- all purpose healing amulet
- anti anxiety jar
- anti-anxiety sock
- badass bitch spell
- “boys will love me” romance spell
- brain bleach - spell to remove unpleasant thoughts
- cheap invisibility spells for anxious witches
- cleansing spray
- diy magic shower disks
- free yourself from anger
- fuck you, im a pirate today: confidence spell
- gender clarity spell
- hair colour change
- healing spells
- help bring good luck
- honey jar - for happiness and fortune
- i wash my troubles down
- ice binding method
- mama cat’s “evil eye” protection jar
- protection amulet
- protective stone
- save a penny spell
- sea witch bath
- sleep tight spell
- spell for chilling out
- study buddy charm/test taking charm
- tough as a nail, sharp as a thorn - protection spell
- transgender/nonbinary/intersex magic burn bottle with a bunch of uses
- two for one moon wish jar
- wealth-drawing dragon bath
- attraction oil
- everyday enchantments: accessory edition
- for going unseen
- glamour bottle to influence how others read you
- goddess glamour bath
- gossip stopping scrub
- making your room magical
- mirror mirror on the wall - glamour spell
- witch of the waste’s glamour - enchanted jewelry spell
- the bottom of the ocean
- the carrie white curse
- curse for abusers
- curse jar
- cursing 101
- robin hood curse
- self-care after cursing*
- sharpest lives curse
- simple curse to make somebody stop talking shit about you
- so you think you’ve been cursed
- violet’s favorite curses
- 5 super easy tarot tricks
- beginner tips for the new scryer
- herbs for divination
- how to make your own tarot deck
- pendulums - how to
- mini pendulum masterpost
- tarot spread - X
- tips for learning card meanings
- types of divination
- bottle and jar magic
- candle magic omens
- charging sigils
- crystal charger
- crystals for socially anxious witches
- crystals for psychic development
- crystals/stones and their physical and mental powers
- essential oil safety
- getting spiritually unstuck
- green witchcraft resources
- green witch tips
- grounding
- herbal correspondences
- how to charge sigils
- how to develop your craft
- how to make sigils
- how to use your phone keyboard to make sigils
- hypothetical routines for bby witches
- mama cat’s beginner witch garden
- methods of cleansing
- mineral monday/crystals
- non wiccan resources
- the phases of the moon + magick
- practical witchery
- resources a new witch needs
- runic alphabet
- sea witchery
- secret witch tips - x
- some sigils
- stitch craft
- stones and their properties
- treat yo self, broke witch style
- types of witches that often go unheard of
- urban witch kit
- using song to make magic
- what belongs in your witches brew
- what spells are strongest with the moons
- where to get supplies
- witchcraft research
- witch podcast
- witch tip - x x x x x x x x x
- witches on a budget
- witch’s garden
- witchy books masterpost
- witchy tips for artists
- bath magic - where to begin
- beginner witchcraft
- beginner witchcraft resources masterpost
- bugdeted witchcraft supplies masterpost
- cleansing/purification spells
- divination masterpost
- energy work
- incenses by use
- limited witchcraft masterpost
- magical waters
- masterpost magic for anxiety/depression
- a sea witch’s guide to seashells
- self care masterpost
- self care spells
- shadow work masterpost
- shielding masterpost
- spell and sigil directory
- spells for finals week
- starter herbs
- stones and crystals
- water magic masterpost
- ways to tell fortunes
- witchy links masterpost