Image credit: Sage and Smudge
OK, so one thing that often comes up in Q&A sessions about witchcraft is herbalism. It’s extremely complicated in some parts, and this isn’t helped by the fact that there’s often a lot of new and complicated terminology that can really obfuscate the techniques used to people who aren’t used to it.
This post is therefore meant to clarify a few things about terminology to help people decipher what the hell is going on. It does not go into the effects of herbs (like what the difference is between a sedative and a hypnotic), that’s for a later post. This one talks about actual techniques used to MAKE a herbal preparation.
NB: The terminology I use is the most common terminology and definitions used in Western tradition herbalism. Some terms have different definitions in biochemistry or in other herbalism traditions to the ones they have in Western tradition herbalism (WTH). If a term is likely to cause confusion, I’ll try to put an asterisk (*) beside it.
Acetum* – A tincture that uses vinegar as its menstruum. The plural is aceta.
Active ingredient – The medicinally active component chemical(s) of a plant; these are what you’re trying to extract.
Aqueous* – An extract that is prepared with water is called an “aqueous extract”, or simply an “extract” (though this is correct, it is vague and therefore should always be clarified as an aqueous extract).
Aromatic* – A chemical that has an easily-discernible fragrance or smell, e.g. menthol from peppermint
Ayurveda – Literally “science of life”, this is a form of Indian herbalism. Included because people often ask what it is and I’m sick of answering.
Cold infusion – A form of herbal preparation in which a herb is steeped in room temperature water overnight as a means of extracting active ingredients.
Constituent – Any component chemical of a plant, regardless of activity.
Decoction – A herbal preparation in which plant matter is simmered in water without boiling until half the liquid has been evaporated.
Double decoction – A form of decoction where the water is evaporated down to a quarter of its original volume, rather than a half.
Elixir* – Any liquid preparation that contains both alcohol-extracted andaqueous-extracted components.
Ethanol – An alcohol with the chemical formula C2H4OH, also known as drinking alcohol and ethyl alcohol.
Extract* – Any liquid preparation in which plant matter is left in a liquid solvent for several weeks. The word “extract” can also refer specifically to aqueousextracts.
Filtrate – The liquid retrieved from a physical filtering separation process.
Fluid Ounce – Also known as an ounce by volume, this is a measurement of fluid equal to 1/16th of a pint by volume, or approximately 0.03L metric. Weight-to-Volume ratios measure volume in fluid ounces most commonly. Symbolised as fl. Oz.
Folkloric extract – A herbal extract prepared without measuring weights or volumes of the marc or menstruum. Much more variable in dosage than measured extracts, and therefore more risky.
Glycerine – Also known as glycerine and glycerol. A chemical with the formula C3H5(OH)3, often used in the preparation of sweet-tasting extracts.
Glycerite – Any extract prepared using glycerine as the solvent. Glycerites should be a minimum of 55% glycerine by volume in order to preserve their contents against bacteria.
Hot infusion – A herbal preparation made by steeping plant matter in boiling or boiled water for at least 10 minutes. Less than 10 minutes forms a teainstead.
Inactive ingredient – Any molecule in a plant that does not have medicinal or biological value. A plant will always have more than one inactive ingredient, but a herbal preparation could theoretically have only one (although it never will).
Liniment – An extract, most usually a tincture, which is used topically on the skin rather than taken orally. Also known as an embrocation.
Lipid – Any fat. Often used as a solvent when dealing with fat-soluble compounds, for example cannabinoids.
Lozenge – A herbal preparation in which the active ingredient is made into a thick syrup, heated until candying occurs, and then allowed to cool and harden. Often used to make unpleasant-tasting medications more palatable, such as for children.
Marc – The solid matter in an extract or tincture.
Menstruum – The liquid component of an extract or tincture.
Ounce – A measurement of weight, 1/16th of a pound, and just under 30g metric. Symbolised as Oz.
Pastille – A herbal preparation similar to a lozenge, but unheated and therefore preserving many of the medicinal compounds that are otherwise heat-sensitive. Made by grinding herbs into a powder, and then mixing them with sugar and a binding agent. Maple syrup or honey is often used.
Preparation – Any herbal remedy, of any kind.
Poultice – A herbal preparation formed by mashing fresh, solid plant matter into a mash, and then directly applying it to the skin. Sometimes also involves wrapping the plant matter in gauze or fabric to prevent it coming apart.
Precipitate – The solid matter that forms from the marc when making atincture or an extract of some kind.
Proof* – As it related to alcohol, this is a measurement that is equal to either two times the alcohol percentage (US definition) or is equal to 1.75 (4/7th) times the percentage (UK definition). Almost all sources use the US definition, but all sources will also use the alcohol-by-volume (ABV) metric, which is a simple percentage.
Residue – The solid matter left in the filter after a physical filtration separation.
Solubility – The ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent.
Succi – The preserved juices of a plant. Alcohol is the most common preservative.
Syrup – A decoction that has subsequently had sugar added to it, and is then simmered down further until it forms a thick, sweet liquid. Mostly used for making herbal preparations that are unpleasant-tasting easier to swallow.
Tea – When boiling water is added to plant matter and is left to steep for no more than 10 minutes. If it is left for longer than 10 minutes, it is described as ahot infusion.
Tincture* – Any liquid extract in which alcohol is the solvent. The word tincture is often used interchangeably with extract in herbal sources, but they are actually different things.
Weight-to-volume extract – Any extract in which the marc and menstruumare actually measured out before manufacture. This is a little more complicated, but makes the dosage much less variable and therefore much safer to use.
This took bloody ages to write, so I hope like hell that someone finds it useful!
– Juniper