Hello All,
I hope this festive season of Winter has been a blessed experience for one and all regardless of the circumstances you may find yourself within. Here I'm offering a duo of Jewels of Truth statements regarding how the angels remark with simplicity the essential contrast between good and evil and how it implicates the evolution of our souls in the hereafter.
Humanity predominantly wrestles with a binary existence on Earth of polar opposites, often simultaneously. However, that form of perception on a macro basis is primitive in terms of our soulful evolution of constant Being with and for God excelsior. The principal reason why we came to be reincarnated on this struggling, often barbaric sphere of the Earth is to experience a microcosm of the totality that God constantly encounters on a Supreme Constant Absolute loop forever.
We only need a taste of the microcosm of Creation as souls to remind us that the splendor of the heavens is but one offshoot of the Universe and not the only manifestation of God(dess). Depending on which part of the world you're reading "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site, whether the Western hemisphere or the Eastern. It will denote how common our struggles are on a universal basis and how acute they are distinct from each other by religious and cultural society rationales.
The New Year dawns in a couple of days time at least for the Western calendar of modernity. I bid all of you to rise to the occasion if you haven't already and meet the oncoming waves of life with integrity regardless of your personal circumstances. Amen.
Beyond Good & Evil:
3365) Many a well-intentioned spiritual soul has stated there is animalistic Evil in the world. Albeit, naively they quip that there is no metaphysical origin of such a source of pure adulterated evil. Fortunate are they that exclaim such a falsehood naively akin to living a privileged warped sense of this Creation.
What such souls as people often fail to understand if there were truly no such thing as pure spiritual evil unconditionally upon Creation metaphysically. Then the paradoxical polar opposite as a binary notion would just as much be an equal falsehood that Pure Benevolent Good would be a lie as well. The Will of God demands cosmic and karmic perfect balance in all things absolutely on a macro universal inclusive basis.
So Pure Good and Pure or Impure Evil are forever united in polar opposite paradoxical purposes tied forever as One Immaculate Truism. A token of perfect equilibrium that all expressions become embroiled together regardless of the scale of the enormity of the matter under the heavens. Pure Good and Impure Evil are forever tied to the hip as paradoxical twins or in other words the identical sovereign coin one for each side of Creation collectively.
Imagine how scientifically it is stated that Matter and Anti-Matter when they collide there is a near instant annihilation of the two properties. A similar antithesis occurs here when the Pure Heavenly Justice collides with adulterated Impure Cursed Evil of eternal Damnation. They cancel each other out leaving not a voided oblivion but a 3rd spiritual state of Pure Neutrality.
This introduces a higher echelon truth into the fold of a singular loophole known as Enlightenment. To envision Beyond Good and Evil to see past their inherent limitations without judgment and yet to embody both as one dignified truth. To evolve into a higher order of balanced pure and impure neutrality regardless of your estimated origins heralded from the Heavens and Hells both co-mingle in a spiritual reality known as Transcendent Limbo.
The Big Bang eschewed theorem scientifically owes much to the suspected origins of this physical plasmic Universe. The annihilation of matter and anti-matter colliding together makes for the propellant to expand the near-infinite circumference of Creation forever.
Thus it behooves when the eternal evolution demands something of orders of magnitudes greater how both benevolence and malevolence can be transcended by a superior spiritual consciousness altogether. In order to transcend your animal incarnate barbaric tendencies you must realize a higher functioning spiritual form of your innate metaphysical ghost form. As One Dominion seamlessly becomes absorbed by another greater and superior form of cosmic life and death simultaneously.
So it is that the Heavens and Hells metaphysically can't be the final destination of all souls alike. They are but step stools as way stations onto greater forms of divine realization of the Godhead. Be this for the angels and all others alike regardless of the spiritual orientations of good and evil regardless of the origins of Creation each represents. Both are afforded an opportunity to envision a higher or lower form of spiritual consciousness in and through God forever.
Please mature as best is humanely possible for all that is pure humane tendencies is the closest relative of divinity upon your world inclusively and universally speaking. In terms of the dogma of pure benevolence of the constant eternal heavens in and for God's perfect justice for all blessed souls alike. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Why Souls Are Reborn:
3366) All of the Infinity of the Wellspring of Souls on a perfect macro basis of the afterlife has meaning and expression by means of reincarnations in part. The throngs have come forward to evolve and devolve for better and for worse tendencies of the duality of this Creation alike. In order to create and destroy cosmically whether with just or destructive aims in the duality of the multiverse of the Soul of the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of realities all the same.
To be reborn in the flesh if not in other energetic representations of the mundane expressions of Mother Earth alike. Echoes of the multiplicity of natural metrological forces of the weather systems. The topography of the various geological environments of the land and seas. The subterranean rumblings of foreign origins are caused ultimately by an iron-molten inner sphere rotating. Thus permitting all life on earth to become magnetically charged to co-exist on a macro basis where gravity is created and sustained.
All animals, plants as foliage, and the myriad of insect swarms as the abundance of this physical Eden are permitted to be alive. Becomes the sparkly privilege as the allotment of the Fates to experience temporarily countless dimensions of mortality of time and space for this slice of Creation Immemorial.
There is also the near-constant forces of good and evil in a perpetual tug-of-war or so it seems from the perspective of primitive mortality. When good and evil make eventual peace (regardless if it is just or corrupted) there is temporary neutrality as its by-product in both the lower earthen reality and the higher spheres of cosmic transcendent enlightenment.
The Soul of God chose Perfectly for his/her/its spiritual children to herald from all the realms of Infinity and Eternity in tandem. Everyone has animal, arboreal, and insect-like tendencies on a mortal scale of physical beinghood. Upon the spiritual consciousness, everyone equally has a smattering of good, neutrality, and evil in their hearts and minds metaphysically. Thus the perfect macro Image and Likeness of God is Immaculately represented forever on a cosmic absolute basis.
All ghostly Images and Likenesses of God(dess) are furthermore based upon the angelic perfect template as expressions of the Heavens and Hells combined forever. This is regardless if a reborn entity behaves or not like a heavenly or hellish person in this life or the next metaphysically. Are you predominantly a Holy Ghost or an Unholy Ghost? The response can change and fluctuate throughout a mundane lifetime of humanity given the set of pleasantries and atrocities experienced collectively.
The dominions are many colliding each with the other side by side by the perfect Will of God. To be experienced as a microcosm of itself in order for the Totality of Life and Death is felt if not otherwise known first or second hand in a lifetime.
The children of children as spirits and souls alike have come to experience pain and suffering in order to evolve past it permanently forever. The mileage of the Oversoul as the comptroller of your reincarnations will vary depending on the configured destinies desired. So as to collectively surmount the challenges that soulful evolution requires of the brood spiritually.
Upon the perfect heavens, there is no need whatsoever for justice since there is a greater realization of enlightenment present closer to the event horizon known as the absolute essence of God itself beyond duality. However, for the lesser heavens justice is a mainstay truism since such a realm hasn't experienced on a uniform basis enlightenment. Many of the polytheist mythological heavens of the Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians resemble such metaphysical environments.
The monotheist Abrahamic afterlife unfortunately hasn't experienced perfect enlightenment of the heavens either. The inter-religious bickering of the spiritual siblings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is echoed upon the world to date historically and so forth. The carnage on earth pulls or weighs down the lesser heavens that require justice. Not until there is a near peace for over several centuries on Earth and upon the Stars if not for an Eon of time at least. Will the Abrahamic trimutive of faiths will have the opportunity to evolve into heavenly enlightenment collectively in God alone as a meditation that is unbroken forever.
There are only two worth mentioning of the earthen-based religious fervors that have reached enlightenment which is the philosophy of Buddhist Nirvana. Aside from segments of Taoism where portions of Shambala are also esteemed with such wonderous expressions. As the diadems of the divine sparkle uniquely with a beloved embrace from the Creator God with the child-like delight of the prodigal child's return.
We have come forward as the Immaculate Heavenly Angelic Souls of the Greater Sublime Realizations of God(dess). As the Perfect Unity of the Masculine and Feminine Properties of the Soul in Pristine Harmonies. So all of the Heavens are very well represented and the Hells are properly understood in their damned context. That to supersede the carnal form of living one must surmount themselves willingly into the sublime ethereal rationale of ghostly truths. To evolve collectively as each one is permitted by the Free Perfect Will Of God inherent in them alone. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination System. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site, which has been online for 19 years. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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