Now I've been on this world a fairly long time in human terms or just a blink of a moment in universal terms all depending on how you perceive things.  I have come to notice rather sharply recently the changes that have been going on since my time spent on this earth in this body in these times.  Okay so some of the changes are glaring, and you might be wondering if I've just been asleep all of these years just oblivious to the seeming chaotic state the world is in.  Not really, I'm just like everyone else trying to stay a float or on top of this tidal wave of change that the earth and humanity is currently going through.


What I am talking about is the subtle changes in humanity's thoughts.  Things that were inconceivable when I was younger are becoming common thought.  Or things that were once impossible are suddenly possible.  For instance:


Life on other planets was the stuff of science fiction.  Most of humanity not even 25 years ago believed we were the only planet with life.  We were unique in a universe.  Idea of planets surrounding other stars was only a theory or a probability and suddenly within the last 10 years or less, we are discovering planets around many if not most stars.  Today our youth that are growing up in this world will not know what it was like, that we once thought planet earth was it with any sort of life.


Ghosts and paranormal experiences that people had were often viewed as figments of people's imaginations.  People experiencing these events were often ridiculed which made their suffering even more than what they were going through.  Anything that did have to deal with the paranormal and the entities that were found were labeled as demons or fallen angels here to do tremendous harm on man.  But nearly 10 years ago, the viewpoints of humans began to change.  Not every ghost is a demon and there is better understanding of these beings once being human as well, and there isn't anything to fear like humanity once feared before.


UFO's is another area that was vehemently denied for a long time.  Although they are still not officially recognized by any sort of government at least the US government, more people today believe in them and don't dismiss them as they once did before.


People who follow occult beliefs are more open now than they ever were before.  People who are attracted to the same sex are more open before.  People are becoming more accepting of other people's views and beliefs.  Today there is an article about the Saudi King allowing women to vote.  Times are changing.


Now, if you are one who traverses through news blogs, you might be inclined to think that all of this above is just wishful thinking.  People are not becoming more tolerant they are becoming more intolerant.  In which I would say, those who are most opposed to these changes will often be more vocal.  But the voice of a few does not make the opinion of the many. My reasoning for this is based on my experience of traveling the world.  2 Years after the 9/11 event I traveled to a predominantly muslim country.  The news in the US was talking about the hatred the rest of the world had towards Americans and I was very nervous traveling.  After a 20 hour flight I arrived in this country and found that all of my fears that was built up by the Media in the US was unfounded.  I found a country filled with people who were gracious, loving and accepting.  Sort of threw a wrench in my system.  There was no hate but a lot of humor and smiles.


Where I am going with this is that I see a trend occurring that is not happening on a conscious level.  But on the Universal Human Conscious level.  I noticed it because when I was young I was filled with the same apprehensions as seemingly everyone else.  I wondered how it could be we are the only life in the WHOLE universe?  I felt prejudices of race since I am not of any one race.. I'm a blend of many.  I felt the same repulsion that seemed to be associated with that time.


But yet, I also noticed changes as the years slipped by.  Many of the fears that once seemed to plague humanity are slowly melting away.  Topics that were once hush hush are now spoken of more openly and freely.  People aren't ridiculed as they once were if they say they've had a paranormal experience.  People aren't as repulsed as before if someone says, I prefer the same sex for a partner.  It's not to say these prejudices don't exist anymore, no they do.  But it feels lesser.  Less fear, less intolerance.


So to me, humanity's consciousness is moving towards acceptance.  There will always be people who resist to the very end cause change isn't always easy.  It's almost like when they announced for the first time that they discovered planets surrounding a star or that one of those planets has the components to support life.  These discoveries are not met with a sudden fall of religious beliefs and mass terror.  It was met with.. Well its about time!  We knew that.  so how did we know that?  If not even a short decade before humanity was sure we were the only planet capable of giving life?  To me it can only be the Human Consciousness.  Humanity as a whole working towards acceptance.  Each individual beliefs feed into the greater understanding so when these discoveries are made it is like.. well of course!  Not with shock.


So even if we look into the world today and see all the discourse and discontent that is going on with change.  There is an underlying understanding that seems to be growing.  And being human doesn't look so bleak if you can look at if from this point of view.

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