Also known as:
The fact is, no real conversation about World Magickal Pagan Traditions such as my dear Pagan ( French / Brazilian / American ) Quimbanda, nor about the dear ( Pomba-Giras ) Pombagiras / Exu-Femmes ( Elementals / Fae, etc ) is ever complete and satisfying, without discussing the powerful, famous and very dear Maria Padilla / Padilha, also known as the Queen of the dear Pagan Candomble, also beautiful Queen of my dearest Pagan Quimbanda.
Maria Padilha is sometimes considered to be the ultimate proto-type of Pombagira.
In Brazil, She is one of the most famous of Spirits called upon for assistance in Quimbanda, in Candomble and in Umbanda.
And over the years Her Ability to come through, to bring “Good Results / Success / Wish-Come-True” for her Devotees / Followers, such it has increased Her fame, the call and the need of her magickal works, it is always on demand all over the world.
The historical root of Maria Padilla ( Padilha ) can be found in the beautiful Mistress of a Royal King; a Woman of humble origins and of noble origins at once. She had combined Pagan Witchcraft / Sorcery with Enchanting Beauty in order to ensnare, to gain the affections of the king.
Though the king was married to another woman, the Mistress soon became highly popular and the Mother of his illegitimate Royal Children.
Though She did not wear the Crown, She became a Power, a mighty Force in Her own right, even controlling who had access to the king.
Other legends do mention that she made a trip into the heart of Africa / Nubia in order to learn the Pagan Witchcraft / Sorcery of/from the Pagan Angolan Muslims and of/from the Pagan Congo Ngangas…
Therefore she had mingled / mixed / melted together the Power of Seduction with the Powers of Pagan Magick, Pagan Witchcraft & Sorcery, and that of many Pagan Ways of Divination.
Therefore, Maria Padilla / Padilha, in fact, she is the Ultimate Manifestation / Aspects & Expression of Pombagira ( Pomba-Gira / Exu-Femme / Elemental / Fae, etc ), also, She is a Spirit with historical and legendary roots, tied to the Pagan Powers of Seduction, to that of ancient European Pagan Witchcraft / Magick, and also to the Pagan Witchcraft / Sorceries of Africa / Nubia.
She is the “irresistible Seductress” who embodies and represents the Free Woman, liberated Woman, the Wise Lady who was rejected by mainstream Society under Patriarchal / Anti-Women-Rights by mainstream Mythology / Religion, for her unabashed Acceptance & Enjoyment of her Sex, Her Sexuality and the mighty Threat which She poses to the all Male-dominated Society.
She is a real Magickal Woman, a Yaya, a real Priestess of the Ancient Pagan Goddesses and Gods who are by now called / labeled as demonesses and demons, devils and diabas, etc…
She is the Pagan Witch and the Force of Nature who offers Power, Freedom and Wisdom to those who call Her with devotion and fully seek Her out, and in no uncertain way.
In Brazil, there is no Spirit / Exu-Femme / Pombagira / Fae / Elemental more famous, more famed than Maria Padilla / Padilha.
Her fame springs from her Pagan Magickal Ability to effectively carry out Magick / Magia / Spells with good results, especially those of Love.
Like all Pombagiras ( Exu-Femmes / Fae / Elementals ), Maria Padilla / Padilha in fact, She is Legions.
And under Her Name are Hosts that form the various Paths / Ways of Manifestation / Aspects & Expression which contain Her Force, Her Power.
Maria Padilla / Padilha, Her Power is irresistible and She can swiftly resolve “Any Matter” at all.
To the heart-broken Woman’s yearning for her wandering lover, she offers solace and the swift return of the lover, to the man competing for love, she ensures victory.
But the most important lesson that she teaches is the dear Majesty of Nature, Comfort, Pleasure and Beauty that it is “Womanhood”.
She is the Victory of “Beauty, Love and Woman” over all the “Other Forces” that attempt to restrain, to limit, to censor, to confine, to define, and to control Her and the world.
Society / Mainstream Religions, they may treat Her like a Slut / Whore and try to marginalize Her, and to attempt to discredit Her.
But Her Force cannot be restrained, Her Power cannot be denied, and Her Lessons cannot be ignored.
Though, she is called the Lady of, the Queen of, the Wife of Exu, and also of the so-called Devil / Demon, etc… ( LOL ) She really and truly belongs to Nobody, to No One at all, but to Herself.
However, not all the Lessons of/from Maria Padilla / Padilha are a sweet breeze and so easy, or so lite, for She also represents the Power of Obsession and the difficult Decent into the Darker Strains of all Sex and Sexuality.
She can be and offer the Highest Point and/or, the Lowest Point of Anything and Everything valuable / meaningful, and therefore, Sex and Sexuality.
Sex, Sexuality are Natural, Beautiful and Good! All Pleasures are always blessed and welcome.
The Difficult Portion of anything, including Sex, Sexuality and chiefly when all the Pleasure, and all the Blessing thereof and/or of Whatever it may be, when such is horribly and harmfully “Modified” to Become Misused and ill-Employed in order to cause, to inflict Suffering, Abuse, Pain, Hatred, Damage and Harm upon Others / Other people.
Mind you, the delightful, the dear, BENIGN / All-Good “BDSM” Ways / Practices between freely, willingly consenting adults who fully enjoy such ways, practices, well, none of that constitutes anything evil / bad or harmful at all!
All dear expression of meaningful pleasure and love are sacred and blessed.
Spontaneity, Honesty to Oneself and to dear Mother Nature / Nature Herself, and honouring one’s own Nature and one’s own Natural Free-Will, natural True-Will, natural Disposition / Ways and Desires.
All of that it is always blessed and sacred!
I always say and try hard NOT to harm Yourself, nor Other People!
Hard Lessons?
Oh yes! The hardest are the times of having TO LEARN from the Consequences of/from all Past inflicted harm, damage and pain upon Others.
Then, all of that being brought back upon the Doer in some form or another, and so that he or she gets to learn, to appreciate the real Meaning of what they did…
And of course, then freely and willingly, and then to resolve to evolve from their past choices of ways of conduct, from their past choices of values and to evolve beyond their past collection of the many belief and language of Others.
Indeed, like many of the Beings, Mayorals, Spirits / Exus / Pombagiras of my dear Pagan Quimbanda, Maria Padilla / Padilha, while certainly “not the devil, not a demoness, not a sataness at all” ( because those are but shamefully absurd men-made mythological Inventions of/from Abrahamic “Judeo/Christian/Islamic” Mythologies-turned-into-Religions and their Spiritual Dualism ( The Battle/War between personifications of Qualifications/Adjectives such as Bad and Good, pure bullshit! )
She is neither a wishy-washy, fluffy Spirit to be played and trifled with.
To those who do not respect her, she has harsh Lessons, but to those whom she walks with, she can offer great Bounties.
Among the many things which Maria Padilla /Padilha is given as her Offerings, she takes Anisette, Champagne, red wine, red / pink Lipstick, sweet Perfumes for Women such as ( in our modern times, US-Parfum: Obsession for Women by Calvin Klein, and/or, France-Parfum: Opium pour les Femmes by Yves Saint Laurent / YSL, etc, etc…
She takes combined red, black and white candles if three candles are being offered, if just one candle, make it red. If two candles are offered, make them red and black.
She takes also red, white and black ribbons, red, gold, silver jewelry, thorn-less roses, and sweet fruits.
At Houses of Quimbanda, dear Maria Padilla / Padilha is one of the Pombagiras which is called upon to carry out the Pagan Magick Spells and Pagan Magickal Works of Macumba, of Real Pagan Magick.
She is honoured for all that she does and for all she has done for the Houses Of Quimbanda, for the real Wisdom she offers, and for the Hope to continue to spread Her Name, Her Presence & Her Evolutionary Interaction to/with Others who may benefit from Her.
Salve Hail Cheers & Muito Obrigada, Minha Muito Amada / My Very Much Loved MARIA PADILLA / Padilha
SKY also known as a Padilla of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon
Yaya / Tata Yalorixa
(European Ancient Paganism / Witchcraft + British Modern Pagan Wicca + Brazilian(Carioca) & French(Nantes) Pagan Quimbanda)
The MARIA PADILHA / PADILLA stories and other literary attempts to find Value / Validation / Relevance in this Species’ past and its many History versions, all written / invented / modified-to-order by 1% of the population and for the other 99% of the population who will have to, either take it as reality / as fact, or to question it, and to find a more suitable Version of the many contexts, the many scripts and hoping hard for the ( real ) Content a.k.a. the facts.
All having been said and written before this, I myself see Maria Padilla / Padilha bare-naked and free from the many fanciful clothes a.k.a. many mythologies added / appended to her.
Cave-men did not need any (invented-by-this-Species) MYTHOLOGY a.k.a. RELIGION in order to worship a Supreme Being Creatress Goddess…
In our times, that it is our present Patriarchal / male-oriented Version of the Goddess has become a pathetic, vengeful, anti-Women / misogynous, anti-LGBTQ+, bonded/confined-to-Binary interpretations, to Spiritual-Dualism / Zoroastrian and to Monotheism-oriented ( a simply nasty so-called ) tiny village “god/deity” turned into this one Big God of our times and their mythologies-turned-big-religions.
I do not believe that the actual Maria Padilla / Padilha and Her Essence, Her Light, Her Darkness, Her Soul would ever bow down to any Mythology, to any Religion of our times, nor to any of their Mythological Characters, and / or to their Different Versions of The Invisible Man in the sky, folks!
Maria Padilla / Padilha is larger than life, folks!
Maria Padilla / Padilha is larger than this evolutionary denser Time / Time-band and this tiny Version of the Elemental Earth / World of this Place.
People try and will try hard to make their Versions of anything, to be more relevant, and always to seem as the final word, but folks, it never is.
We all are made of Changes and all of our adventures from cradle to grave are made of Changes as well.
Evolution is made of Changes.
The only radical constant is Change.
So I leave it to each human being, to each person to find the version of Maria Padilla / Padilha which best suits their personal Evolution and what they need and can handle to know in order to grow, and to evolve beyond the wilful ignorant and/or, wilful intellectually dishonest inventions of the 1% of the population who controls all and everything for the other 99% of the rest of the folks on earth.
THINKING is real gold.
Individuation is mighty desirable.
Empowered Freedom with Wisdom is the Law.
Cheers to All Fae / Elementals / Pombagiras / Exus –
Sky a.k.a. a Padilla (Yaya / Tata) a.k.a. JD Aeon
Maria Padilla / Padilha and Her freely visible Traces / Vestiges / Remnants, Tangibles & Echo left on this Earth / Planet / Time-band, they have solely arisen / come from the Inspiration of those people who loved Her enough to express Her in their Art & Works, whether they would be, painting / pictures / films / books / drawings and/or Statues, or yet, via electronically ( Software / online ) Art-oriented created Images, etc.
Location for these Works / Artworks may vary as most of their owners have chosen to prefer the peace & protection of Anonymity.
MARIA PADILLA / PADILLHA & Her human remains, they were posthumously transferred…
She was actually buried in a ( Abrahamic / Christian ) Monastery of the Lady Saint Clara of Astudillo…
Later being itself “Attributed/pinned” to Her in 1353.
Shortly after Her staying / passage in that Cemetery, Her human / elemental remains were again taken, following special orders of King Peter, placed at the ( Abrahamic Mythology/Religion oriented / Christian ) Cathedral of Seville, inside of the Temple frontal portion area nearby the altar, but only for a short period of time.
Since then, it was, it has been moved again to another location in the back and inner section of the Cathedral, at its Non-Temple portion of the building.
There are quite a few different accounts/tales/stories about the Final Remains of Maria Padilla and the allegedly correct location which they are in our present time.
Which is which, what is what? That it is those who know to know and those who do not know, not to know!
Whatever your personal Perception can handle TO KNOW!
That it is in fact, what really it is.
In Spain, inside of the Seville Cathedral, inside of the Non-Temple portion, in the back, inner section of the building, allegedly there is the “funeral box/container” which supposedly holds the final remains of Maria Padilla!
Allegedly pictures of such a funeral box has been posted online.
Allegedly claims of/about Pictures/Images of her final remains such as her skull and bones from her, again from a claimed number of exhumations, all of this in order to justify yet other claims that Maria Padilla’s face/looks/appearance were/are different than what it is usually portrayed by Artists, paintings and pictures/images online.
I never saw and I do not see Maria Padilla as a devotee and/or an aficionada of the “Abrahamic Mythologies & their Religions”, chiefly when considering their vast wilful ignorant / wilful intellectual dishonest body of shameful handy-works such as Being Anti-Women’s Rights, Being Anti-LGBTQIAP+/Non-Binary People & Their Rights, Being Anti-Freedom, Being Anti-Humanity, Being Anti-Spontaneity, Being Anti-Wisdom, Being Anti-Academia, Being Anti-Science, Being Anti-Arts, Being Anti-Freedom-of-Thinking, Being Anti-Freedom-of-Expression, Being Anti-Pleasure, Being Anti-Sex, Being Anti-Sexuality, Being Anti-Autonomy, Being Anti-Freedom-of-Religion, Being Anti-Culture, Being Anti-Higher-Education, Being Anti-Self-Honesty, Being Anti-Evolution, Being ANTI-MOTHER-NATURE, Being Anti-Natural/Nature, etc and throughout most world history, all the way to our modern times.
I am quite sure Maria Padilla does not approve, did not approve and will never ever approve of all the extreme abuse, excessive control, horrifying damages and anti-humanity + harm which these Abrahamic Mythologies and their so-called Patriarchal, Spiritual-Dualism-oriented and Monotheism-oriented religions stand for, do and have been always all about.
Mind you, different Religious Mythologies, they try, and they attempt hard to to describe, to paint, to confine Maria Padilla / Padilha as some Subordinate / Subservient / Inferior Lady / Woman in regard to their fanciful Mythological Patriarchal / Male oriented, Anti-Women Characters & Their Mythologies!
As "if" she had been an obedient bourgeois, loyal conformist and blind follower of their religion / mythology, and their mythological characters...
However, in fact, I can assure you 100%, Maria Padilla / Padilha was never a slave of / to, nor under any Abrahamic ( Christian / Jewish / Islamic ) Mythologies and their religions, nor under any other Religions’ Mythological Nonsense and Rubbish!
I bar, abhor and despise the way that some Belief Systems and chiefly mainstream rich, fat, non-tax-paying, big Religions shamefully attempt to cover up Pagan Mythological Values and Ways, and also their very nasty process to discredit and to subordinate Anybody / Anything under their ( invented / men-made ) Mythologies and their special collection of Mythological poop!
I am quite pleased to report and to set the records right and very much after a 100% Pagan Way!
There have been many, many different Padillas / Padilhas since the very first Padilla, folks!
To the best of what I think I know and many people who also know, the initial, the first Padilla of Spain, as far as anybody can study, research and prove, the facts were, are and have been that there have “not” been any Maria Padilla Exhumation “Pictures & images” and/or Drawings / Paintings thereof, portraying the Skull, the Bones, the final remains of Maria Padilla / Padilha, ever!
Her final remains have been relocated some three times but historically there have not been any pictures taken of the skull and bones of Maria Padilla / Padilha!
And of course, there are NOT any made-official, made-public, world disclosure of such paired with valid dates and associated authorities, plus disclosure of all the images and the documentation to back them up.
So I pay no heed to when people question as to which FACE is the real and true FACE of first Maria Padilla…
To be honest, only Maria Padilla Herself can reveal such information to anybody who really wants to know.
The rest is what you can find and it is usually all over online and everywhere else!
To each person, their own Perception and what they can handle TO KNOW!
Sky also known as a “PADILLA” of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon
In re of Maria Padilla / Padilha — Taking firmly into consideration all of what it is available by different writers who rode the Maria Padilla / Padilha bandwagon of many books, etc.
Since the very first MARIA PADILLA / Padilha, there have been many, many, many Marias and amongst them all, many, many other Padillas / Padilhas.
My experience and my understanding is the fact that there are Many Lifetimes, and also, Many Groups, Many Phalanges of Maria Padilla / Padilha.
Different Souls, different Stories, different Experiences but all of them from the Same LINE, from the Same FIRE, from the Same ELEMENTAL Family which all had begun with the Soul / Spirit of the very first Maria Padilla / Padilha.
One could easily say the very same of the spirit of my dear Ze’ Pilintra / Pelintra and the many, Many Pilintras plus their many Different stories, etc.
It does not change the fact that it is still Padilla / Padilha, therefore it is the Sacred Family and Royal ( Elemental ) House of very first MARIA PADILLA / Padilha.
It would be a waste of time for anybody to attempt to discredit this writer or that writer, or that story, or this story and simply because it is not the same and it defers.
It is, it was and it will always be ONE MARIA PADILLA / PADILHA FAMILY & ROYAL HOUSE, but it will always be many, many, many different PADILLAS / PADILHAS volunteering to do the work of EVOLUTION in different Elemental Realms & Time-bands such as this one, folks!
If you did understand my comments, blessed be you by all Padilhas / Padillas!
If you did not understand and/or disagree…
Just be patient, be dignified because EVOLUTION comes to everyone and to everything and change is what we all are made of.
No right, no wrong here or there at all, it is just whatever people can “handle” to know and to become aware of.
Perception can make or break anything and anybody!
Eternal and infinite Evolution is the sacred Direction of all Life, of all Existence.
To each, their own!
Cheers to all Padillas / Padilhas!
Also know as a Padilla of Ashtoreth
Also known as Anais
Also known as Melusine
Also known as Nins
Also known as Ashie…
And also known as JD Aeon
And the associated people who acquiesce, comply and do its/their bidding.
There are times in life, which we find many definitions, many accounting stories and tales, many disclosures of/from allegedly behind-the-scenes occurred events, situations and the people thereof, many so-called answers and replies from the so-called Beyond and its Sources from the Other Side, from the Other Realms and from those who do their best presentation and representation for us all in this now and here, in our time and world.
And in course of my life, I have never ever been too impressed by presented tangibility for the sake of proof because anything can be faked/modified and presented under special-effects-worked and just like in the Hollywood-Films…
Besides we ought to know by now that absolutely anybody can “tell a story”!
World Pictures, Historic Records and Authorities, they all are subject to their own “Belief and Language”, Values and Ways of Conduct. They all are wilful-prisoners of their own Culture.
They all can and may present either good or bad Fiction in order to save themselves, their causes, their “socio-religio-politico-commercial” alliances and allegiances!
So facts sometimes are not the facts at all.
Proof sometimes is not proof at all.
Only time has the real KEY to what it is behind the door.
Time either makes or breaks anything because its passing separates what it is from what it is not.
Perception does the very same, it can make or break anything too, but for different reasons, because the populations / This Species / the people most of the time, they really don’t know any better.
Some of this stuff and stuffing may even be real, but as a rule most of it is as expected, pure rubbish!
Translation: Just good old Bullshit, folks!
I Me Myself, I have often shared information about what “I think that I know”.
In the spirit of sharing my own “Belief and Language”, my own “Values” and my own “Ways of Conduct”.
Coming from that dignified perspective, I am well and quite peaceful with what I do know for sure and for myself, for my life and for my time.
As such I really do not feel the obligation to prove anything, I have not the need to justify anything to anybody at all!
Time, the passing of time, it always corrects, fixes and repairs the Perception of whatever it is presented and proposed by all of the members of this Species.
What it is real, will stand the test of time and remains for posterity.
What it is not, it never was.
It is quite simple, provable and logical and actually not worth much ado and fussing at all.
In general, the motivation behind most exchanges is mostly “More for me and less for you”. Behind all of that you will find that it is just Business, it is wheeling and dealing, it is doing what it takes for survival, for the power and control during the journey from cradle to grave.
Many, many “Socio-Religio-Politico-Commercial” Belief and Language and their brand of “Values” and their associated brand of “Ways of Conduct” too.
It has been around since the beginning and most likely, it will be around longer after we’re gone home.
I do my thing, I share and I try hard to enjoy the ride.
And that’s enough for me.
Sky also known as a Padilla of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon
I did, I do and I will always stand by each and every word that I have written, published, shared online and elsewhere.
To each their own… To me, mine only! That’s fine by me.
Whether Maria Padilla/Padilha do Fogo, Maria Padilha do Inferno ou Maria Padilla das Almas, whether Maria Quiteria Pombagira Bruxa do Inferno, da Calunga, etc or even beloved Maria Molambo/Mulambdo, or yet dear Pombagira Queen Jurema of the Woods, Nature, etc...
These Pombagiras, they are friendly to each other and in harmony with the Magical Works which they agree to work, to do.
A Padilla Yaya of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon
(In my present experience, Quiteria ( a dear close friend of other places and time-bands), she was in fact, the first Brazilian Pombagira Queen to defend Me in times of needed experiences and to approach me with inspiration and delightful grace, in order to tell me about things that we had forgotten in this lifetime but needed to remember again.) I am always very Thankful to her! Cheers, Sky a.k.a. a Padilla of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon
Pombagira MARIA QUITERIA - Kee-kee (Quitera, etc)
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