Grigori Rho Gharveyn
  • Emeryville, CA
  • United States
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Grigori Rho Gharveyn's Friends

  • the Draç
  • redfalcon x
  • Sunspot
  • Rowena Moran
  • Karen Black
  • Kitt
  • Trolldear
  • Venutius
  • Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland
  • satya prakash bagaria
  • Nathan
  • SunKat
  • Leila Raven

Grigori Rho Gharveyn's Discussions

Healing Madness – An Emerging Paradigm for Wellbeing

Started this discussion. Last reply by 37k5peu2ugi2s May 18, 2011. 22 Replies

Many people are terrified by mental illness; they are afraid to tell anyone they suspect they may be mentally ill.  Most mental illnesses are derived from our societies and cultures.  If we do not…Continue

Tags: psychoses, psychosis, schizophrenia, depression, happiness

Peace, Love, and Microdots, How Hallucinations Work...

Started Apr 10, 2011 0 Replies

 Peace, Love, and Microdots, How Hallucinations Work... You do not need any LSD or any other kind of psychedelics to hallucinate.You are already hallucinating.Psychedelics enable you to consciously…Continue

Hallucinating Minds, How People Hallucinate

Started Apr 10, 2011 0 Replies

 Hallucinating Minds, Why People Hallucinate Most people are unaware they may be hallucinating.Technically, hallucination refers to perceptions in the absence of external stimuli.In one sense then,…Continue

Your Doctors' Drugs for You

Started this discussion. Last reply by 0r2uqekazfd94 May 16, 2012. 54 Replies

 Your Doctors' Drugs for You Anyone currently using any form of prescribed psychopharmeceuticals for any conditions, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolarity, or psychosis may often…Continue

Gifts Received (2)

Tiger From Rosey Red Rose From Rosey

Welcome, Grigori Rho Gharveyn!

Grigori Rho Gharveyn's Temple Illuminatus home page

All are welcome here...


SPIRITUAL READINGS (tarot & auras, by email, $10 & up)

A Child's Tales (a journey from the darkness into light)

Gharveyn's Anthology (old art, songs, and poetry)

Vampire Therapy (first chapters of a novel)

To be posted & linked up asap:

Of Spheres and their Dominions

(where people were created before their exodus to earth)

Madrigal & Gharveyn (in their dragon world before coming to earth)

The First War on Earth (which has yet to come to an end)

Summoned (Gharveyn and Madrigal arrive on earth)

Kenli-Go's Tales (a boy and his prehistoric tribe)

Sanctuary (cloned wetware virtual realities)

2076 (a tragic future history) 

thank you for visiting! 



Please excuse our long departures from this site, we intend to be a participating member to the best of our abilities, but we can fall asleep for years at a stretch still, and can often stay awake only a month or two.  Your interest and appreciation can help us stay awake longer.  We hope to stay awake permanently sometime soon, but soon for us could still be many years, in spite of John Gamble's 'gentle reminder'.

We are currently chatting, writing, or playing Fallout 3 (offline), where we call our character Gia Rho. We lived through something like the world created for fallout 3 back around 1965 or so. Only met one person who remembers living through that world; our memories conjoined when we met and immediately sprang us both back into that alternate reality, dragging our friend Jaqui along for the ride, a ride she sternly told us to never subject her to again. She didn't like the overgrown ruins of the city of Philadelphia. Our transpositions lasted only a few brief moments, then we broke our gaze away from the fellow who also remembered and we returned to a world more familiar to Jaqui...

How the Earth Made Peace, a future history.pdf

this document should open in your web browser...   Enjoy!

The link below opens a PDF file that will show you a document you can print to participate in our Happy Face Coins kits. The kits include a sheet to print to make gift wraps to package coins to give away to people who are 'down on their luck', such as spangers or homeless folk.  (A 'spanger is someone who asks for spare change.)

Happy Face Coins Kit (PDF)

Some posters we made...

This is a preliminary draft of a racing car decal for Tina's brother Dan...

...we might like this version better:

In the following 'selfie'  we sing our best performing arts piece, albeit not quite so entertaining as we once were...




We wake up singing songs we have never heard before, this may be one of those... we don't remember now, it may be in our Anthology... something we should post for local poets.


Lyrics for lone eternity have been blogged here - Lone Eternity...


Once upon a time we were still in the very early stages of our self discovery in many of this incarnations iterations; we discovered we have come to Earth many, many times, always seeking to share love and enlightenment; Lone Eternity describes how we were too often received, mistaken for a monster or a demon.


We have posted some of our stories of one of the loves of our life, a love story that has taken us to our graves many, many times.


This song has often spoken to us regarding ourselves...


Other Matters

We are diagnosed DID or MPD, among other things, these are considered to be Dissociative Identity and Multiple Identity disorders, however we don't feel disorderd at all, we feel remarkably ordered, is that odd in a chaos mage?

No, because we are a dragon...


We are happy to explain to anyone curious about ourselves in more detail...

Some clues to how we experience oursleves may be found here:

Theory of Self, Distributed Consciousness
MPD vs. DID, Proposing an Associative Theory for Multiple Personalities

As succinctly as possible:

We experience ourselves as a distributed consciousness with many many physical bodies and spiritual entities in many cybernetic spiritual networks in many human and plenum noospheres and their subsidiary noosphere pools, representing many different entities and their civilizations.

This enables us to channel many different beings such as angels, demons, elementals, nature spirits, and humans, animals, aliens, machines, and divines, but that's another story...

We access what some may call the Akashic Records.  As we see these records, their pages are each universes; universe taht are massively parallel, completely mutating, holographically replicated, and fractally related in a loop like a gourdian knot.


We have seen the midwiving of God's birth...


We will get many more stories posted in due time, including an explanation of our current state of health, something requiring learning more discipline in order to help us to recover.


Enjoy!  Blessed be...


Latest Activity

Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on the Draç's blog post The Li Bloodline
"we suspect that many people identifying as a dragon share a common spiritual path."
Apr 12, 2020
Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on the Draç's blog post The Li Bloodline
"lucifer, by whatever names or origins is a misunderstood being, to say the least; a pity to be branded evil by people who mistakenly judge themselves and others as if good or evil were universal values that they alone were privileged to know. we…"
Apr 12, 2020
Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on the Draç's blog post The Sol Assassin (X)
"<nods> we know most fans quote the last line, but we still think there is more to be done such that any departure is eternally postponed... do you share the sense of having passed down through time and all the ages?"
Apr 12, 2020
Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on the Draç's blog post The Li Bloodline
"you have chosen a powerful graphic in this version of the eye of horus, alas no attribution, we'd like to know what the artist composed this for. the twin snakes could speak of kundalini, while the triangle might represent the ain-soph-aur,…"
Apr 12, 2020
Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on the Draç's blog post The Li Bloodline
"awesome eyecon quingu, did you do the art yourself?"
Apr 12, 2020
Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on the Draç's blog post The Li Bloodline
"awesome eyecon quingu, did you do the art yourself?"
Apr 12, 2020
Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on the Draç's blog post Lord Kingú Nungal (Death Angel) V
"oh aye!  the kings of hell do indeed invite all comers to take their throne... abdication is another alternative..."
Apr 12, 2020
Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on the Draç's blog post The Sol Assassin (X)
"dark angel"
Apr 12, 2020
Arachnifauna left a comment for Grigori Rho Gharveyn
"come join us and invite your friends..."
Feb 4, 2020
Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on ϟ's group Sacred Geometry
"a sacred geometry exploration of apparent relationships between crystal structures, metatron's cube, tarot, and the tree of life... -enjoy! love, the grigs..."
Jul 26, 2019
Grigori Rho Gharveyn joined ϟ's group

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry a group to explores and discuss the sacred universal patterns and blueprint of Creation. This group's admin is:        RoseySee More
Jul 26, 2019
Grigori Rho Gharveyn commented on NEMO's group θέλημα
"this wiki gives an excellent summary of the scarlet goddess and her rolein the thelemic mysteries... enjoy!"
Jul 19, 2019
Grigori Rho Gharveyn replied to Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland's discussion A Goose Quacked And Pecked At A Cop's Car. When He Followed Her, He Couldn't Believe What He Saw! in the group Acts of Kindness
"We sent our honey a link to this... thank you Carmen! "
Jul 3, 2019

Grigori Rho Gharveyn's Blog

Skipping, Because You Hold One Toe

Posted on January 3, 2016 at 4:30am 0 Comments

Our thanks to Shaylea for many things, and for suggesting we publish this poem in the temple...

A poem from our anthology...


Skipping, Because You Hold One Toe

You never know, you never know,

   where ideas from come to go.

Associations’ real response:

   I've come to be to carry me.

And you I've come to know, to grow, too...

Now, in all, we seldom…


MUCH ADO ABOUT EVERYTHING (An Epistemologist's Approximation)

Posted on June 10, 2012 at 10:30am 4 Comments

MUCH ADO ABOUT EVERYTHING (An Epistemologist's Approximation)

Whatever you may believe, we may also believe with you, regardless of whether you believe this may be true or whether you believe this can even be possible.

We choose to believe in Everything.

As we see it, all contradictory, paradoxical, or mutually exclusive beliefs are equally believable, equally possible, equally real.

Consequently, if all things are equally real then this…


Trust, for Ashmeet Kaur...

Posted on June 1, 2012 at 4:42am 0 Comments


For Ashmeet Kaur who came to TI for divine inspiration and who then provided it like a true muse...




You must trust, but who to trust?

All trust begins in your heart.

Trust must grow out of your…


Hurtin' fer Certain (new song lyrics in the style of Project Pitchfork)

Posted on May 11, 2012 at 11:31pm 0 Comments

Hurtin' fer Certain

(a Grainy Videos Production by Grigori Rho Gharveyn, a chanting style of singing similar to music in Alpha and Omega by Project Pitchfork)



Profile Information

Gender, any & all.
Variable, typically somewhat masculine, but sparkling with moments of clear feminine self-awareness as well as 'otherness'
Area location: Country with Optional State, Province etc.
Oakland/Emeryville, California, USA
Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
This has always been our home, we just didn't know it until we found it! We are grateful for this temple in all its aspects. Thank you all...
About Myself & My Interests...
Our star-sign is Ophiuchus which honors the Greek healer Asclepius. Ophiuchus is called the serpent bearer, and it is said Asclepius learned his healing arts from a snake.

We are called a multiple personality, but its really a good deal more complicated than that...

Our primary interest is helping world peace to emerge.

We love occult studies; particularly the fringe edge of cognitive development studies. Perhaps we are the fringe edge...
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
Countless teachers, we suspect Master Therion may be popular here. Two teachers we have been privileged to meet or see in person who strongly influenced us have been Baba Ram Das and Guru Bawa Muhaiyadeen.
We are eclectic, syncretic; our influences come from many different cultures and philosophies. We love all religions, but the religions we find closest to our hearts may be Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, and Wicca; however, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam may have been our most formative influences.
Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
Authors: Howard Hendrix, Stephen Baxter, Aleister Crowley, John Brunner, Greg Bear, Phillip K Dick, Roger Zelazny, Phillip Jose Farmer, Robert A Heinlein, Piers Anthony, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C Clarke, and many, many more...

Books: Book of Thoth
Space-Time and Beyond (about quantum physics), Stranger in a Strange Land, Time Enough For Love, Dune (& Sequels), The Green Brain, Riverworld (& Sequels), Nine Princes in Amber (& Sequels), A Spell for Chameleon (& many, many sequels, ty Piers!), The Sheep Look Up, Stand on Zanzibar, The Shockwave Rider, Fahrenheit 451, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Foundation (& Sequels), I Robot (& Sequels), Ringworld (& Sequels), Lucifer's Hammer, Heroes in Hell (& Sequels), Lord of the Flies, All the Harry Potter Books, Tom Corbett - Space Cadet, Novels set in the universe of Magic - The Gathering, and pretty much anything in the Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror or Action-Adventure genres...
Musicians and/or Music I appreciate:
Dead Kennedys, The Clash, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull), and pretty much anything we make time to listen to...
Films and/or Film-Makers & Actors I appreciate:
Twelve Monkeys (film not series), The Matrix and sequels, Brazil, The Highlander (film not series), Broken Saints (YouTube)
Artists and/or Art I appreciate:
Dali, Gaudi, most everyone else, including you...
Website: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or any favourites?

Comment Wall (30 comments)

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Join Temple Illuminatus

At 8:51pm on February 4, 2020, Arachnifauna said…

come join us and invite your friends...

Oddities Obscura

At 4:23pm on September 11, 2018, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

Hi Grigori,
I agree with what you wrote.
There are difficult days, but I always think that everything will improve and we will succeed.
We will have a better world to live.
Let's keep working at it, always.

At 4:18pm on September 11, 2018, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

"If I got rid of my demons, I'd lose my angels." - Tennessee Williams.

At 1:55pm on September 8, 2018, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

Thank you Grigori for your feedback on my comments in your texts.
I read the emails. I always have many emails to answer.
Life in Brazil is also difficult because the more it is forbidden, the worse it becomes.
Once again, Congratulations on the beautiful work.

At 10:19am on August 18, 2018, Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland said…

Hi, Grigori, thanks for your friendship!

I am not an administrator, why don't you ask Linda or Rosey, they are.

But is good to be friends, nevertheless...

Image result for images of thanks for your friendship

At 6:33pm on August 17, 2018, Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland said…

Please feel free to post anything you want!

Related image

At 6:32pm on August 17, 2018, Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland said…

Hi, Gregori, and welcome to the group "Acts of Kindness"

Image result for images of acts of kindness

At 12:18pm on December 10, 2017, SunKat said…

At 8:12am on May 23, 2017, Karen Black said…
Hi Grigori. I did answer you but it must have rolled off the page. "Ghosting" in the cyber world is where a person appears to be online but is actually elsewhere. I myself do not sign out of this site, so there must be times when I appear to be here but I am actually not.
Blessings to you.
At 6:30pm on December 9, 2016, SunKat said…

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Posted by Rosey Cross on March 13, 2025 at 5:28pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on March 1, 2025 at 6:36pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on February 26, 2025 at 6:18pm 0 Comments

Blessed Imbolc

Posted by Zhan on January 30, 2025 at 9:44pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on January 26, 2025 at 5:58pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on January 26, 2025 at 5:51pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on January 15, 2025 at 5:29pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on January 14, 2025 at 6:21pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on January 10, 2025 at 5:17pm 0 Comments

Happy New Year 2025

Posted by Zhan on December 31, 2024 at 12:04pm 0 Comments

The Reason for the Season

Posted by Zhan on December 21, 2024 at 12:08pm 1 Comment


Posted by Rosey Cross on December 9, 2024 at 6:13pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on December 9, 2024 at 6:08pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on December 9, 2024 at 5:59pm 0 Comments


Posted by Rosey Cross on December 7, 2024 at 2:01pm 0 Comments


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