Temple Co-Creation and Group Builders Crew


Temple Co-Creation and Group Builders Crew

A place for Administrators, Group Owners, Group Admins, and all TI Members working toward Temple growth and maintenance. We appreciate and value each of you!

See the source image

Website: http://www.templeilluminatus.com/group/templecocreationcrewgroupbuilders
Location: at the Heart of Temple Illuminatus
Members: 26
Latest Activity: Oct 30, 2022

For those who would like to mindfully contribute to Temple growth & maintenance

Together we co-create the Temple. This is a place to share ideas around co-creating the Temple's growth & maintenance. Open to anyone wanting to take a more active role or just looking for ideas on being a better Temple citizen. All are welcome!

YOUR ideas and input are valued. If you have new ideas as to how you or others can contribute, please share them as well.

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Discussion Forum

Welcome Images and other graphics to share.

Started by Leila Raven. Last reply by Linda M. Apr 24, 2022. 9 Replies


Started by Linda M. Apr 24, 2022. 0 Replies


Started by Linda M. Apr 24, 2022. 0 Replies


Started by Leila Raven. Last reply by Helela Sep 16, 2017. 10 Replies

Chat Room Ambassadors

Started by Leila Raven. Last reply by justin h mclienly Feb 1, 2013. 1 Reply

Google + 1 us!

Started by Leila Raven. Last reply by Joe B Jan 29, 2012. 5 Replies

Chat Room software and suggestions

Started by Leila Raven. Last reply by Leila Raven Jun 10, 2011. 8 Replies

Volunteer Greeters!

Started by Leila Raven. Last reply by 39c6ok7tjilgx May 29, 2011. 25 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Leila Raven on May 16, 2011 at 11:43am

Want to send someone a cool full moon card?... google images is your friend. When you search on google in gives tabbed options, the default is on web, but you can set it for images, and it will give you image results only.

I suggest searching for

'full moon blessings'

'happy full moon'

'full moon poem'

etc, for creative options!

Find an image you like, right click it with your mouse, and left click select copy image location. When you're commenting on someones page, choose the image share tab, after the LINK tab and right click paste the image location - URL, in the space provided, and there you go!

Comment by Leila Raven on May 13, 2011 at 6:31pm

Anyone with either knowledge or interest, who would like to take over this group as an administrator as the original creator has moved on?


Evocation & Commanding spirits. From John Dee & Edward Kelly, told to them by angels. Dee's journals contained Enochian Script & the table of correspondences which reveal secrets from the apocryphal Book of Enoch.

Members: 50
Latest Activity: May 10

Comment by Priestess Maighread Birdsong on May 7, 2011 at 10:52am
Eliazar, you have said it! How woundeful is a true friend! And thanks so much for the Mother's Day wishes! I had a friend who had the best idea. Why not on Mother's day send love and healing to to our dear Mother earth. Gaia she too needs our love and respect on this day too! So Happy Mother's Day Gaia,Mother Earth! BB...~M~
Comment by Grigori Rho Gharveyn on April 28, 2011 at 9:17am

We totally agree with loving anyone and everyone, regardless of their fear, prejudice, or behavior.  We still show some prejudices from time to time, particularly with regard to 'academia'...

We did not mean to seem judgmental, just worried by a possible 'us-vs-them' sort of talk, something we typically try to reconcile or mediate, as these things can absorb a lot of energy both for individuals ans social systems...


We try to always operate from love, nurture, compassion, and respect, this is what seems to work best for us, if we mess up at times we can usually make good, but we like to take risks, shortcuts, and qauntum leaps...



We have been up like 22 hours or more, so we will go nitey-night and leave you with this product of our past 18 hours work:




Comment by Leila Raven on April 28, 2011 at 8:56am

Grigori, absolutely, my views as the owner are such that this place is meant to be a sanctuary for people, to come and go as they need to, and to find the resources they need to. If what they need to do is be somewhere else, then that's up to them to determine, and if I can help them get to where they need to go, even if it's away from the Temple, then that's what I want to do.

The Temple won't be the best place for everyone... and I don't want it to me. I don't believe in mass government, I don't believe in a one way for everyone kind of world... there will be plenty of people that the Temple may not be a good fit for.

I know I've been unhappy and expressed it when members have left before, and I get attached, but that's my natural mourning process, I don't get close to all members, but very many for sure, but would I have wanted them to stay when they felt they should move on? no... definitely not.

The basis behind the temple is to encourage and empower people toward their own personal path to enlightenment... it recognizes that 'we' as the Temple co-created by it's members.. don't have those answers, but that each individual discovers for themselves their own path in life... it's to encourage diversity, and freedom... which means allowing people to be themselves, accepting them for that, if possible appreciating and loving them for that.

It doesn't matter how big the Temple gets, or how small it stays, what's important is that we retain integrity, and continue to work towards an environment that fosters freedom, respect, and compassion.

When people are fearful of the Temple, or angry, attack us, or attack me as an individual, it may feel like there is something to fear back, be angry back about, or attack back for... and that's the natural response many of us have for being met with those feelings from others, is to respond in kind.

Instead I ask that you just allow people to feel what they feel about the Temple, and/or myself, at that time. It's valid for them. We may know there is nothing here to fear or hate... but other people are where they are, and doing their best with that...

They don't need us pushing back... instead, the Temple wants to remain a loving mother, with open arms, as much as possible, while remaining a safe sanctuary for all it's members. 

We'll do our best with this... but out best 'weapon' against 'attack' is to love those who imagine themselves 'enemies'. The Temple itself has no enemies, we are all one in this creation... it serves no purpose to make an enemy of another facet of the universe, for the war without is an illusion mirroring the real war within.

Comment by Grigori Rho Gharveyn on April 27, 2011 at 6:40pm

Hello All!

Regarding fears that people may 'take-away' members from Temple Illuminatus, we do not think anyone should be afraid.

We would not recommend any action based on fear.

Each member should feel free to explore and interact with anyone, to go wherever they like without feeling any conflicts of interests.

Temple Illuminatus may be an ideal site for many or most members, however, it unlikely to satisfy all people's needs no matter how hard we may try...

Also, some people are self-alienating and will be very likely to find ways to alienate themselves here simply because this is how their cognitive and emotional habits operate at levels they may not be mediating to their own best advantages.

If people appear to attract alienated members away, they may be performing a valuable service both to our alienated members and our core members.


Blessed be...


Comment by Grigori Rho Gharveyn on April 26, 2011 at 5:24pm

hI Vlada,

We are not sure if this solution works for you... We recorded our song Lone Eternity, posted it on YouTube, then linked it with the embedded code feature...

Of course, we are not at all concerned with copywrite infringement, we totally do not believe in 'intellectual property rights' of any sort...

This does not mean we would not enjoy someone marketing our work succesfully paying us for our work, but anyone who promotes our work is helping us, as we see it...




Love, Light, and Lollipops!

Blessed be...


Comment by Leila Raven on April 24, 2011 at 5:46pm

Tip of the moment, for people wanting to co-create Temple community.

Comment where ever you go.

There is no such thing as a stupid comment or reply to someone if it comes from a place of compassion and care.

Don't be afraid to comment on something, even if it's a 'liked this, thanks for sharing' or 'interesting' or 'loved it' or simple a smiley face or heart.

It only takes seconds.

Sometimes people put a lot of heart into sharing something, and maybe a dozen people read it and love it, but no one bothers to leave a comment, not because they don't care about the writing, but because they think they don't have anything to add, or the person writing wouldn't really care. They do.

Sometimes people just stop writing, sharing, and move on thinking no one cares, even though they may very well be contributing positive content that people are enjoying.

So if you read something, if you look at a photo, or a video, leave your mark.

Take a few seconds to let people know you were there, and you appreciated them taking the time to share by leaving a comment.

Comment by Grigori Rho Gharveyn on April 15, 2011 at 2:46pm

We just may have found our own welcome image, may redo the art a bit... this is an old version printed in 2002...  Enjoy!



Comment by Grigori Rho Gharveyn on April 15, 2011 at 10:08am


We might want to caution anyone not to presume a color is either healthy or unhealthy.

Either way, this becomes a judgment call, and being judgmental may be less healthy for all of us, in the long run, than the perceived benefits or harms of whatever we may judge, whether we judge the value of a color, or the value of ourselves.

Regarding brown, we know that many people are disturbed by browns because they can represent muddy areas in auras and chakras. 

However, the browns thus perceived are often composed of many contrasting energies that are locked together by our attachments, so that these energies become stagnant and block the natural flow of energy trhough our chakras.

When we stereotype brown as a 'negative' color we prejudice ourselves to avoid it and we therefore avoid clearing our problem areas in our chakras and avoid becoming more healthy.

If we see brown as an opportunity to heal, with a rich potential for releasing locked up energies we may study how our energy blockages have developed by our choices and learn to relase them, liberating huge reserves of energy in the process.

So perhaps browns are better described as fertile potentials.

We have met many people who strongly associate browns with positive Earth energies and healing.

The meanings for colors may often vary widely from one individual to the next.

We strongly advise people building color indexes to find the most positive terms for each color, this is the most challenging part; the negative terms all fall out of the positive terms easily enough, but it can be much harder to work backward from a negative term to its positive source.





Members (26)


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Pumpkin Cookies

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