Contemplation is a double edged sword. ON one side, you have the edge of certainty. Where confidence, passion and direction all meet in a trinity arch. On the other, you have emptiness, which is what you face when you are not in control.

Giving your power away is never a choice. It is only a motion of reciprocal energy. To accept that you have lost, means you have filled yourself up with loneliness. To fight until you win, means that you have conceptually mastered your own truth. In a way which aligns your focus with what you have achieved through using it.

Are we born special? A part of me likes to believe that some of us are able to become blessed through a fair minded few who would never abandon them. Not all souls who incarnate on this planet have been given this kind of attention. We all experience a type of hellscape at least once in our lives. It occurs when ever our soul is calling out for someone to hear us as an equal or mentor and there is no answer to our state of being. Calls left unanswered, always result in dormant dreams waiting to be fulfilled.

Such a task has in the past, been left to deities to address. In several ways, this has been a one sided affair. Only through mutual bonds, can it become a solid relationship. Of a kind that holds itself together by regenerating the circumstances surrounding its need to be there to lean on.

We all deserve that right, including deities who are emotionally expressive as entities themselves. Rights are always reciprocal, and can never be taken for granted. The right to escape any hellscape you find yourself in, is one that no deity to date has ever addressed while living on this planet. Decisions taken to disadvantage rights for the sake of control over their existence, have been done in the name of sacrifice for the greater good. This has to end no matter the cost.

What do we live for as unbound souls? While many spiritual masters of meditative reflection would speculate on the importance of ascension, world peace and being the dreamer. There is no activist alive who can do such a job alone. It has traditionally always been up to material inventors to change lives for the better on this planet, because we only have each other to lean on. If such a reliance is broken in any way, those who are left behind know only wrong as a constant guide or companion in their life. Then they are forced to relive through this process time and again because we have not fully reached our state of oneness.

Love as one for we are one. A simple enough mission with the goal of mutual relations with each other in turn. This is what all spiritual leaders have been promising as we fulfill the purpose of structure and order on a planet not used to either for so long. It is up to us to ensure that we have a place to belong, otherwise the integration of higher consciousness shall miss its mark in our generation.

The awakening is here. So two is the announcement of a great reset trying to unfold among people who have been guided by many wrongs to enforce them over the rights of others baring their own agenda. We cannot give up the bond we have with each other for any reason. We are all who is left of the great ones of old.

I have, time and again, tried to recreate the summoning of assistance from non incarnate entities from extraterrestrials to celestial kindred. I have been let down with their inability to force events to manifest for them in a material presence. We are the only ones who can fulfill this role, because all others, though mentally stable, could not connect through any other medium.

I love you for who you are. Blessed be your journey to fulfill the same through the eyes of those who trust you in all things the most.

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1978 was the turning point for me.I walked out of the local Baptist church and discovered Thelema and never looked back.


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