Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Material Possessions & Support

Hello All,

This is a bonus entry for the month of July off the momentum of my last entry a couple of days ago. Today's topics come from the tail end of the month of June in my longhand notebook where all my written channeled missives with the angels are deposited. 

The first topic is upon your material goods as your possessions in life accompanied by your household. In part, the mental psychology of the blame game when someone loses it all in a tragic accident be it a natural or man-made disaster. The second "Jewels of Truth" statement is regarding Support in life in general. Again how someone can struggle with anxiety and the torment they can put themselves through unnecessarily. 

At times I can be a news junkie in terms of watching too many current events globally, nationally, regionally, and locally of it on television and streaming online. In light of the climate changes whether accelerated by humanity or not. I inquired with the angels about the topic of innocent victims losing their former residences, material possessions, and to an extent their former lifestyle temporarily. 

May this pair of topics further bring some solace although it won't ever be complete on such a troubling occurrence in the world which has been occurring for eons. 


Material Possessions:

3324) Do not be afraid those of you who have the tragic misfortune of losing all your material possessions in sheer minutes towards hours during a natural or man-made disaster. Yours Isn't at fault and count yourselves fortunate for not incurring a personal injury physically during and after a storm in terms of attempting to salvage your property. In such a turbulent world of yours, it will happen at least once in a lifetime if not more for all others who live upon swaths of the earth that suffer greater than others environmentally and geo-politically. 

Your minds and critical thoughts will suffer greatly, rehearsing unfairly how you could've, should've, and would've done things differently to stop such a misfortune. Please stop, you aren't seasoned clairvoyants and demigods to spare yourselves such a tragic turn of events. That sort of rationale loses sanity every single godforsaken time period. Do grieve privately when you are safe and secure in a stable environment away from such hardships even temporarily. 

The victimized mindset will always predictably fall into the traps of its own despair. Equally so please do not project the tragedy on your loved ones, strangers, and first responders as your potential rescuers. No one is at fault but the circumstances beyond your control as an act of god or Mother Nature. Do not become despondent falling into the ego traps of hate and loathing with the lack of initiative of your local authorities. 

Do have faith you shall overcome such a whirlwind of chaos and disorder in such a stage of your life. Avoiding the blame and shaming game on yourself and all others is pivotal for such a frame of mind and heart to heal emotionally and mentally from such an ordeal. Do not allow your fears to cloud your judgment otherwise, unsuspecting individuals will manipulate your circumstances to their advantage unscrupulously. 

What time can not heal with the distance of years of such a series of bizarre events in your life. Then always give it to God wholly and unconditionally with complete emotional, mental, and spiritual surrender. This will aid you with an instant boon even if the practice doesn't take hold of you Immediately. Repeat the devotion as required to purge your heart and mind of such dreadful suffering. 

Truly any and all material treasures including residences will pull at your heartstrings as your cherished family heirlooms. Be they mementos, keepsakes, and countless other do-dads that one collects throughout the years and decades as memories attached to materialism. If they are truly special to you pray that in your personal Heaven upon your afterlife with God the spiritual essence of such material goods appear in your private metaphysical abodes. 

The ethereal essence of God is like energetic spiritualized clay as a building block for blessings, omens, and miracles. Able to recreate lost memories and physical objects now only as pure limitless ethereal substances refashioned to suit your needs and desires as ghosts in the afterlife. Nothing is truly lost that is worth remembering with God's Love Forever. This includes the memories of your former material goods that are now physically lost to the world but never to the spiritual heavens. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


3323) There are times when life takes on a whole new meaning with twists and turns out of what would otherwise be normal routines for you personally. You don't recall where rock bottom can truly be for you as the end of your metaphorical rope before you begin to crash as an individual emotionally and mentally. This is when a foreboding sense of great frightening despair sets in with a grim chokehold squeezing your sensibilities out of sight. 

How do you cope when everything is passing you by with hardly a point of no return seemingly as your nowhere destination in life currently? Where do you turn, and whom can you turn to for help? When fears lash out at you revealing your deepest insecurities for all to allegedly see. 

This is when you slow down perhaps to a grinding halt for a moment or two before speeding up until your former life is a blur. Catch your breath and be still with Inner poise for a while longer. Pray, contemplate your circumstances without rancor, and meditate seeking your dignity instead of fearing and hating elsewhere. 

Relax a while longer since you're not supposed to have all the answers to life and death in this world. Confusion can bring suffering only if you wallow miserably in it with heartache. Take a step back mentally and breathe in your surroundings allowing for details to reveal themselves that are pertinent to your current needs. Clarify your "Why's" with sincere intentions and allow the "How To's" to come later. 

What matters now is your well-being above all else. Even if other people as loved ones and strangers are relying on you to perform well in life in terms of service. Your routes to success may be limited by your choices or the limits you allow others to place upon you that may or may not be beyond your personal control. 

A life of personal recovery takes courage and much forgiveness to reveal the character of spiritual greatness within you. No one has the power to ruin your integrity if only you give it away like pearls before swine. Sometimes advertising your intentions and seeking permission to move and improve your lifestyle choices can be a folly of naivete. Broadcasting everything you do seeking approval from others such as loved ones, friends, and all others such as co-workers. Can be the worst possible outcome to choose. 

Their reactions and recriminations will be legendary and dismissing to no end in sight. Since you are asking other petty egos to clarify your needs for you. If that isn't oxy-moronic then what is? Only those you trust for their wisdom who treat you with compassion are worthy to share some if not all your wishes, hopes, and desires. Everyone else be on your guard and wear the foolish mask the world puts on you. Let them underestimate you to their own foolish conclusions you can't control nor should you ever. 

To care what other people's rightful and erroneous opinions of you is to make you a slave of their fancies wherever that may lead disastrously. Be upright and rise above what you have no business controlling the wills of others. Whether well-meaning or devilish a sense of personal conviction requires you to overcome the knee-jerk urgings to control the chaos of the world especially in social interactions. 

You will have moments of apprehension in spite of such difficulties rely on your strengths in living well as best as you can achieve it. Life isn't meant to be a drudgery it can be tedious and boring but that too is usually in your control that's if you don't give away your personal power to all others. You are so deeply loved by God and the Heavenly Host of the angels, ancestors, and so many other wondrous entities as forces you have yet to encounter in the world. 

Live with Intelligent Compassion for yourself do not recriminate your actions and inactions if at all possible. Bring balance to your interactions with people and creatures alike in the world. If you do not control your fears they will haunt you to no end in sight. Exercise caution but do not avoid risk at all costs for some risks are for a higher echelon good in order to overcome the world. 

Each of you deserves to love and be loved, to have happiness and health followed by prosperity in this mortal life. Some of you rare few will have more than you deserve so please be generous in moderation to all others as you see fit holistically in life. Surround yourselves with compassion, wisdom, and mercy either as forgiveness or goodwill this will soften the blows of the world towards you and all others. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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