50 Magical Uses for Roses
Roses are one of the most common flowers around. They are widely adored, gifted often and grown in many places. If you’re anything like us - you might even have too much of them laying around. What to do with all these roses?
- Bathe in them to encourage beauty
- Carry them to attract love
- Add them to a sleep sachet to promote sweet dreams
- Make a rose massage bar to encourage love through touch
- Make magical rose water
- Candy the rose petals to give to a lover
- Use them to honor the Goddess Aphrodite
- Use them to honor the Goddess Isis
- Let them rot in spells to break up couples
- Use them to represent the planet Venus
- Use them to honor the Virgin Mary
- Use them as offerings to spirits of the dead
- Use them to represent The Goddess
- Use in a spell jar for attracting romance
- Use their thorns to curse an ex-lover
- Make rose oil
- Use them to represent the 5 Wounds of Christ
- Use them in dream pillows to cause romantic dreams
- Uses yellow roses for spells involving friendship
- Substitute them for any flower in a spell
- Use them in spells for healing
- Use them in glamour spells
- Make a glamour-charged rosewater spray
- Make magical perfume with their sweet fragrance
- Preserve them in candles for love spells
- Make a romance-attracting bath melt
- Make a Sabbat Rose Garland
- Make a Rose Petal Salve
- Dry the Petals and make Flameless Rose Lights
- Make Rose Potpourri
- Use them in a Goddess Glamour bath
- Make a love attracting rose and baby oil sugar scrub
- Make a rose oil infusion for future spells
- Make a charged rose lip balm to bring on kisses
- Make a magical tea to encourage sexy times
- Preserve them for the altar using borax
- Use them in romance divination
- Use the petals as altar confetti
- Use them to honor Sappho
- Burn them and use the ashes to break off ties with ex-lovers
- Freeze them in ice bowls for seasonal spells
- Apply them to the skin to wear on Sabbats
- Use the petals as confetti for celebrations & Sabbats
- Make a rose glamour shower steamer
- Use the petals to cast circles
- Make rose tinctures
- Use the stems to make a Brigid’s Cross
- Make a sabbat flower crown
- Make a rose wreath for your front door to bring on relationships
- Propagate the stems for even more roses!