- Willi Paul
The Purpose of Creating Myths
New Myth making is a movement that is meant to guide our present and future to a more fulfilling life. It is relevant to Permaculture because it uses the traditional method of using storytelling to share values, and teach lessons. To gain more insight into this topic I interviewed Modern-day myth-maker, Willi Paul. To prepare for this interview I read Paul’s Ebook #10: Cascadia’s Light Network. Some questions asked to Paul come from this publication.
What was your objective for creating the Cascadia’s Light Network?
Paul: The Cascadia’s Light Network is a literary tool or creative base that I use to develop the Post-Chaos future. I like the metaphor of “light” and hope the reader sees the many contrasts with the Dark Forces in my New Myths.
You ask 12 questions of your readers in the ebook #10. Why?
Paul: The questions are a mantra of sorts. You could actually see that I am asking these questions of myself. The questions also represent a “lesson plan” for my life and a set of “greatest issues” that we all should be responding to.
Regarding the Light Worker Activation Movement – Is there a connection between your research and this movement?
Paul: If you mean these folks? I just discovered them! Nice pictures! Light (and soul) is a deep connection to me.
Has Starhawk she influenced any of your current research? How?
Paul: She and I have collaborated twice so far on interviews. She is an inspiration and a ladder to things sacred. I am currently playing an online game that she initiated called Play the Fifth.
What are your deepest fears about the future?
Paul: Principally that we will not get past the Chaos Era – that our future global civilization will be permanently corrupt and cheated by the Dark Forces.
What is your role in designing new systems?
Paul: It is a piece meal vision, collaborative and integrative. I invent, share and critique. Recent examples include:
“Mother – Frack” – Animation Pilot for Children
New Animation Model & Case Study for Transition Children
Building the Story of Cascadia: New Tools for the Transition Worksh...
Are your religious / spiritual organization(s) supporting you and your family right now? What do you really want?
Paul: Spiritual matters, already touched upon as the Light Network (above) are paradoxical to me. As much as I am a spiritual being, I am equally repulsed byorganized religions. Quaker Faith and Light still resonates. As for “family” it is global on one hand and just me and Malou my girlfriend on the other!
I will be continuing to follow Willi Paul in order to gain understanding how this movement can and will positively impact our society. What we can gain from this interview is the understanding of the importance of maintaining new myths. Because there are new problems in today’s world, there need to be stories to explain them to our present and our future. Paul emphasizes the human’s ability to explain the state of humanity and its impact on our environment as teachers and leaders. Willi Paul is making a stand to take in our world, learn for our world, and then teach for our world, for the very existence of humanity.
Interview by Lauren Evans
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