Civil War Ghosts with an Agenda a True Story

I met Elizabeth in the late 80’s or early 90’s when I worked at a restaurant in Lake George New York. It didn’t take me long to realize that Liz was, and probably still is, highly psychic. Unfortunately, Liz didn’t consider this as a gift and feared many of the experiences that happened to her.

     When I met Liz, she and her family lived in a three-story Victorian that was built pre–Civil War in Warrensburg NY. I was only in the house a couple of times and only in the Den which her father used as an office. I knew before even entering that the house was very active. The house oozed spirit energy. It was so overwhelming I almost have a hard time believing that there are people who couldn’t feel it Liz’s father being one.

     During the Civil War the house had been used as a care center for Union soldiers who had been wounded and were sent there to recover. Obviously, some took their last breaths in the house as they died. And I’m certain that some of them are still their having decided not to cross over. The question in these kinds of cases is always why?

     Liz told me even as a small child she was always on edge in this house. She said it was like the house was trying to talk to her. And as a child she did her best to ignore what she felt. As the years went by the spirit activity only increased. When she got to High School, she said she felt like the house was possessed. Objects that belonged to her started getting moved around, lights in her room would turn themselves on and off, knocking on her bedroom walls was a nightly occurrence. However, when she entered her senior year, the activity took a horrifying turn for the worse.

     Elizabeth told me that on many nights she would awaken at three o’clock in the morning and when she looked at her clock for the time, the minute, hour, and seconds hands would start spinning rapidly out of control. And even when she unplugged the clock before going to bed, she said the same thing would happen and that really freaked her out. Then there were other nights when she would be awakened when her bed would violently begin to shake for no reason.

     This all led up to her most terrifying experience of all. As had happened on many nights previously Liz woke up to all the manifestations described above. What was different this time was that she fell right back to sleep when her bed stopped shaking which she never had before. When she opened her eyes again, she said her bed was surrounded by six Union soldiers who were lifting her out of bed. They proceeded to carry her down a flight of stairs and into the office that I described earlier. When they put her down, they all pointed to a large fireplace that was common back when her house had been built and used primarily for heat. And then she woke up back in her bed upstairs. When she told me this, she said it was as real as if six grown men had really come into her house and carried her downstairs like in her dream.

     When she was done talking, I told her that it was real, and it really did happen on an astral spiritual level. I explained my beliefs that Liz was highly psychic and that these Civil War soldiers knew it and that they were trying to tell her something that was important to them. I said Liz they’re trying to tell you to go and look in the fireplace because there is something hidden in there that they want you to find. If you do this and find whatever it, is they want you to find, maybe behind a lose brick, I bet they leave you alone. It might even be something that will help them cross over to the other side if you help.

     My after thoughts all these years later. The fireplace is huge you can walk into it and almost stand up, so I haven’t changed my mind about what I told Elizabeth. Whether or not she did as I suggested I don’t know as we never got another chance to discuss this that summer. I do wish that I still had a way of contacting her because for me the story isn’t over. However, as I said earlier, Liz is highly psychic, and I also wonder if she accepted her gifts and learned how to use them? I probably will never know!


Bill Walker

Views: 48

Replies to This Discussion

I hope she did what you suggested.
A very interesting fact and a pleasant story to read.

Thank you!


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