The Goddess has always been represented as a Serpent

The Serpent; Woman of Whoredom, End of Flesh, End of Days, Two evil spirits joined together…” –

Now this is religious discrimination, sexism, hate speech and intolerance, all in one nasty sequence. However , Lilith and the Liliths, or Dragon Priestesses of the Old Goddess Religions were, as mentioned previously, called by the honored titles of Great Hoar and Hoar in a completely different context before the rebellion against the Great Mother. Lilith is The Serpent, as from the beginning and in ancient Egyptian times, The Serpent has always been the symbol of the Goddess.

Isis, The Serpent

The Kundalini Goddess is the heavenly serpent, or Cosmic Dragon, and is both the bond and accompaniment of the male and female energies within all living things. The Cosmic Serpent is described as “blind” and “colorless”, as it is of pure Spirit and cannot be seen with normal human eyesight.

Ophite Kundalini

Everything in the living universe has the living breath, wind, chi, prana or “blind serpent”, which is of both male and female essence.

In the picture above we can see how the Ida, Pingala and Kundalini – Lilith, the Asp, Lucifer the Chthonic Serpent and the Great Mother Lilith ~ Shakti, Shushumna in the image, work together within all living.

 Naturally with the God and Goddess of many Names there are no restrictions in Spirit so long as the devotee Harm None... The Winged Disc represents matter in a state of transformation, on the path of Enlightenment and Wisdom.

The agents of the new patriarchal gods teach that sexuality cannot be Divine and that the Goddess ways of celebrating life and invoking fertility in all aspects of life are forbidden and seen as a sometimes mortal transgression. The Old Gods are called “evil” and “wicked”, and in the second passage it’s made abundantly clear how these new male gods deal with perceived threats to their dominance and supremacy. With a punitive and murderous “great, cruel and mighty sword.” This “tradition” of slaying the Dragon was merely incorporated at a later stage into Judaism and Christianity, having taken new forms in every cultural context.

Zeus slays Typhon, the Winged Serpent in Greek Myth

The first rebellious patriarchal god to slay his Mother was probably Ninurta who slew Anzu, the primeval Dragon Goddess; next in line was Gilgamesh, who slew the Dragon, or serpent that could not be tamed in the name of the new gods of the patriarchal pantheon; then Marduk of the Babylonians who slew his Mother, Tiamat; and this carried on as Perseus, Sigmund and the patriarchialized Angel Michael slay the Dragon along with their fellow criminals, St George and St Patrick, the Christian Hitler who was sainted for his personal efforts in forcibly evicting the Old Religion from the shores of Ireland. The Druids would call themselves Serpents or Dragons at one time, and it is these serpents which St Patrick and his evil henchmen supposedly expelled from Ireland.

The whole world destroyed in an instant?

 It is only the Matrix of the mystical and illusionary patriarchal world which would be destroyed, along with all of the hate and fear and misery that goes along with it, in the author’s humble opinion, should the people have access to the Wisdom which liberates from this matrix of fear and restrictions. The natural universe does not operate on antagonisms, and there is a beginning and ending to all things; which in an ever-changing dynamic reality repeat themselves endlessly in a cyclical, circular way.

Understanding that Kundalini Shakti, The Serpent and Great Mother is female and androgynous in nature, these Rabbis quite correctly describe Taninsam or Taniniver as also being Lilith.

Just as every new civilization is built on top of the ruins of the preceding ones, every tale has one which precedes it. The legend of the Slant and Tortuous serpents, which together are Leviathan, has an earlier origin ; in the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden, the Serpent of Wisdom and the Fruit of Forbidden, Hidden and Concealed Knowledge.

“Bacharach. Emeq haMelekh 23c-d : “And the Serpent, the Woman of Harlotry, incited and seduced Eve through the husks of Light which in itself is holiness. And the Serpent seduced Holy Eve, and enough said for him who understands. And all this ruination came about because Adam the first man coupled with Eve while she was in her menstrual impurity – this is the filth and the impure seed of the Serpent who mounted Eve before Adam mounted her. Behold, here it is before you: because of the sins of Adam the first man all the things mentioned came into being. For Evil Lilith, when she saw the greatness of his corruption, became strong in her husks, and came to Adam against his will, and became hot from him and bore him many demons and spirits and Lilin.”


Note that according to the Old Ways, the natural flow of a woman is sacred and this time was always used to set oneself aside from the community, not because a woman was ever considered “unclean” but purely because a woman was considered to be magickally potent at this time, during which certain women’s mysteries  reserved for women-born women were practiced, and naturally without any men being present.

Notwithstanding the fact that men cannot physically have a period and thus can’t relate in the same ways as women to the natural menstrual cycles, this was seen as a rankling insult by some men who felt excluded and left out in the cold.

Because it was believed , however mistakenly, that that the Mysteries were reserved for women only,(seeing as both men and women have always traditionally been admitted to the schools of the Mystery);  the new male-dominated religions reacted fiercely and out of pure spite and for the imagined slights on their manhood, they were to now to restrict and exclude females , in some cases, from ever even reaching the mythical and paradisical heaven  except to serve as part of a man’s heavenly harem, or through the giving up all sexual pleasures in this God’s honor.

According to these scriptures, women are unclean and should be avoided by devout males during the times of their menstrual flow, not any more out of respect and veneration for their magickal abilities and life-bearing potential, or equal status in society;  but because of “menstrual impurity” and “filth”, which was evidently introduced as it were by The Serpent.

So, Lilith becomes the dartboard and font of guilt for every woman who actually believes in these fables, as evidently the ancient Goddess of Death and Love was responsible for the so-called fall of mankind and the reason for the monthly discomfort of every woman, according to the men who wrote them..  How twisted can we get? The Great Goddess demonized for an imaginary transgression against Her child and then blamed forever more for the pain women are supposedly fated to experience as a punishment for “weakness”, notwithstanding the fact that this dis-ease only began ever since the Women’s Mystery tradition was suppressed . Before this intervention in women’s affairs, a woman had the support of a close-knit community of sisters who were expertly trained in methods of guaranteeing a relatively painless natural childbirthing procedure, and who would provide support after the birth so that a normal life could be led by the mother of the child.

Here again it is plain to see that the Jewish legends of The Serpent are partially based on the earlier Zoroastrian blasphemy against the Goddess and Her Serpent, wherein Goddess Jahi, the Great Mother evidently brings all misfortune and evil into the world due to Her union with the Serpent Ahriman..

“Behold, here it is before you: because of the sins of Adam the first man all the things mentioned came into being. For evil Lilith; when she saw the greatness of his corruption, became strong in her husks, and came to Adam against his will, and became hot from him and bore him many demons and spirits and Lilin.”

Lilith was always worshipped as the Divine Feminine Principle of the Universe, before the advent of the patriarchy amongst the Hebrew people. In the medieval Jewish writings, Lilith is viewed as evil, the “Mother of Demons”and the priestly children of the Goddess, the Lilin, were identified with the demons.

“Corruption” in the above sense  is used as a synonym for sexual pleasures, as it was the aim of the Rabbis to completely demonize the Goddess religions and supplant them with their own version of male dominated religion. Sexuality was never a taboo or shameful subject amongst our Ancestors but quite the opposite, where it was associated with rites of Fertility. In other words, sex was sacred, a ritual to the Goddess with the aim of increasing fertility and abundance in all aspects of life; and before the patriarchs took over control of society, there was no massive cheap sex industry , demeaning of women, chronic global rape problem, or sexploitation of young girls in forced prostitution. The sacred sexual rites of the Priestess were especially targeted by the officers of the New Religions, and the High Places, or Temples of Love were systematically attacked and physically destroyed one by one as the new religions gained power over time.

In much warped and revised patriarchal interpretations of the Quabalah, Lilith is viewed as the husk, or the tempting yet fatal attraction of Matter to the spiritually “pure”.  In other words, the artificial theological separation of Spirit from Matter, of the Creator from the Creation, is institutionalized, as is the latent underlying notion that women are inferior and can inhibit, divert, or be dangerous to mankind’s spiritual progress. The physical world of Nature is seen as unclean, something to be dominated and ultimately rejected in order for the soul to progress and enter heaven. This is the main reason why most people will never be able to advance very far in the Mystery, as Matter is always infused with Spirit and a basic and fundamental understanding and acceptance of divine sexuality  is necessary if humankind is ever to evolve in harmony with the ever-changing reality of the natural universe.

To heal humankind, a fundamental reconciliation between sexuality and spirituality is desperately needed.  In this new Age of the Daughter, The Great Goddess of Love and Death, known as Lilith, Aphrodite, Inanna, Medusa, Ma’at, Isis, Allat, the Black Virgin, and by many other Names provides a haven of peace and balance to the souls of those who need to live in love once more.

 Guilt, and all other fear-based emotions and feelings around sexuality are, in fact, certain death to real spiritual progress. It is the sexual worship of the Goddess and True Love ~ the Love of the Gods, which is the antidote to the corruption of Patriarchal Dualism in this world, and the only viable and long-term solution to the sexual conundrum of gender wars which so destroys and confuses society.

Because men know that women are superior in bed, those who wish to dominate women in every other aspect and sphere of life, react vehemently against this fact instead of simply accepting things that cannot be changed and then stopping to worry about them any longer.

All and any misfortunes and perceived weaknesses and failings are then blamed on the seductive and deadly woman archetype, the fatal she-devil which is so popular in contemporary fiction and the mass media.

When this reaction and denial is made part of a popular religion, it causes a severe imbalance which only the re-acceptance of the dominance of women, who are destined to control the workings of society as Nature intended, will ensure true and genuine equality and balance between genders and the death of the war of the sexes for once and for all.

The key to the survival of the planet and the human species depends on this fundamental healing, which can only be in the hands of women to effectively action..

Let’s continue with the analysis and discussion of other related texts:

Moses.b.Solomon of Burquos - “Both Samael, king of the demons, and Lilith were born in a spiritual birth androgynously. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is an epithet for both Samael and Grandmother Lilith (eg. The Northerner). As a result of Adam’s sin, both of them came and confused the whole world, both the Upper one and the Nether one.”

The ancient knew that the Divine is Androgynous, comprising of both female and male principles, and that all living things are therefore essentially bi-sexual within of themselves.

Athena with the original shield. Erichthonios the Serpent King is the only serpent originally associated with the shield. Medusa was theoretically decapitated according to fables written by Hesiod at a later stage in hisstory.

The Goddess has both Dark and Light aspects which are in essence bi-sexual.  This Androgyny is a Spiritual androgyny and just is, regardless of physical Gender.

As God was parthogenically created from within of the Great Goddess , as literally part of Herself and Her other half; and the Microcosm is mirrored in the Macrocosmic reality, the Divine was experienced as Androgynous in nature.  Accordingly, the Ancestors interpreted and portrayed this truth quite literally in sculpture and artworks, most of which were systematically destroyed over centuries of patriarchal zeal in later years in a desperate attempt to bury and conceal the Truth of our past.

Just as Isis and Nephthys are the light and dark sisters of Life and Death, the inseparable Twin Sisters;  so Set and Horus together are one God comprising of all of the forces and energies and powers of both Summer and Winter; Increase and Decrease, Water and Fire;  Earth and Heavens. The Unions between Diana and Lucifer , Shiva and Parvati and Wadjet and Hapi, The Light bearer,  can also be considered to be archetypal manifestations of the Androgynous Divine within and without of all things. There are actually as many combinations and proportions of the interacting energies of Yin and Yang as there are grains in the continually shifting sands of Time and atomic particles in free space.

Hapi, the Androgynous Divinity of Ancient Egypt

To a male supremacist, the reality of an androgynous universe, incorporating all of the Light and Dark aspects of male and female is very scary indeed. These people will do anything humanly possible to deny and/or demonize the simple facts of Nature -  that everyone is interconnected and both female and male within; that Death and Life are complementary and natural processes and that we all come from the same common origin, which is the Great Mother.

As the Old Gods became the new religion’s Devils, “the Devil” is believed to be

…androgynous, hermaphrodite –Hermes-Aphrodite; Thoth-Ma’at;  Lucifer-Lilith;  the female always joined to the male, as it were. The Divine and thus the first humans are Androgynous in a spiritual sense as well as in the physical (irrespective of gender). This is truly the Macrocosm reflected in the Microcosm.

 Contrary to the reality of the vast and all-encompassing interconnectedness of all things and the truth that nothing is above anything else, the conservative and outdated patriarchal view is that labels are very important,  because the perceived differences between people must be emphasized to maintain the fear-based illusion of a single supreme male God and to support the idea that the officialdom of the Churches are anything else but stark naked like the rest of us underneath those fancy robes, and have exclusive channels of intercession with one supreme Divinity .

The aim of the male-dominated religions is clearly to highlight the illusionary differences between the so-called “evil” and “good” aspects of the Divine and thus within humans as well and by so doing,  to maintain their fear-based grip over the religious and social lives of people. A vicious circle is maintained and conflict continually instigated by the fear-based philosophies which turn that wheel..


It is convenient to rub off the blame for one’s own failures and state that as the result of Adam’s “transgression”, the Old Gods came and “confused the upper and lower worlds”, however, since when has instability manifested itself in the world?

 Since the forcible overthrow of the Old Ways, the deliberate demonization of the ancient Matriarchal ways and the rejection of the Great Goddess. The rejection of the very interconnectedness of all things and of the basic principle that nothing is above anything else in Nature! How can there be only one supreme male God, as how was this God then born into existence? Thus one may be tempted to ask, why are females still perceived as the ‘weaker’ kind of human being, and who is the Mother of God?

The bringing into the world of patriarchal ideologies of Dualism has caused a fundamental imbalance and really speaking,  a great confusion regarding concepts of Darkness and Light. To superimpose Dualism over the Yin and Yang, to make Darkness “evil” and Light “good”, and to imagine that the entire natural universe is a giant chessboard of bitterly opposed pieces  all controlled by a patriarchal God and his favourite sons, “the Devil” and “Jesus”;  is this not the real and true “confusion” that has resulted in continual warfare and strife between peoples over the millennia during which the human race has been under the misguided and fear-based control of the male-dominated religions? Far from being peaceful, the passage of history shows that warfare becometh the Gods of War, indeed.

The internecine strife between the major religions of Islam , Christianity and Judaism has resulted in continuous warfare between peoples and is the basic underlying cause of conflict in the world. Antagonism breeds more of the same, and when fundamental religious principles are involved, it becomes a situation which can only degenerate into violence, which again is as a vicious circle



Treatise on the Left Emanation ~” You already know that evil Samael and wicked Lilith are like a sexual pair, who, by means of an intermediary, receive an evil and wicked emanation from one and emanate to the other.

The patriarchal way of describing the beauty of sexual union between the principles of the universe as reflected in the Hieros Gamos, or sacred union of the Goddess and God. This tradition was actually enacted between King Solomon and The Queen of Sheba, as the Pagan Solomon was a devotee of Ashtoreth, also called Ishtar in those days. The Queen of Sheba is an avatar of Lilith and the forerunner of the Black Virgin.

“The heavenly serpent is a blind prince, the image of an intermediary between Samael  and Lilith.

It’s name is Tanin’iver.

The masters of tradition said that just as this serpent slithers without eyes, so the supernal serpent has the image of a spiritual form without colour – these are the “eyes”.

The Traditionalists call it an eyeless creature, therefore it’s name is Taniniver. He is the bond, the accompaniment, and the union between Samael and Lilith.

If he were created whole in the fullness of his emanation he would have destroyed the world in an instant.”…

This blind prince without eyes, the Supernal Serpent, refers to the unseen Kundalini Goddess .When awakened, Kundalini  bonds the male and female principles with perfect love and in perfect trust.

 “Blind” was used as a term to describe the hidden natural energies within all living things, the unseen and supernal reality which envelops us.

The aim of the patriarchy is to divide the natural spiritual androgyny of both Dark and Light, the dark and light of Yin and light and dark of Yang and by so doing, to continually reinforce so-called differences between people to create antagonisms and by so doing, accomplish their goal of divide and conquer. This artificial separation of people based on superficial outer “differences”, reinforced by false religious teachings, keeps people from ever realizing their full potential and thus they remain under the control of a multi-headed fundamentalist male-dominated religious monster which enforces these perceived “differences” between and scarily enough, within people - and maintains that Spirit is characterized by exclusivity, gender labeling, discrimination and fear-based control and restrictions, all packaged in the sweetest wrappings.

In Reality though, The Divine Spirit is not exclusive to only certain men with particular views, nor is gender, color of skin, nationality, societal status, money in the bank, parent’s learning experiences, class, citizenship, clothing or qualification of any concern whatsoever. Nothing is, in reality, above anything else in the Universe, and yes, anyone can have a direct relationship with the Divine of Many Names without the need for an intermediary. Are we not all Divine?.

On reflection and having contemplated these patriarchal texts, it must be mentioned that if it were not for the patriarchs messing up the spiritual evolution of the human race through their misguided and false teachings, we would be far more advanced at this stage on all levels collectively speaking, and not almost exclusively in the field of weapons technologies  but in the capacity to love and be loved, in the realms of intuition and creativity, the womanly Arts, which should ideally combine with rational logic and no more be rejected as effete. Balance and Equality are the Keys to happiness.

…”I have found written in the name of an ancient traditionist and in the name of the perfect Hasid of blessed memory that Lilith is also Taninsam.

They said that this Name is based on the serpent who is in the image of an intermediary between Lilith and Her mate.”…”I shall explain this relying on the esoteric meaning in the verse; “In that day the Lord will punish with his great, cruel and mighty sword Leviathan the Twisted Serpent and Leviathan the Tortuous Serpent- this is Lilith- “and he will slay the dragon of the sea” “(Isaiah 27:1). As there is a pure Leviathan in the sea and it is called a serpent, so there is a great defiled serpent in the sea in the literal sense. The same holds true in a hidden way.”

“Moses Cordovero, Pardes Rimmonim 186d:”And about this mystery it is written; “And on that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the Slant Serpent, and Leviathan the Tortuous Serpent, and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea(Isiaiah 27:1)

Leviathan is the connection and the coupling between the two who have the likeness of serpents.

Therefore it is doubled: the Slant Serpent corresponding to Samael, and the Tortuous Serpent corresponding to Lilith.”


In this passage above the author refers to Sama’el as the Slant Serpent, and to Lilith as the Tortuous Serpent.

These twin serpents correspond to all things male and female, within and without. The Cosmic Serpent is the Life Force of the Universe which cannot be seen.   Lao Tzu also tried to explain the Tao, source of all life and of all creation.

"The Tao is called the Great Mother:

Empty yet inexhaustible;

it gives birth to infinite worlds.”


“Free from desire,

You realize the Mystery.

Caught in desire,

You see only the manifestations.

Yet, mystery and manifestations

Arise from the same source.

This source is darkness.

Darkness within darkness;

The Gateway to all understanding.”

~Lao Tzu

 In Ancient Egypt, the Ureaii or Twin Serpents – one a Python, or Chthonic Serpent, and the other a Cobra, or Heavenly Serpent were never identified with ideas of evil in Pagan tradition but symbolize the channels of Ida and Pingala or the negative and positive poles within the human body which correspond to Boaz and Jakin in the Quabalah. To draw a metaphysical analogy, then, the central pillar in this context is thus the Tao, the pillar of Moderation and Balance and the Goddess Kundalini, The Serpent within.

As we all live on Earth, we are therefore part of the Earth’s magnetic field and are thus magnets ourselves, possessing both negative and positive poles , being half female, half male and essentially bi-sexual within .

Herein, Leviathan is named as the Blind Prince, Tana’iver, or Tanin’sam. Thus it becomes evident that indeed, one cannot separate male, female and Kundalini. Tanin’iver is of both sexes and Androgynous, as the Cosmic Serpent is of both Yin and Yang.  If one were to imagine a Yin-Yang sphere, suspended in space;  the energy unseen, and mysteriously and infinitely powerful as pure potential;  the space in-between, itself transcending the Yin and Yang and infusing  all natural things with the same current of cosmic energy which keeps the sphere suspended within of itself;  this infinite power and energy - Chi- is of the Great Goddess Kundalini, the Cosmic Serpent, the Goddess beyond notions of good and evil..

Just as there are two Kali’s – Kali-Maa and Kali;  so there is a Greater Lilith, and a Lilith the Daughter;  the Lilith with whom we can visualize so clearly and interact so freely,  if it is of our free will – the Goddess of sublime dark beauty and infinite and deeply profound Wisdom. The goddess within!

Who can say they truly “know”or understand the Great Mother, as SHE originates before Time was? No-one can.  Least of all me – but especially not those people who hate the Great Goddess!

Are contemporary Pagans supposed to just meekly and subserviently accept that the Goddess is evil, a demon, and believe the lies told about the dark half of The Divine Feminine, or the Great Mother, which are all, one cannot help but notice- written by men?

To be continued...

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