Are you feeling super dumb for some reason? Take a Wisdom Bath!
- Sage (Wisdom)
- Honey (Strengthens the spell)
- Olive Oil (Wisdom, bonus points for correspondence to Athena, if you’re into that)
- As many candles as you can reasonably fit on the lip of your bath tub (best colours for it: silver, grey, white, and light blue, but honestly do what you want)
The olive oil and honey have the added benefit of making your skin baby-soft, but if your hair is prone to oily-ness you may want to wash it afterwards because in my experience this bath Does Not Help
- Add in all your ingredients as the hot water runs, and gently mix them in with intent.
- Slap on some classical music and light your candles
- Get in, soak a bit, and then dip your head under the water for as long as you can hold your breath. Imagine all the energy from the sage and the olive oil being absorbed into your brain. If you’re not comfortable completely submerging, just pour the water over your head.
- Take the rest of the time in the bath to relax! A good idea is to utilise all that energy around you constructively, so bring in your notes to get in some revision, or a book to read. Expand your brain!
- When you’re ready to get out, drain the tub and pat yourself dry. Wait until all the water has drained until you blow out your candles.
- Also, if you’re like me and had to use sage from like a spice cupboard because you can’t grow shit to save your life, you’re ABSOLUTELY going to want to rinse yourself and your bath. I cannot tell you how many crevices those little sage bits lodge themselves in.
That’s it! Could be good for revision and relaxation the night before an exam, or just for every so often when you feel a little mentally sluggish. Happy bathing!
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