This will be a series of stories that I have collected from people who had there pets come back from spirit to let them know they were all right after thier transition. I have a few stories of my own that I will add later. Anyone who would like to add there own experiences is encouraged to do so in the comments below!

Christiane"s Story

I found it always very comforting that my animals gave me a sign after their death. This only started in my twenties.

Two of my cats died in sequence in a week. There were road works going on and we had the whole traffic bypassed trough our street, which was normally rather calm and due to this, my two cats where run over by cars. The female my parents found by the roadside, already dead, the male made it to our house and died there.

The male, which died last, visited me some days after the incident while I was asleep. He came through the open window, sat on top of me and somehow made me know that he and my other cat were all right. After that incident, we were lucky for a lot of years (which might be because I refused to let our cats out at night or early morning).

When the first of our horses died very unexpected at the age of 24. It was all very mysterious, the vet could make nothing out of the strange symptoms and did all he could but it was too late. The horse died the same day we found him ill. He gave me a farewell the next day, when I was around the stable: it was, as if he was neighing in his box and was all happy. Then he was gone for good.

Our second horse died this year, our "grandma", we had to euthanize her because she couldn't get up anymore. I was too far away from her and could not be at her side. This was very difficult for me, because she had been my horse for 27 years and she was an extraordinary horse. My husband and a friend where there at the stable with her and had to make the decision. After her death she visited me during a meditation, not as a horse but she was like energy that had somehow the form of a dark haired woman. I could feel a lot of love and she thanked me and implied that everything was o.k. with her.

There is just one of our animals that died lately, that did not give any sign. I'm really worried about this, because I fear, he does not know he's dead and still with us. It was one of our cats, he had cancer (very probably vaccination sarcoma) and he had already endured two surgery's in less than a year. We did not want to have him endure a third one and so the day came, when it was irresponsible to let him go on living like this. We had asked the vet to come to our house to euthanize him and it was over so fast, that I think he had no time to realize what was going on. The vet took the dead body with him and I had the feeling he was taking our cat away, that he was not dead. Some weeks later the vet gave us the ashes, but we still (my husband too) have the feeling like he's around, even now, that we moved to a  different house.

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