Apep Part Two ~ Guest starring O Namazu
To understand a little more of the true nature of Apophis and indeed to get to know more about the ancient ways of interacting with Natural Divinities and the forces of Nature it may help to compare the legends and pictures of Apep, Set , Maat , Bast and Anubis with another legendary magickal Being from another part of this fascinating world ~
a Catfish named O Namazu.
O Namazu
Namazu is a God of World Rectification, or Yonaoshi Daimyojin. In Japanese mythology, Namazu manifests as a giant catfish and was venerated widely amongst the people of Japan. Namazu causes earthquakes when the God Kishima relaxes His vigilance over Namazu.
Kishima maintains magickal control over Namazu via a Magickal Tablet of Power, presumably enscribed with Words of Power, a Crystal or a Sword.
The enormous black Catfish is generally surrounded by several smaller catfish in tow.
Classical depictions show Sages or Magickians riding on Namazu, and in others, people appear to be piercing the great fish with swords or knives. An uncanny similarity exists between the portrayals of O Namazu and Apep. Both are smiling during both the processes of the stabbing or shedding of Blood and of the riding and guiding with magickal tools respectively and both always are around ~ never dying, returning without fail, as regular as rain. What does one make of all this seemingly contradictory graphic evidence?
Now I wonder why the Daimyojin appears as a Catfish, of all other fishes that swim in the sea and stream?
Now a catfish may not be considered anything more than a bottom-dwelling fresh and seawater fish, however the humble catfish displays some remarkable qualities .
Japanese people know that earthquakes can be detected early on by observing the behaviour of catfish in a tank of water. This ancient method of detecting tremors or shifts in the Earth’s crust is arguably more accurate and reliable than the most modern technological means of doing so!
There are many kinds of catfish, some of which are miniscule in size, others growing to quite breathtaking proportions , some of which live in fresh and other species in salt water. They range in size from the Vundu, or gigantic Solomon fish of Africa, which can reach similar sizes or larger as those of the Giant Mekong catfish, to the tiny freshwater species, some of which only grow to around thumbnail size and display an infinite variety of colour and patterning. Actually, the morphology of some kinds of catfish is very serpentine. When mating together, some large catfish couples will twist around each other as a slowly revolving corkscrew in their throes of passion ; every now and again, snapping their mighty jaws with a loud reverberation.
Found in the sweet water of Enki as well as the salt of Tiamat, the catfish is so adaptable to change that certain kinds are even able to live out of water for extended periods of time and walk along from one pool to another overland when necessary. The catfish has such remarkable powers of perception as it can detect the slightest motion in the water. A tiny crab scuttling along or even tweaking it’s eyelashes with it’s pincers; a school of minnows breaking the surface or a dragonfly alighting on the water on it’s way. The reason for this , is that not only does the catfish have whiskers with which it can detect anything in the immediate vicinity, even in the muddiest of waters or in the blackest depths ; the catfish’s entire body acts as a tuning -fork, picking up the faintest of vibrations even at a distance. Imagine what this fish feels when an Earth tremor or volcanic activity occurs? The skin itself contains sensors which enable such amazing powers of perception and help the fish to survive whatever the conditions.
The reason for this , is that not only does the catfish have whiskers with which it can detect anything in the immediate vicinity, even in the muddiest of waters or in the blackest depths ; the catfish’s entire body acts as a tuning -fork, picking up the faintest of vibrations even at a distance. Imagine what this fish feels when an Earth tremor or volcanic activity occurs? The skin itself contains sensors which enable such amazing powers of perception and help the fish to survive whatever the conditions.
As the entire universe, seen and unseen , is made of vibration, or a myriad of vibrational frequencies, those who are able to detect the faintest of vibrations and react to the changing environment timeously, will have a great advantage relative to their chances of survival.
Blocking oneself off from Nature, or separating spirituality and the Divine from the natural creation itself results in a sleeping sickness within which only unnatural dreaming occurs . Empirically speaking, this continued artificial separateness, or literal ”apartheid” between people and the living environment and the inevitable neglect and abuse of Nature which follows this false religious teaching, results in antagonism and conflict and as a result, things fall apart eventually. The proof is in the pudding.
However, when we co-operate with and respect Nature, which really is about respecting oneself and co-operating with Spirit, all things fall into place, and harmonious peace is the result.
The vast reaches of outer space; the very space-in-between that comprises 95 % of reality, is synonymous with the Ocean and water itself in metaphysical terms. All beings exist within this (and here I use another diabolized word) ~ Abyss, or Infinite Void, and are generated and consumed by it in turn, never - endingly..
Water is the element within which the fish lives. As all living creatures consist largely of water , it is one of the things that makes all living creatures so interconnected; and also gives the catfish a sensory advantage when it comes to the detection of vibrational frequencies transmitted through water.
Please note that it is the intent behind the word which determines the reaction of all things to it, and that the specific words used carry various intonations based on subjective interpretation..Say, the words, Witch, or Snake, for example? Depending on one’s subjective viewpoint, which is influenced by the reality we allow others to create for us, or , alternatively, the reality we create for ourselves; these words either carry all of the annotations of evil that the human mind could conjure up ; or those of a powerful and mysterious affinity with Nature.
Thus, it is again the inherent associations which a person has in their mind around anything that literally harms or heals the water crystals within and without of them.
Just as thoughts are said to become things, so the words we speak are the last things that run through our minds before we vocalize them.
Little attention is paid to words, and the significance of the word. Yet it is through the word that all people become magickians from the time that they master a language and they can use the words they have learned to either heal or harm themselves and their environment. Certain words are more powerful in their effects than others are, and much of this power is given to a word by associations built up in the mind of a person. Many of these associations are not gained through personal hands-on experience, but result from the taking-in of the subjective opinions of others. These associations determine the expression of any word and convey the meanings attached to the words in the mind of the speaker to the audience.
There are many words and Names of Power, however, a word only becomes a word of Power by virtue of it’s proportionate significance to the magickian or speaker.
Take the word, Serpent; and then, the word, Catfish. Which associations at first and readily come to mind? They may seem totally unrelated, however one can gain insights by approaching things as if they all have a common origin.
A DragonballZ episode featuring a Namazu was evidently once taken off air at the last minute and re-scheduled due to possible earthquake activity, as no-one wanted panic to set in amongst the people. This is because Just as Dragons shape the natural contours of hill and valley with their movements, so Namazu, when disturbed and threshing about, causes Earthquakes.
However, Namazu is just as associated with Fertility, bountiful harvests and good fortune, and depending on the offerings made to this Fish God of Nature and the Ocean itself, which every year produces more than enough to feed Nature’s human creations without complaint, the incredible free power within Namazu can provide blessings in more ways than one.
Naturally enough, the key to this harmonic interaction with human and Nature would be to regain respect for the ocean and Nature, only taking enough and no more; and always giving back in return…a literal and real example of the kind of natural Magick practiced by our Ancestors.
The substance of the Divinity, the essence, is shed and taken and thus many benefits accrue on all levels of existence.
For once and for all, the misconceptions regarding the metaphorical “slaying of the Dragon”, can be laid to rest.
There is no actual killing of the Dragon, as this would result in all life as we can know it, to cease to exist. There is, however, a certain metaphorical shedding of Blood, or Life essence, from which fertility manifests in all abundance; as long as the balance is kept and one always gives back in order to recieve again . On this basis, the primal magickal relationship between Nature and Humans is maintained .
This is the reason why certain Divinities, Goddess Bast and Set in particular, do not “hunt” Apep with the intent to kill as is portrayed in the later, modified myths; the Blood or essence of the Cosmic Serpent is shed ,, again with Serpent smiling in a carefree way, to provide the means to all-inclusive and very productive ends.
Inanna is the guardian of the Life-Blood of the Earth; which are the pure springs of fresh water, without which we all perish. One may read into this what one will ~
The Ancestors were taught to always take enough for their needs and no more ~ to work carefully with Nature ~ and unfortunately modern humans abuse this relationship by taking too much and generally speaking, do not give anything back to Nature in the way of a self-propitiating offering.
So much so, that there are giant factory ships which strip the oceans , causing an imbalance in the eco-system which in time is going to result in scarcity and suffering due to an ever-expanding population and a proportionately increasing demand on natural resources which cannot be sustained for much longer at this rate.
The Exploitation of Nature is leading to a radical imbalance in our eco-system, which can only be pressed so far before there are severe consequences. A satisfactory offering to Namazu and the Dragons would be to do anything for the environment that one can, and for everyone to refrain from over-fishing and sea pollution. To care for the environment, in effect, shapes the environment in a positive manner; whereas, regrettably in modern times, the reverse is also true.
Oil-soaked pelicans. Sea birds freeze to death after being soaked in oilspills
These two things alone – pollution via detergents and non-biodegradable waste, and the plundering of the Ocean’s resources - can easily be controlled and regulated to meet the needs of the environment, rather than those of greed and profit at the expense of everything else. Surely having developed the technology to send some people to Mars our governments can dare to make a difference and switch from the polluting industries to environmentally –friendly alternatives, which will of themselves provide many work opportunities for those in need, growing economies in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner?
Every small thing helps, however it is our governments that need to show leadership and responsibility, and effect the collective will of the people of the Earth who care about their living space for the sake of future generations by implementing these much-needed changes, before the interference is too great and Natural History repeats itself yet again. Much respect is gained by the leader who acts in the greater interest of the people and does everything s/he can to preserve the environment for the sake of our children’s future.
"A great nation is like a great man.
When he makes a mistake, he realises it.
Having realised it, he admits it.
Having admitted it, he corrects it.
He considers those who point out his faults as his most benevolent teachers.
He thinks of his enemy
as the shadow that he himself casts."
~ Lao Tzu
The concept of a vindictive Divinity who personally causes hurricanes to kill people because he is displeased is based on stories of an all-powerful, jealous and vindictive God and has no basis in reality.
When the forces of Nature and the Elements are interfered with unnaturally, they are apt to express this imbalance, which is caused artificially by the activities of human beings; with unbalanced weather, sometimes even causing natural disasters to occur. There is no doubt that weather patterns are what they are ~ when it blows, it blows, and when it rains, it rains. And then, the sun shines through yet again, in a cyclical fashion. What goes around, comes around?
When Nature is interfered with and the chain of Life is affected, then there are consequences. So whether one prefers to experience the primal forces of Nature as a host of Dragons, Archetypal Deity, and/or as scientific reality in terms of cause and effect, where every action has an equal and opposite reaction per se; it doesn’t really matter. Change is certain, and is described by regular cycles of birth, growth and decline, leading to Death and renewed Life yet again. What does matter, is the quality of the life we wish to live, and how well we adapt to Change, which is a constant universal dynamic.
One should bear in mind that when an organism is being self-destroyed as a result of the unstable actions of one of it’s living components, then that organism will eventually have to rid itself of those destructive elements, leaving only the beneficient ones, or die itself and be re-born into another form. Everything in Nature always eventually returns to a state of equilibrium after all.
Let’s choose Life, and ride with Kishima and Namazu , consuming only our fair share and always giving back rather than trying to dominate and abuse all of the natural beings who share our living space. Responsible custodianship of Nature must prevail over the abuse and pollution for the sake of our continued survival .
No more pollution or overfishing, people!
Another well-known catfish is the Nommo fish of Creation, the fish from Sirius of Dogon legend pictured here emerging from the waters to create human beings. Concise descriptions of these primeval Fish Creator Divinities are varied. A Chinese Dragon, for example is said to be an amalgamation of species as it’s scales are those of a Carp, the body as a Snake, the head of a Lion, the breastplate of a Tortoise and the Horns of a Stag. There are many types of Dragons, including the Little Dragons, or Serpents, naturally and it can be truthfully said that everything in Nature is unique, yet all have the same essence within. To what degree this essence is cultivated or not, depends of course on individual effort and Will..
According to the mysterious Dogon people of Western Africa; Nommo was the very first creature created by the sky God Amma. The Dogon are said to originate in the stars and are one of the star people of Africa together with the Ama Zulu, the people who from the heavens came. They firmly believe that one day, the Ba Polo, the star people, will return to their home planet of Sirius; and that they hold ancient knowledge of the movements of the stars and planets; including the previously unknown existence of the dwarf twin star , Sirius B, which orbits Sirius in a helicial fashion, is invisible to the human eye and which was only “discovered” in the early 20th century by others who had the use of high-powered telescopes...
After the creation of Nommo, the great Fish, another prime Goddess symbol; divided into four pairs of twins. One of these twins rebelled against the Universal order of things; and Amma was compelled to rectify the essential balance.
Amma chose another of the twins to be a sacrifice so that ultimately, order and harmony could again be brought to reality. The twin was dismembered into no more or less than 14 scattered pieces, which were dispersed around the land and hidden from sight at first.
Wherever a body part fell to the Earth, a Holy Shrine was erected
Parallels can be drawn to the saga of Osiris and his dismemberment or sacrifice made in order to proliferate His worship in Ancient Egyptian herstory. There were certain specific places of worship all along the Nile river, which mirrors the milky way; to correspond to these 14 scattered pieces.
"The Nommo divided his body among men to feed them; that is why it is also said that as the universe "had drunk of his body," the Nommo also made men drink. He gave all his life principles to human beings.
Once upon a time, King Unas of Egypt also drank of all the knowledge of the Gods to gain immortality and reside with the Goddesses and Gods in Annu forever.
There are two basic families of Serpents, the Great Serpents or Dragons; and the Little Dragons, or all serpents which are either akin to the Cobra of the Egyptians or the Adder of the Druids.
The Great Serpents, such as Apep and Jorgmandyrr, as well as the Pythons so beloved of the Oracle, are deemed as Chthonic, or related to the Underworld and the Abyss or Void of outer space. These are both Cosmic Serpents on a Macrocosmic scale, their motions affecting events on a planetary scale, and of divination and prophecy, which are of the gifts which come from the Crone Mother.
This is precisely why the Dark Goddess and the Crone Mother have been specifically targeted for labeling by the patriarchy as evil, because patriarchy views Death and Nature as things to be overcome or conquered; while the darkness within the darkness of the Yin, which is actually the gateway to all understanding; is likewise feared, rejected and demonized.
The second family is of the Ureaii, the magnificent rearing Cobra which is the sacred Asp of the Great Goddess Au-Set; the symbol of protection always to be found on the crowns and headdresses of Divinity and royalty alike in days gone by and yet to come.
The Cobra is a feminine serpent as the adder is masculine; especially the horned adders which represent the Celtic God Cernunnos and other Divinities.
Every snake is unique, even those of the same type and species; not one can be said to be the same.
This is a fact of Nature; that no single organism is ever the same in all ways. Not one of trillions of Daisy petals are the same, or snowflakes. And so it is with the infinitely varied paths and traditions within the world of Goddess Pagan spirituality.
One seeker may experience Cats as the most sacred of all Goddess creatures, others the Owl, or the Leopard, Fish or Snake. It matters not, as all things come from the same common source after all, and all things carry within them the same energies. How we develop the gifts we have been given, depends entirely on us.Nothing is above any other thing, and we as interconnected lights of the same Light shining within the Dark space of the Great Mother, view the space - in - between not as threatening but welcoming as the Love which connects all life in this vast Cosmos we call home.
Thanking you, the reader, for your Time, which counts now more than ever. See you on the waters!
Just take care and don’t ever be fooled by anybody who maintains that Serpents are evil – whether they are glorifying this evil, or opposed to it. No animal is evil, this is a human concept which does not apply to animals, who know how to live a life of balance.
Does anyone notice the symbol within a Circle of 9, on O Namazu's chest?
The Triskele is one of the primal symbols of the Triple Goddess,.
It signifies the Wheel of Dharma in Buddhism and was always used as the Goddess Medusa's own symbol for countless millennia. Medusa is a Fertility Goddess of pre-patriarchal Greece and was originally venerated as the Triple Goddess with Athena and Neith, before the legends were altered and Medusa became demonized in Myth.
Triple Goddess Blessings )O(
The Triskele is symbolic of the Triple Goddess as Maiden, Mother and Crone and represents the generative Forces of Nature. Should one visually remove the facial features of the Goddess , one will discover a Caduceus, the Winged Serpent symbol of the Ancient Ones.
Hail the Great Goddess and God of Nature!
Hail Medusa!
Hail the Divinities of World Rectification!
Blessed Be
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