Mystic Wolf on February 28, 2020 at 8:38pm

Her Seasonal Fire’s
Hekate is associated with Spring through her role as Persephone’s guide out of the Under World. I like to think that the very same torch which lit Persephone’s path is used to light the fire of creation. I know I’m combining different stories here, but isn’t that what we all do to make sense of things? Hekate as The World Soul from The Chaldean Oracles is seen as that fire. While her fire turns to the creation and away from lighting our way through the darkness, she becomes Enodia, both the guide along our earth-bound journey and the very way itself. The winds of change have blown out Her torch-light for now and we need to walk in our own light, even if it’s a bit stormy.

Season of Hekate as The Way
Welcome to spring, the season of Hekate as The Way. This is the Middle World Hekate, her balancing act between the realms is reflected in the equal length of daylight and darkness. We are released from our season of darkness into the light. We don’t need her torch-light anymore, we have become our own light. Still, Her guidance is necessary and can be found in whispers along our path. In the confidence that reverberates along the road of our lives, feeling the buzz of Her energy in the ground beneath our feet.

Goddess of Mediation
Hekate is often portrayed as a Goddess of Mediation, from helping poor Persephone to aiding in Medea’s spells. For some, this relegates her to the role of a minor goddess. This is completely untrue. Ask any mom whose hidden eggs so that her children believe that there’s a magic bunny on the loose, it’s often those who work behind the scenes who have the real power. Spring is a time for Hekate to be the mediator of our lives, too.

Her energy shifts from the Under World to the Middle World of everyday life, She calls to us to do the same. It’s time to leave our gloomy cave to brave the winds of change. I hadn’t thought about this at all until I noticed that my blog “When Hekate Calls: A Practical Guide for Answering” was getting a lot of views this week. Much more than I would have anticipated. Here’s my theory: that when Hekate emerges alongside us from our personal Under World – and the seasonal one of winter – She calls us for the first time or anew. Reminding us that it’s time to shine our own light.


There are many epithets that can be associated with Hekate as The Wheel of Year turns to spring. In the month of March, She is Ergatis – the energizer of these coastal storms and new growth. She is described as The Mother of All (e.g., Pammetor) in various ancient sources. But it is as Enodia that I feel Hekate is most represented in the energy of the Spring Equinox. Spring is the season when the earth is reborn. Hekate mediates the seasons as She did for Persephone and our lives, ensuring the balance of all things.

Views: 24

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