Many have asked how do you get a group approved? Well, a few things go into this decision, and nothing is set in stone.
First you need an original idea......we try not to have duplicates on most groups. If you go with a group idea that's already here, you need to explain why your group is going to be different from the others. For example, we don't need several groups 'just for women.'
Give us a good group description, so we can tell what the group is about. Just a title, won't do it here.
You also need to have been here several months and active. If we don't see you active and participating in groups, discussions and blogs, then we don't feel you would be able to take care of a group. If you are someone that comes here for a few months, leaves and comes back again, and again, active or not, you may not get a group. Active or not, you won't be around to run it.
Group Maintenance:
You should post a couple discussions a month, in your group, at least. More if you want, of course....everyone once in awhile I get on a tangent and add five or more. It's like magick, all this material just appears, and I just keep going. this isn't necissary, it's just something that is uniquely me.
Try to answer people who respond to your discussions. This keeps the conversations going. If someone posts a discussion, make sure you read it and leave a response. People like to feel appreciated. Posting a picture or pictures with your discussion, will get more people to read it. It grabs their attention.
If your group has no activity for about three months, you will run the risk of losing it.
1. Member must be on site (preferably active) for a minimum of 3 months before a request for a new group will be approved.
2. Please be sure to go through our groups to be sure we do not already have a group similar to your idea. No duplicates - the concept must be different.
3. Your group idea needs to fit into the overall theme of the site but all ideas will be considered equally and individually.
4. Be sure you have enough material in which to create a group. Creating a group is more than the structure being built but rather the owner taking the lead and sharing the group's concept with relevant posts.
5. If your group is inactive for 3 months or longer it may be deleted. (Unless you will be away from the site and have let us know in advance.)
Please get in touch with a site admin with your group idea or leave it below in comments.