(with apologies to Henry Livingston, Charles Dickens and Dr. Seuss)

‘Twas the night before New Year’s, and all through my home,
There was no one awake; I was up all alone.
My husband reclined with the cat on his lap,
Dog dozed on the hearth near the fire’s pop and snap.

I curled on the couch, read romance on my Kindle
And hoped that my horrible funk would soon dwindle.
I munched on dark chocolate, drank peppermint tea,
And mourned opportunities now lost to me.

When out on the deck someone pounded the wood,
I shivered and wondered who’s up to no good?
On my way to the kitchen I shook like a leaf,
Afraid I’d discover a big scary thief.

The rain-soaked boards glistened in the porch light,
Shadows danced gracefully through the black night.
Then what to my sleep-deprived eyes did appear,
But a wizened old man sporting two pointy ears!

He was dressed all in brown, wore a cape of gold feathers,
His angelic smile split a face of tanned leather.
I instantly recognized Old Father Time,
He waved a bright wand and then sang out this rhyme:

Fee, fie, foe, fum!
It’s New Year’s Eve; Why so glum?
You’ve blessings a-plenty to celebrate
And time to re-live them—it’s just half past eight!

Then, dancing a jig, he crossed the red rug
And grabbed my cold fingers and gave a hard tug.
When magic exploded like fireworks around us,
I couldn’t believe the next place that I found us!

Intensive Care Nursery, babe wrapped in fleece,
Doctor-signed papers that gave her release.
My tiniest granddaughter would be okay,
My heart swelled to bursting with joy on that day.

In dribbles and drabs,
In bits and in bites,
Father Time showed me blessings
The rest of the night.

I’ve family closer, good friends within reach,
Trips to the desert, the plains, and the beach.
Living my passion for words as I age,
Entwined with my husband, my heroic sage.

So many hours later back home by the fire,
My spirits could not have been lifted much higher.
I gave Time a hug to express my elation
And thanked him for spiritual recalibration.

“You are welcome,” he said. “But now I must fly!
Then, in the magical blink of an eye
He was gone and I gazed at the clock on a shelf
And I laughed when I saw it in spite of myself.

‘Twas the morning of New Year’s; cat stretched & dog yawned,
I told my dear husband the old year was gone.
“But the new! Oh, the New Year has come, full of promise!”
A toast and a tumble in bed paid it homage.

So to all you sad people I say, “Never fear!”
Contemplate, meditate, celebrate the New Year!

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And happy New Year to ALL!


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