Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Mindfulness, Unease, and Anxiety

Hello All,

What a month of October it has been! 

After my last blog entry for September citing Hurricane Helene, my city of Sarasota, Florida got a direct hit from Hurricane Milton! Alas, I came out of it mostly unscathed with yard debris damage, losing the contents of my refrigerator due to a power loss for 3 days or so. I'm all right just a bit frazzled with 2 mere weeks between hurricanes Helene and Milton for my region of the Florida Gulf Coast.

Today's Jewels of Truth channeled angelic wisdom statements by means of 29+ years of Inspirational psychic automatic writing. Are on the topic of Mindfulness which is a short of the one-liner series. Followed by regular-length topics on Unease and Anxiety which is what my region of Florida and parts of North Carolina are experiencing to date. 

Thank you for your continued interest in our lifelong Dharmic work. Amen.


3347) Mindfulness is both a sacred gift and a personal dharmic responsibility for the health of all the souls concerned in living with wellness. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


3273) To the one that understands much is afforded to comprehend in complete earnestness. To the one that doesn't then much hardship with unconscious confusion will set in over time. Not everyone is afforded the gallant mindset of clarity of purpose. Many others must struggle emotionally and at times foolishly to transcend past the initial stages of personal grief to overcome the lower self. 

Difficulties of all various shapes and sizes will disgruntle the anxious soul. Not all motivations are easily apparent for a remedy to occur. Only a dedicated heart that explores the intricacies of personal struggles will make incremental progress in due time. 

Here too lays the fountainhead of follies that everyone is equal in apptitudes of great accomplishments upon this emotional world of upheavals. Not everyone is a natural-born leader who can marshall their sensibilities onto a higher echelon of overcoming. Many are capable of pushing past the initial shock of disgust and dread despite the grievous odds stacked against them in a sordid life. 

Many a proverbial scuffed knee takes immense grit of personal fortitude to shove past the litany of woes. The prospects in life for opportunity come with potential casualties if one isn't mindful of where they step. No one is directly at fault for living in a corrupt broken world remaking itself in the flawed image and likeness of humanity itself. 

Destinies both great and small are heralded by the individuality of great souls living mediocre lives indeed. For the timid of the world to inherit the Kingdom of God on Earth. They must first earn it in Heaven with an unconditional Faith in God the likes of which the Biblical allegory of Job knew all too well. 

To carry on in spite of appearances of disaster whether natural or man-made is metaphysically irrelevant. The Earth is designed to shock all into submission time and again. The proving grounds of souls who dare to defy the heavenly status quo only to be embarrassed at the travesty of fools suffering with great contrasts encountered. 

Courage of this kind isn't earned but shaped and molded by travesty seared into the psyche of the brave of heart and mind all the same. When a sense of unease enters the world then the wailing begins and only the courageous can carry on and not be completely defeated personally. Authenticity of Integrity is necessary to move forward past the unseen obstacles and the imagined exaggerated carnage at every perceivable turn. 

Whichever is greater well-being or confidence will win out in the end after the woe has been mostly managed. From here experience has been gained with a conditional pricetag of heartache. Regardless, of whether bravado was present or not. The intellect can only perceive so much in order to release an overflow of sensory inputs so as to not shut down completely. 

All mannerisms of recriminations, nagging, and other assorted stressors inhibit the grandeur to overcome with personal dignity in this life. To get a grip as the slippage of personal despair overtakes you is no small feat indeed. To pivot around the inner turmoil in order to flip the anger and fear into productive suffering by casting that into the fires of the mind to heal thyself takes gumption. 

There is no merit that is of worth found in such twisted acrimony the circles of vengeful discord takes one almost to the literal pits of hell in the unholy spirit. Please put aside the grief and condemnation in order to restore yourselves to the Inner Peace of Being and Forgiveness of all negativity encountered. Such robust personal compassionate loving will set you free from the bondage of this chaotic world assuming the grace of angels instead. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.


3294) To the one who suffers unknowingly not realizing that the status quo has shifted from underneath their proverbial feet. Heretofore, anxiety when at odds with the unknown leaves a deafening foreboding fear whereby your ego-mind undisciplined and usually unconscious mindset turns against you. 

Whether you consider this as dread or sheer panic this is none other but the ego-centric mind turning inside out against you personally. Having cannibalized your sensibilities to leave yourself abandoned in no man's land metaphorically speaking. Such a shocking fear serves no one, not every person who obsesses profusely is turned into a ridiculous coward. 

Situational awareness is fine and dandy but when you begin making baseless emotional assertions as fear-based panicked responses you begin tearing yourself apart. No one is served in such a despicable capacity, not your humanity much less your precious internalized dignity. 

Be still and center yourself spiritually and mentally forgive yourself by not condemning your past/present actions and that of other alleged aggressors. Release the burdens from within productively without pursuing a secondary addiction in order to distract yourself from the emotional anguish overall. 

For whichever pain is greatest as a stress not worth keeping or flaming outward begin by experiencing surrender of the petty self. To "Let Go, and Let God" as the famous maxim is known for spiritually. Seek internalized harmony by practicing gentle breathing exercises in an effortless manner. Such as breathing in deeply for a count of one, two, and three slowly and fully. Then hold for one, two, and three gently. Finally release for one, two, and three moments and repeat again two more times to pause your dread. 

Now listen silently for the silence between the moments of nothingness. Aside from hearing the noises of the world apparently who do you feel for intuitively as your greatest security blanket of Being well? Whether this is an imagined projection or not recall a pleasant memory or create one that brings forward your proverbial champion as a role model.


Allow the surrendering of your dread with ease of wellness to flow through you. Relax and do not tense up your shoulders or your stomach and be still deeper still surrender your anguish into the living waters of a cascading whitewater river. Allow it to flow past your Imagined sight perhaps you may even find yourself flowing down such a river. 

By Letting Go you paradoxically reclaim your greater sense of calm. The pessimism abates allowing your own natural divine state of grace to reach you truly. Being alive permits one to live a life of contrasting emotions just not to the point of becoming paralyzed by them. 

This world has always been young and broken on purpose even before humanity set foot as the first primate hominid mammals. Only with the Love of God from within your divine souls permanently in Heaven can you each usher forth the Omnipresence of Goddess forever truly. 

To live every day is a challenge of various sorts of annoyances your Inner resiliency spells the difference between the gladness of life and the travesty of turmoil. Everyone suffers but by how much only you can decide by giving away your power to be abused by an undisciplined mindset or cultivating your divine holy spirit to overcome the world one Love of God at a time. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 29 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination SystemNumerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 19 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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