Thank the Earth for providing our provision, for giving us joy ,family and friends. bestow on us happiness and joy. And Thanks for giving us life...............Thanksgiving prayer for a heathen(non-c…

Thank the Earth for providing our provision, for giving us joy ,family and friends. bestow on us happiness and joy. And Thanks for giving us life...............Thanksgiving prayer for a heathen(non-christian) I actually hate the word Heathen as thir technically is no such thing.

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Comment by MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA on November 17, 2021 at 3:43pm

Meaningful prayer.

Comment by Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland on November 17, 2021 at 3:18pm

Yes, let us  all give thanks for being alive  to enjoy another Thanksgiving, and also the Earth whose children we are, and where we chose to be born. 

And never  mind what anything is called, we are al the same, regardless of names. 

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