Full Moon Meditation


We take three deep cleansing breaths. Slowly in through the nose and slowly blowing out through the mouth. (Pausing for time enough to complete the breathing in silence) If you are ready we will start with the visualization...

We are standing beneath the night sky. The moon is full and bright as we gaze at this glorious site we begin to see an ancient and yet familiar figure. It’s the Great Egyptian God Toth! God of the moon, wisdom and magic. He gingerly steps down toward our group. With him he presents his lovely consort Maat Goddess of justice. They both smile and bow to us as Toth returns to the moon for his part is to observe and present this light of justice, liberty and unconditional love which the lady Maat is bringing in. Holding out her right hand and extending her arm we see presented to us the Roman Goddess Libertas who comes with the light (in the form of the torch of eternal flame) to further light humanities path. Now Maat holds out her left hand and extends her arm to present the Goddess of unconditional love from the Asian culture Quan Yin. As we gazeup into the night sky to see this trinity of Goddesses we now notice that within her hands Maat now holds the scales of justice.

In unison the trio of justice, liberty and unconditional love have a message...

We come before you this night to bring you the tools we have held for a millennium the tools that are sorely needed for your people in this time of stress and upheaval. They have always been yours as your birthright being children of the divine but you had forgotten this through no folly of your own but by the dark forces that have for so very long permeated your world and held it captive. The time has come to bring all of the brothers and sisters back into their divine nature and through off the still lingering chains of injustice, bondage and hate that are now in the last stages of abolishment.

Maat bends down to hand us the scales of justice. “This is the scale of justice that you may keep your lives in eternal balance.” She nods and smiles at us and turns to her right as she nods to Libertas who now kneels down to hand us the torch of the eternal flame. “This is the light of liberty. Let this eternal flame light up the hearts, minds and souls of all humankind to the knowledge that you are all free and sentient beings by who’s very nature and birthright are free! Never more to be shackled by the bonds of cruelty and injustice.”  Now as Libertas steps back we see Maat holding out her left hand and stretching out her arm to present Quan Yin. This Goddess of unconditional love moves daintily towards us then bends over so gracefully to hand us all a beautiful magenta pink lotus. “This lotus is the representation of unconditional love and perpetually sits deep in the heart of all living beings. Use it to temper all decisions and know that love itself is divine, infinite and the very essence of God/Goddess. This is the ultimate gift to know you are all loved and part of this ever growing and expanding universe as  cocreaters of all which you perceive.” 

Quan Yin stands and returns to the side of Maat.

Toth returns from his seat within the moon and escorts the trio of Goddesses back with him. He turns and leaves us with this statement...

“My dear and beloved sisters and brothers,” He smiles and holds out his hands in a welcoming posture, “I welcome each and everyone of you back to your rightful seats in this heavenly universe. You have been greatly missed and now have the tools to bring all humankind back to universal peace and glory!” With that he fades from view and the moon again shines unobstructed and bright.

Take three slow deep breaths. Remember the connection that has been made but let it fade a bit into the background as you slowly come back into your conscious mind. When you are ready you may take one more cleansing breath open your eyes feeling refreshed.


Many blessings to all! Maighread Birdsong

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Comment by MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA on July 2, 2020 at 5:14pm

Many blessings!

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