this discussion. Last reply by Leila Raven Apr 5, 2011. 52 Replies

Tips on how to make friends on a site like this. :)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lady Shadow ☽O☾ Jun 27, 2015. 35 Replies

Comic Relief... SPAM-ADE!

Started this discussion. Last reply by 1lcso7wqe0mg3 May 12, 2011. 32 Replies

Fun Quiz - Which Tarot Card are You?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ember Apr 8, 2013. 29 Replies

What planet are you from?

Started this discussion. Last reply by 03bvy8ojo4iu8 Oct 6, 2013. 23 Replies

Related sites - Part of our Family Tree

Started this discussion. Last reply by Soulfish Dec 17, 2023. 18 Replies

Leila Raven's Blog

A long road..

Posted on May 22, 2015 at 9:27am 1 Comment

Update on breast lump

Posted on October 11, 2012 at 3:20pm 2 Comments

Health Issues and Happiness

Posted on September 5, 2012 at 1:40am 1 Comment

Enjoy the Holiday Season!

Posted on December 14, 2011 at 7:30pm 3 Comments

Mind expansion..

Posted on October 11, 2011 at 6:58am 4 Comments

All I have to offer...

Posted on October 8, 2011 at 9:00pm 0 Comments

The Darkness in the Temple

Posted on July 25, 2011 at 5:37pm 9 Comments


Posted on July 25, 2011 at 12:19pm 6 Comments

A wander through the garden....

Posted on May 18, 2011 at 6:30pm 7 Comments

Last weekend in the garden...

Posted on May 5, 2011 at 3:12pm 4 Comments

A big day out...

Posted on April 28, 2011 at 10:44am 7 Comments

Learning to Love yourself.

Posted on April 26, 2011 at 2:00pm 3 Comments

The doves are back...

Posted on April 25, 2011 at 3:00pm 4 Comments

Leila Raven's Videos

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Gifts Received (57)

Tiger From Rosey Violet Angel From Rosey Blessed Birthday From Noita Gemini From RaiB's GhosT

Not a fearless leader, just the chick who layed the ethereal temple brick.

*Please note, due to a bug with the Ning system, I am regretably unable to accept additional friend requests

Hello person curious about me. *smile*

Thanks for stopping by my profile! I may be the creator of the Temple, but I'm also just another member like you.

Currently health issues have me away from the Temple for most of the time. I am currently not able to keep up with friend requests, messages and comments. So do not take it personally if I have not responded to you. It's my sincere regret not to be able to keep up with the wonderful members here, old and new.

Our great administration team does a wonderful job helping to keep things running smoothly, so feel free to reach out to them should you have any questions or concerns about the site.

I identify strongly with felines, in particular with the archetype of a large black panther/jaguar/lion.

My legal name is Leila Raven (pronounced lie-la). I was born Leila, and the name Katt started as a nickname when I was 13. It started out as 'the black katt' and then ended up simplified to Katt. Later, when I got involved with exploring sacred sexuality through avenues such as tantra, power exchange and leather sexuality/BDSM. I became a dominatrix and became Mistress Katt. I am still Mistress to a few who honour me with that title. If you're a part of that lifestyle you can find me on Fetlife as MissKatt. Most of my friends call me Katt, so please feel free to call me Katt or Leila.

Profile Information

Gender, any & all.
cis-woman femme
About Myself & My Interests...

I am one who lives true to my own authentic self out of a place of compassionate love and respect for all.

I live an alternative lifestyle in many ways, not just in terms of my spirituality. My spirituality is but one part, albeit the guiding part, of me living authentically to self and others. I follow no particular belief system and have no affiliation to any path or group or way of being.

I look at the world of the spiritual, the numinous, through as many different perceptual lenses as possible. Cognisant that each is but a metaphorical interpretation of something much greater that transcends human definition and classification.

For me I believe the nature of infinite reality is something that cannot be fully known through our finite minds, whether scientific or spiritual, all are simply theories. For me reality and spirituality is understood through the totality of simply being, we are one with all. However truths and wisdoms can be found in the metaphorical representations of all theories and belief systems.

So in a sense, I'm pantheistic and pandenominational. I believe in the divinity of all things, and that all belief systems are valid representations. We each perceive unique personal truths.

In terms of living authentically. I also love true to my spiritual nature. This for me means I'm pansexual (bisexual only includes two genders, pan is the prefix for 'all'). My romantic loves are not based on gender identity, the external house of flesh, but on the quality of the spirit. The packaging doesn't matter to me. All are beautiful.

I also live a polyamorous non-monogamous lifestyle. Just as I don't limit my love based on gender, I also don't limit it to a number of romantic partners. Each love is different and unique and love shared is love multiplied.

I live in a family of four adults, two women, two men, without children and with a lot of pets and a big garden. I also practice tantra, sacred sexuality, BDSM and power exchange. For me sex is a sacred bonding and a deep expression of love, I see nothing wrong with casual sex but it's not personally for me, I reserve sex for my long term loving relationships.

I have been on disability since 2000. I am diagnosed with CFS/CFIDS/ME/FM all chronic pain and fatigue disorders of the body and autoimmune system with no known cause. My body has been deteriorating over the last few years, I look completely healthy however I have no stamina, and am currently bed bound and using a wheel chair for most of my mobility. I can get up and walk, but very little.

I do believe my physical 'illness' and change is tied into spiritual transformation of self. I feel this is meant to happen.
My main challenges are pain and weakness. Which means sometimes I am unable to type and
be online.
I manage symptoms and health as best I can, and am at peace and feel happy with what I am learning in the process.

Thankfully while I was able, I enjoyed studying and working, I have a BFA in studio arts, a BA in psychology and an MA in counselling psychology. When I originally went on disability I was diagnosed with major depression as I was suicidal. I was working at that time as a home support supervisor, managing a staff of 60-70 workers providing support for a clientèle of 300-350 elderly, disabled, and medically fragile individuals in the community. This was not only very rewarding, but well paid union work and left me thankfully with a good disability pension. This along with my loving family taking very good care of me, means I am blessed in that all my needs are met.

I have no fear over any state my body wishes to go through including physical death, for change is inevitable in the physical, and death is just what we call that trans-formative moment.

What is, is what is meant to be. I live in love. I live in the now. I'm more self aware, self fulfilled, and happier than I have ever known.

I'm a passionate person who is predominantly interested in other people. Everything to do with people and loving people. I am interested in love, human psychology, culture, spirituality, philosophy, the arts, and anything that relates to exploring the nature of self and others.

I am a Lover and I am Love, through and through. I have always identified with love, and as a child one of my 'guides'/'imaginary friends' was Venus the goddess of beauty and love. It took a few years for me to understand what she meant when she would say that she was me, and I her. The reality is... we are all avatars of Love, All Gods and Goddesses.

My motto has always been:
Live in Love

My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?

Life has been my biggest teacher. It has thrown some incredibly challenging lessons at me some times. I like to think life is hardest on those students it feels has the ability to do that hard work and learn those most challenging of life's lessons.
So if life is treating you harshly at times, remember, it is because you have the strength to walk that path, and to stay focused on what can be learnt at those moments.

All are teachers and every moment holds a multitude of lessons. Ultimately, what one learns depends on what one chooses to listen to. The more teachers and perspectives one can find in life, the broader the scope of the knowledge to be found.

Authors and/or Books I appreciate:

Authors - Joseph Campbell, Carl Sagan, Umberto Echo, Leo Buscalglia, Tolkien, Jack Chalker, Laural K. Hamilton, Anne Rice, Koontz, Stephen King, Clive Barker, Pat Califia, Anais Nin, Henry Miller, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Pearl S. Buck, Franz Bardon, Franz Kafka, Nietzsche, Yukio Mishima, William Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Heinlein, Stephen King, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, RAW - Robert Anton Wilson, Edgar Allan Poe, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, Lewis Carroll, Hermann Hesse, Aldous Huxley, Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley, Shakti Gawain, Douglas Adams, John Steinbeck, William Golding, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, William Gibson, J.K. Rowling, Lao Tzu, Anne Frank, Kahlil Gibran, Arthur Golden, Shel Silverstein, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre,William Blake, Walt Whitman, Samuel Beckett, Rudyard Kipling, the Dalai Lama, Dr. Seuss, Sun Tzu, Stephen R. Donaldson, Noam Chomsky, Richard Bach, Hermes Trismegistus.Francis Barrett, Simon Magus, Starhawk.

Self Portraits

The photos below are self portraits from 2008 onward. Mostly head shots, as I'm predominantly bed bound and most are shot on my built in laptop camera. For me photography is a strong creative expression of my thoughts and ideas, so these are not so much just representations of my self, but of different concepts I've explored.

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow

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At 9:00am on June 4, 2024, 06iiris said…

Congrats on being our featured member of the month!

At 1:25pm on June 13, 2022, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 8:59am on September 12, 2020, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…


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Posted by Rosey Cross on July 21, 2024 at 5:21pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on July 20, 2024 at 6:20pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on July 18, 2024 at 6:44pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on July 15, 2024 at 6:40pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on July 10, 2024 at 6:57pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on July 5, 2024 at 2:15pm 2 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on July 5, 2024 at 1:52pm 2 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on July 2, 2024 at 3:22pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on June 28, 2024 at 5:42pm 0 Comments

Joke Corner

Posted by William J. Coblentz on May 30, 2024 at 5:57pm 9 Comments

coat of arms of McIntyre clan.

Posted by Ghillie Dhu on March 2, 2024 at 5:06am 4 Comments


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