I'm the creator of Temple Illuminatus, and I just wanted to take a moment to encourage our new incoming members to reach out and introduce themselves.

It doesn't have to be a brilliant essay all about you, it can just be a simple sentence saying hello and giving people a heads up that there's a new person on board.

I encourage you to take time to get to know one another, welcome new members, make connections and friends.

When in doubt, reach out! Don't be shy!

We want to get to know you.

If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to read my profile, and feel free to ask any questions you have about me and about the site.

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Hey John, Lol.

Some people like a place to introduce themselves outside of their home page when their new, so I created a forum for that. Just hello is fine, but if you wanted to talk more about yourself, that's good too... :) There's no one right way to make an introduction here, just your own way. 

Thanks for being the first person to come on up and say Hello! :D


Who? ... the answer is Love.

How? ... the answer is Love.

Where? ... the answer is everywhere, and no where, for they are opposite, and the same.

Great questions... *smile*. Welcome!

Aura Starphyre said:

Hello! I was wondering -

What or who is this presence in our lovelights?

How have our heartsongs found this mystery to become in?

Where is the moment of now? 

so glad I found you, I always liked to read your words...



Thank you! Glad you could join me here. :)

Hi, I'm Yonatan.


Leila, All the best with this new project (:



Thanks Yonatan, Welcome. :)
Taking a second to say Hi to everyone!  I love the new site Katt, and I don't have alot of time today but I will make myself at home here soon.  Looking forward to laughing and learning with everyone!!

Hey Katt, so nice to see you got this page up and running :)  And seems it's growing quite quickly, a lot of people from AC joining too 

Also I really like the page design and colors, really nice :)


***Love you***



Hi all,

I've just joined, so thought you might like to know a little bit about me. I have been divorced since 1999, & have 2 children. I live in the beautiful Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, Australia. Since my divorce I've been going through a major transformation...I'm a bit of a plodder but, hey...I'm getting there! I've learned so much in that time & am like a sponge soaking up every metaphysical morsel I can find. I now realise how my thinking creates my reality, & instead of having a victim mentality & blaming everyone else....I can see the part I've played & have come to accept full responsibility for my actions. Life isn't perfect right now...but it's a lot better than it used to be...& I choose to believe that it will get even better still.


Thank you Leila for starting up this site...it's really great to be amongst like-minded people. I wish everyone the best for 2011...things are certainly getting very interesting on this planet!


Love & light,

Pandora  xx


Im Mikki Tink, 37, was an east end of London girl but now live in France making Orgone energy generators.  This is a cool website and i hope to learn alot :)))

So this is just a 'hey' to you all



Mix x


Hi I'm new here so thought I'd say Hi. The past few years have been a steep learning curve where I have had to "let go" of all that I no longer need and really trust in the universe to provide. So far it seems to be working as I find myself drawn more and more to sites like this one. I am the proud mum of three young adults whom I love very much and who provide much laughter in my life. My husband and son are musicians, my daughter is an artist and my eldest is a traveller through time and space and other dimensions. Long term vegetarian and promoter of complimentary therapies I work as a Healer/ reader offering guidance through difficult times. My motto is "faith". Faith is what keeps me going and gets me through the darker moments. I am a firm believer that we create our own reality. Much of the inspiration for my work comes through dreams. After many years of protesting I realised it would be more productive to actively promote better alternatives which is what I do now.
Live life abundantly :)


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