If this is you or anyone you know, please get out!
click link below to read 
Twisting the truth, selective memory, making you feel confused and fearful and vigilant all the time. What a rotten way to live.:
How do you know if you are being gaslighted? If any of the following warning signs ring true, you may be dancing the Gaslight Tango. Take care of yourself by taking another look at your relationship, talking to a trusted friend; and, begin to think about changing the dynamic of your relationship . Here are the signs: 
1. You are constantly second-guessing yourself
2. You ask yourself, "Am I too sensitive?" a dozen times a day.
3. You often feel confused and even crazy at work.
4. You're always apologizing to your mother, father, boyfriend,, boss.
5. You can't understand why, with so many apparently good things in your life, you aren't happier.
6. You frequently make excuses for your partner's behavior to friends and family.
7. You find yourself withholding information from friends and family so you don't have to explain or make excuses.
8. You know something is terribly wrong, but you can never quite express what it is, even to yourself.
9. You start lying to avoid the put downs and reality twists. 
10. You have trouble making simple decisions.
11. You have the sense that you used to be a very different person - more confident, more fun-loving, more relaxed.
12. You feel hopeless and joyless.
13. You feel as though you can't do anything right.
14. You wonder if you are a "good enough" girlfriend/ wife/employee/ friend; daughter.
15. You find yourself withholding information from friends and family so you don't have to explain or make excuses.

   read this whole article here ....very  good info....
Gaslighting - Recognizing it is the first and hardest step....gaslighters accuse others of gaslighting.:

Views: 1077

Replies to This Discussion

Read Identify "The Gaslight Effect" and Take Back Your Reality by Dr. Robin Stern at <a href="<a href=http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/power-in-relationships/200903/i...; rel="nofollow" target="_blank">www.psychologytod...</a>; Find The Gaslight Effect: How to Spot and Survive the Hidden Manipulation Others Use to Control Your Life By Dr. Robin Stern in the bookstore at <a href="http://astore.amazon.com/nmfb-20/detail/0767924452"; rel="nofollow" target="_blank">astore.amazon.com...</a>"/>

Are You Being Gaslighted? Recovery from Emotionally Abusive Relationships; Education about Narcissists, Sociopaths, and other Toxic People. Don't be a victim, don't just survive, Thrive LET THE CEMENT BENCH (available on Amazon) BE YOUR AHA MOMENT, PLEASE SHARE!!!:

Gaslighting <a href=https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sobreviviendo-a-psic%C3%B3patas-y-na...: "/>

gas lighting #gaslighting you're being dramatic. You're crazy. There's no love in your voice. emotional manipulation. Emotional abuse. Narcissistic abuse. Lauren Matthias.:

He's the king at mind fuckery... Hopefully one dot (sooner rather than later) you'll see.:

Verbal, mental and emotional abuse is not always clear-cut. If you don't feel abused, then are you abused? Who defines if I'm abused or not? I think I do.:

so true Linda sad  but true...andit happens- not because you aren't a strong  and wonderful person, they just know  how to  choose someone who's caring and trusting.....and catch them with their guard down.....

In the middle of this but I believe in me, that being key.

always believe in yourself..not  someones  perception of  you ..fuc# them!


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