
Sex and Intimacy a Spiritual Perspective

Not too long ago some words came to me that had me ponder some more.  Sometimes just a small little thought can trigger a long winded explanation that goes beyond just a simple answer.  But nothing is ever simple when it comes to those I hear.  My simple question was: Is sex just for procreating and having children?  The question came to mind since sometimes news articles come about with the right to life and then the responses with hard religious views.  The answer to me was ‘no’ but the answer is never simple as they continued into territory that I had not considered or thought of before.  Or maybe I was thinking it, but it just never surfaced to now.  In short this is what I came to understand.


When we are in our spirit homes without a physical bodies expressing our love with other energies is quite an experience.  The energy that we are is shared by a blend with the other energy we are engaged with.  The complete union of two energies joining fills our being with the sense of love and belonging.  It is pure and unconditional as nothing is hidden for the love we share with another being.  It is the where nothing matters but the moment of the being you share yourself with.


When we become physical this merging of energies is not possible in the same way.  You see, your entire spirit energy does not go into your physical body.  Your energetic self is just much larger than your physical self.  Even if you don’t remember your true self, you subconsciously remember that desire to share your energy with another being.  The reason why each of you continue to search for what you may think is the other person to complete you.  When in actuality it is you wishing to feel that shared energy of unconditional love that you feel when you are in physical.  Since it isn’t possible to merge two physical bodies together, the body in which you chose to have is set up to experience that memory we all love as energetic beings.  Two bodies join together in intimacy to bring two souls together to share in the union of shared love. 


This is one of the many reasons why a soul likes to incarnate into physical because the joining of two souls energies in physical is a rather pleasant experience which is unique to itself.  You see, even when you are physical and in an intimate joining, your energies also do merge and join as they would when you are without  your body, but the physical aspect gives a new layer of experience which is enjoyable to all of us as souls.  When two souls are completely focused on each other and sharing their attention on each other, the act of physical joining is not all that is happening.  Your spirit or soul is also merging and joining with that other soul and you feel a sense of completion and of the highest pure love.


Yes the joining of a male and female body will create another body for another soul to come into the physical world, to give that soul a chance to experience all the wonderful things as well as the challenges that that soul has chosen to take on.  But that is not the only reason why two people choose to intimately join their bodies.


What we have seen however, over the millennia with humans, is the effect of not remembering where you came from.  Intuitively you all are aware of the intimate nature and joining of energies when having sex with a partner that you chose to share yourself with.  But with the suppression of memory from your true source a human can be easily lost in only the physical pleasures and aspects of sex is and ignore the intimate and energetic part of the joining.  The physical aspect of being is so strong and the desire to just feel the physical pleasure of the act can lead to a disconnection of the spirit and it’s true intention.  People can become addicted to sex because the physical aspect is so alluring and completely foregoing the spiritual aspect of it.


Throughout history, Religions although have been twisted and turned, did at one time have good intentions to help remind humans of the very spiritual and intimate aspect of having sex.  Does it mean you have to remain with someone for life?  Well, in our view, only if your soul agreements are that you do remain with only one other soul for the duration of your life.  Otherwise, to be stuck in a loveless situation is not good for either soul caught in it.  We do not advocate for separation but when growth for the soul is no longer there it should not be caught in a situation that cannot allow it to grow.  We are all part of a larger energy so we are never separate so feeling isolated and trapped is not a natural and happy feeling for any of us.  The most important aspect that we can see from this position is to remember that when you share your bodies you share your energies. 


Even though your physical bodies join your energies merge.  For humans the most fulfilling position for intimacy of complete merging of energies is when you are face to face.  We are not saying that the other positions are not effective, for they can be… once already in the energy space created between the sharing entities but to establish the connection and space face to face seems to be the best way to begin.


We just wish to remind that sex is much more than just a physical sensation that can be good for all involved.  But to not cut off the spiritual aspect of the reason why you seek it out or it becomes just a physical sensation and often it is not fulfilling that a person will look for more..starving to feel that feeling they got when merging with another loving being in energetic form.  Sex is so much more than just coming together to procreate a new human form for another entering soul.  Sex is your way of being able to feel that joining of energy that is loving, caring and unconditional like when you merge with those you care about in spiritual form.

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