Gnomes are very widespread species, known to a number of human races. Germans name them Erdmanleins, except in the Alpine areas, where they are called Heinzemannchens. In Denmark and Norway they are Nisse; Nissen is a Swedish variation. In Brittany they are called Nains. Tontti to the Finns and Foddenskkmaend is their name in Iceland. The Polish call they by the familar Gnom. Bulgaria and Albania, however, use Dudje. In Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, Gnomes are called Mano. The Dutch use Kabouter and the Belgian, Skritek. Switzerland and Luxembourg use the same name, Kleinmanneken, which means "littlemen." Domovoi Djedoes is used in western Russia.


Race : Gnomes consist of a number of different types. The most common is the Forest Gnome who rarely comes into contact with man. The Garden Gnome lives in old gardens and enjoys telling melancoly tales. Dune Gnomes are slightly larger than their woodland breathren and choose remarkably drab clothing. House Gnomes have the most knowledge of man, often speaking his language. It is from this family that Gnome Kings are chosen. Farm Gnomes resemble their House brethen, but are more conservative in manner and dress. Siberian Gnomes have been more interbred than other Gnomes and associate freely with trolls. They are much larger than the other types and have an infinately more nasty nature. It is best never to evoke the ire of such Gnomes for they delight in revenge.


Origin : Originating in Scandinavia, Gnomes later migrated to the lowlands some 1500 years ago.


Description : Gnomes are usually an average of 15 centimeters tall, but with its cap on it appears much taller. Their feet are somewhat pigeon toed which gives them an extra edge on speed and agility through the wood and grass. The males weigh 300 grams, and female is 250-275 grams.

The male wears a peaked red cap, a blue brown-green pants, and ether felt boots, birch shoes, or wooden clogs. Around his waist is a belt with a tool kit attached, holding a knife, hammer, etc. They are fair of face, though the boast rosy red cheeks. Long beards adorn their faces and turn gray far sooner than their hair.

The female wears gray or khaki clothing, consisting of a blouse and skirt (to ankles). She also has black-gray knee socks and high shoes or slippers. Before she is married, she dons a green cap.

Prior to marriage her hair in hanging down, the outfit is complemented by a green cap and braids with which later disappear under a scarf while the green cap is replaced by more somber tones after she marries.


Friends/Foes : Males are the guardians of animal kind and show little preference for their animal friends, not withstanding their aversion to cats both wild and domesticated. They are known for freeing wildlife from man's traps and for operating on farm animals whose owners have neglected them or who are simply to poor to afford a vetrinarian. Their enemies are mainly Trolls, and other beings who would try to destroy them or their homes. Otherwise, they are mostly peaceful beings.


Lore : Gnomes tend to live in hilly meadows and rocky woodlands. In Nuygen's book, it says they live in three trees, the house itself, with a hidden entrance from another tree, and then a third is the supply room, with grains, beans, potatoes and everything else the gnomes may need during the winter.


Powers : Most Gnomes are 7 times stronger than a man, can run at speeds of 35 miles per hour, and have better sight than a hawk. These abilities help the Gnome to do many things, such as find wounded, dying animals for which they feel they are responsible for. Because of their love for animals, all the animals of the forest are the Gnome's friends and are willing to help him at any time. Many people say that gnomes have elevated practical jokes to an art form. But most especially they love gems and jewelry and are considered by many to be the best gem cutters and jewelers in existence


Element : Earth

They are generally vegetarian and never worry. The main meal consists of: Nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, beechnuts, etc), mushrooms, peas, beans, a small potato, applesauce, fruit, berries (all kinds), tubers, spices, vegetables, and preserves for dessert. As a beverage, the gnome drinks mead dew (fermented honey), fermented raspberries (which have a very high alcohol content), and spiced gin as a nightcap. The gnome eats no meat, so often consumes the nectar of the high rotein plant called 'Vicia Sepuim'. fluffy willow catkins, dressing them up like dolls.


Source : Wil Nuygen's books, Gnomes, Secrets of the Gnomes and The Complete Gnomes

Views: 1053

Replies to This Discussion

what a darling feast u have brought before the Temple members darling Leila...ur thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated...((hugs))



It's a pleasure, I still own and treasure this particular book from my childhood. I received it along with a beautiful big book on fairies which went missing, like so many things of days gone by seem to do...

oh, i think that i would love that Koimbra...haha...((hugs))



I saw a gnome once. I was laying in the bed and looked at the ground. The Gnome walked across the room and dissappeared into the wall. That tells me that there are overlapping dimensions. The folklore and myth that we think of as fairytales and childstuff is real.....



wow, that is so cool walks...thank u 4 sharing sweetheart..


That would not surprise me in the slightest. I think there are a lot of things in existence that make their ways into our myths and stories that are real and existing beyond our senses. I believe there is a vast invisible world around us that occasionally we get glimpses into, either existing in overlapping dimensions as you express, or simply beyond our normal sense or comprehension ability. Also, the mind does not 'see' what the eyes cannot make sense of and relate to in a meaningful way. This has been proven by science over and over, and is what illusionists count on in making magic tricks work.

I agree with you definatly about the vast invisible world going on around us all the time. It makes you wonder what else could be 'real', unicorns, definatly believe in them.....


I was watching what the bleep and they where talking about our ability to process only a small fraction of what is actually occuring around us.....maybe it would mean that the place I was at was in a good psychic/spiritual spot...a gnome as a good thing to have in the have a gnome in the house, but then I get to thinking it is my family so maybe there was extra help around the house like gnomes and whatnot.....


thank you for the post, I didn't know that there where house gnomes.....


Well, according to my childhood book! :)

The House Gnome:

The house gnome is a special sort. He resembles an ordinary gnome but he has the most knowledge of mankind. Owing to the fact that he often inhabits historic old houses, he has seen both rich and poor, and heard a great deal. He speaks and understands man’s language; gnome kings are chosen from his family. These gnomes (Farm and House) are good-natured, always ready for a lark or to tease; they are never malevolent, with a few exceptions, of course. If a gnome is really wicked—which happens only once in a thousand –it is due to bad genes that result from crossbreeding in faraway places.


oooh Leila, how darling  ! ! ! thank u sweetheart...i love this little world...wish that i could visit witht them...haha..((hugs)) them...



I enjoyed reading about gnomes they are small and powerful.  I am glad they are not meat eater they love animals to much to eat them.


they kind of look like elfs.


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