Science has somehow come to the conclusion that consciousness is energy based. It is a conclusion that I do not share. In the past I used to try explaining this by saying, consciousness is the chalk and energy is the blackboard. Unfortunately many people just didn’t understand my logic behind chalk being the brains and the blackboard being the material. However there are still people who don’t get my point so let’s try this. Energy can be scientifically proven consciousness can not. In fact no one, scientist or not, can explain just exactly what and where consciousness comes from ? So how does anybody conclude that consciousness is a form of energy?

      And yet even with these arguments many have informed me that I am way off base in my beliefs. I would love to hear someone explain to me how energy can create emotions like love and hate. They are both nonphysical perceptions. And as far as I am aware of no one has yet built a machine that can create a conscious thought. And I doubt that will ever happen to be honest.

     I will go so far as to say that perhaps you can’t have one without the other. Energy can not exist unless there is something that can perceive it but that certainly does not mean that they are one in the same. In conclusion, consciousness is entirely a faith based realm or dimension all of its own hidden within a never ending universe of dark and light energy. I rest my case!


Bill Walker

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Comment by Bill Walker on May 14, 2024 at 4:45pm

Thanks Sky for your well written comment to my discussion. And yes, we have a very long time before we have it all figured out. But we do have an eternity to get it right so I'm not to worried about our lack of knowledge, or fucking it all up, just yet! 

Comment by Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon on May 13, 2024 at 9:32am

13th May 2024


Well, Academia and Consciousness!

No matter how we shuffle the limited ways of our Perception, in the end, it is really all of it: "Belief and Language", + their associated Values and Ways of Conduct... All of it, created, invented and made-up by and for our Species a.k.a. Human Beings, us! Outside our Species, whatever we may think that we know, it may not mean anything at all!

Therefore, I take all Academia with a pinch of salt.

Arts such as religion, I take it with a pound of salt.

Conservative (Puritanical) Sciences, I take with a ton of salt.

Having said that, I agree with the direction of your inquiry!

To myself, I see the temporary formed Elemental body, the Ethereal body, Spirit itself and the Soul as different elements and from different Natures, Contents and Materials / Definitions.

Most of what we think to know pertains to the Elemental body and the Ethereal body as far as elemental Energy, etc. However the Spirit and the Soul, they are made of something which WE as a Species, ( chiefly when incarnated in these elemental places such as this Earth of this Time-band), our highest Academia, we both have not yet evolved enough to handle "TO KNOW" it. But it is safe to say, it is not anything that we have been shuffling around for the past 1000 years.

In some way, I am happy that we have not figured it ALL as yet... Because, every time that we as a Species get hold of something important, we fuck it up, we mess it off and out and quite badly too.

So I am sure that we will get there someday but we're not ready, as a Species, given the proper stimuli/incentive/push... Wow, we can be BRUTAL!



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