The Goddess and Her Cosmic Serpent, together with the Sacred Double Lion

and Eye of Wadjit, which is also the Eye of Horus, the Divine Child.

Disclaimer : This is not about the incorrect and falsified version of the Great Serpent which is called by the same Name in contemporary Patriarchal Satanist traditions and similarly described in assorted patriarchal texts.. It is an article penned by a contemporary Pagan Ophite and Goddessian which discusses the Cosmic Serpent. Serpent Worship implies merely the Worship of the God and Goddess of the Universe in Serpent form, although not exclusively so. The Serpent we venerate is the Cosmic Aether, the very Life Force or Kundalini which courses through everyone and everything in the entire Universe, irrespective of what kind of person one is or what colour, creed or religion one is. One is either alive or dead. It really doesn't matter whether or not a person believes in the Life energies of the Universe or not, they actually have no choice. All things come from the Great Goddess and Her Serpent, the Yin and Yang energies within of Her Universe ~ this is why all beings spontaneously honour the Great Mother.

We shall both provide tangible evidence of the fraudulent accusations made against the Cosmic Serpent which are only of the Patriarchy and explore some of the fascinating ways in which our Ancestors interacted  with the Serpent of Creation and Wisdom in days gone by within this article..


The very Name, Apophis, is still enough to invoke feelings of dread and fear amongst those who have been exposed to some of the superficial and biased Patriarchal myths around the Egyptian Dragon, or Cosmic Serpent, also called Apep and Aapep.

Apophis has been described in contemporary terms as a demon of inherent evil and the arch-enemy of several of my personal Patron Divinities and is featured as such in the Patriarchal, or in other words, conventional and official interpretations of the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries.

 Looking beyond the fluff, a comparative study can be made of the striking similarities between various Great Serpents of Mythology such as Leviathan, Ananta, Jullunnggul, Ophion, Damballah – Wedo, Aida-Wedo and  Apophis. These fundamental similarities are way too “co-incidental” to be mere coincidence even to a casual observer. Following this comparative approach, it also becomes clear that there is more than just one side to any mythos, especially as most have been re-told and changed over the years.  As is usual, when exploring so-called Mythology,  it is the fruit and not the flower that should be sought, and so, the further one delves into what one could call the past herstory of this planet, the more apparent the Truth becomes. And is the Truth not after all, what we honestly seek?

This article is penned by a contemporary Pagan Ophite and is certainly not of that genre which you may find in Patriarchal interpretations based on the Late Dynasty texts of Egypt, those of Patriarchal Greece, or any contemporary authoritative patriarchal religious views on our Pagan Divinities ~ with Whom they have never actually interacted at all, themselves.

Having said this, let’s be introduced to the Great Serpent and the Serpent God of Many Names, for each manifests as the other at will.. In Ancient Sumer, His Name is Enki. In Egypt, it is Set; and in patriarchal Greece, it is Typhon. Now when I indicate the masculine gender throughout this article it could be said that gender is really irrelevant. Actually, most Divinities who are male, started off as female in the first place, and the reality of the matter is simply that Divinity is Androgynous and was depicted as such by the ancients themselves who saw nothing strange in this. The fact that the Winged Serpent is of both Heaven (Wings) and Earth (Serpent) should be enough to demonstrate this truth.



The Winged Serpent is the symbol of our pre-patriarchal and extremely ancient Pagan Religion. The “winged solar disc” depicted here, is the symbol of the Life Force of the Universe and is Red in colour, as Red is the color of the Great Goddess . The Disc of the Source of Life is winged, with Twin Serpents emanating from around the central disc.

As these extremely ancient symbols pre-date any notion of a Devil by countless millennia and originate in a truly unknown antiquity, they cannot be defined by any reasonable spiritual person as evil. These are the symbols of the Ancestors - our Ancestors, the First Gods whose true legacy has been effectively demonized.

By the time that the patriarchs in Greece had reworked the original Legends, The Winged Serpent Typhon was described in the Bibliotheka as as the largest and most fearsome of all creatures. His human upper half reached as high as the stars. His hands reached east and west and, instead of a human head, he had a hundred dragon heads; some however depict him as having a human head and the dragon heads being attached to his hands instead of fingers. He was feared even by the mighty gods. His bottom half was gigantic viper coils that could reach the top of his head when stretched out and made a hissing noise. His whole body was covered in wings, and fire flashed from his eyes.”

A very similar description was given to the Great Serpent by the patriarchal Jews who called the Cosmic Serpent Leviathan, and the Christians who call the Serpent the Devil incarnate in the Book of Revelations.

In the context of the classical Greek legends, patriarchy had taken such a hold on this culture by this stage in history that all of the indigenous, primordial Divinities of the Old Ways were classified as Titans.  Typhon in particular is called, “The Father of All Monsters”, while His wife, Echidna, is known here as “The Mother of All Monsters”. This “monster”would then be Nephthys in the corresponding Egyptian pantheon according to these views.


Devils, demons and alien monsters ~ This is the patriarchal way of defining the Pagan Goddess and God of Many Names (what’s changed?) , and thus all of the later myths must be read bearing in mind that they were heavily edited by these people from the originals and are heavily biased against the Ancient Ones.


The ancient tradition of the ongoing struggles between Lightning God and Serpent God are depicted here, as Zeus battles Typhon . Eventually, according to legend, Zeus “wins” the ongoing conflict by trapping the “monster” under a heavy mountain. Just as Tiamat was “split in half” by Marduk, and Thor battles Jorgmandyrr and Loki in similar comparative tales from other cultural contexts, this struggle was incorrectly  interpreted and taken literally to mean the theoretical defeat and total conquering of evil by the forces of good according to the newly-emerging Patriarchal religious traditions.

This is a gross misinterpretation of the way Nature operates as experienced by our Ancestors and relayed in sacred tales known as Mythology, though, as we shall demonstrate in brief.


 These famous legends of the ongoing struggles between the two opposite Divinities throughout ancient herstory are reflected directly in the epic tales of the struggles between  Set and Horus, which likewise went on continually until according to legend, Horus was victorious. Set never died as a result of His ultimate ‘defeat ‘ however, and is ultimately seated opposite his brother aside God  within the context of a dynamic and ever-changing Natural Universe. This is to show that ultimately, it is only through life that we can evolve and thrive. Death is sterile and so cannot create anything by itself, however, the potential of Death and its periodic transformations are necessary for the continuation of Life. This principle was fully embraced by the Ancients ~ and so it is designed to be.

One God, of Many Names


The natural friction between opposite poles of night and day, negative and positive which is harmonious and necessary for the creation and maintenance of life,  had been confused at a later stage in history with the concept of antagonism and enmity between female and male, or between darkness and light . The natural opposition between Night as represented by Set and Nephthys; and Day which is  represented in turn by Isis and Horus and in a myriad of other ways such as the duality within the inseparable Twin Sisters, Isis and Nephthys, as Night complements Day, was now to be confused with concepts of absolute good and evil ~ which really do not make any sense at all in the context of the workings of the Natural Universe.

Dualism had been superimposed over the Yin and Yang, so that the universe was seen as operating as a giant chessboard , all living things in constant conflict and divided between “the forces of light and darkness”. Darkness was taken to mean evil ~ as if night time is “evil”, or all women, for that matter…or, that the Yang is all “good”. It just doesn’t fit.

These tales originally represented the relationship between the natural seasons of Summer and Winter, on a microcosmic level of existence.  A Wiccan Tale, of the Oak and Holly Kings, or the Goddessian tale of Demeter and Persephone will suffice to demonstrate the intimate relationships between the various Divinities who also represent the Seasons themselves.

In the old days, most people were more attuned to the cycles of natural growth and decline, harvest and resting as the economies were predominantly Agricultural in nature. People deified the features of the weather and prayed for the intercession of the Fertility and Harvest Deities to ensure better harvests and weather conditions conducive to fertile abundance. Winter, or metaphorically-speaking, the period of Darkness or rest and potential between successive periods of new growth and decline, was accepted as part of the Wheel of Existence, a necessary phase, even, in the cycles of Life, and was not considered evil but as a stage in one's life to anticipate and prepare for during the course of a lifetime. Balance is the Key.

The Lunar Dragon would metaphorically succeed the Solar Dragon and be succeeded every year at the turn of season and in-between, the natural cycles of life and regeneration would continue as always. The Holly King  is defeated by the Oak King to mark the beginnings of Summer and returns to reclaim the Throne again in season. Holly is a Yin plant whereas the Oak is naturally of the Yang. In the coolth of the night, the Lunar Dragon rules the skies, while during the fiery daytime, it is the Solar Dragon we see blazing through the Aether.

Within the Yin there is Yang, as everything is a reflection of the other, to the extent that even within pure Yang, there is a little Yin and vice versa..The true interpretation of the nature of the Gods and their interactions with each other and the ancestors before the interferences of the male-dominated religions are gained not by trying to attach notions of good and evil to the universe, but rather by realizing that the interconnectedness of all things dispels any such theories and that it is simply in Nature that we must seek the answers.

 Set would battle against Horus and Isis would adjudicate the proceedings, sometimes interceding, and all the while, Thoth and Anubis stood by to ensure that the essential balance was kept and the seasonal conditions remained steady in regenerative power and conducive to abundance.  If there were no Winters and only the heat of Summer, nothing could thrive; whereas all Winter would mean no fruit or blossoms at all.  Thus, the constantly-ongoing relationship between the equal and opposite polarities of winter and summer, night and day  becomes easier to understand as a relationship which is not antagonistic at all but stimulating and vitally necessary for the very existence of life..

 Later on in history, the patriarchy changed the essential meanings of the tales because they wished to diabolize the Old Religion and transform the spirituality of the human race from a Matriarchal system of cultural values and spirituality which gives equal veneration to female and male principles and which recognizes the Goddess as Creator, to having a totally male-dominated religious control system which has influenced many of the major religions in today’s world and thus society to a greater or lesser extent.

Lilith, The Serpent

As a result of this process which took around 4000 years to refine, the symbolic Winged Serpent featured as the “evil” serpent of temptation in the Garden of Eden, and the Old Ways and women were effectively removed from power and classed as either tame and good ; or independent and evil, depending subsequent to the publishing of this patriarchal fable which is designed to diminish Woman.. As soon as women realize that the Serpent in the Tree is the Goddess, and that women’s power and autonomy has been removed artificially by the authors of male-dominated religions to their own selfish benefit – that through this false theology, people have been effectively removed by Nature and thus, themselves; that to seek enlightenment by exploring Occult (simply meaning, “hidden”) knowledge that liberates and balances oneself and the environment is likewise not “evil”, but vitally necessary for personal advancement on all levels; and that reconnection with Mother Earth, the Dragon and Holy Spirit of the Divine Feminine will bring about many significant changes in one’s quality of living, facilitating easy and painless childbirth and regaining the ways of Women’s Magick for self-empowerment and protection against aggressors to mention just a few.

The Goddess teaches Equality; yet this is not good enough for those who wish to retain a monopoly over the spirituality of the people.

The Dark Crone Goddess was originally worshipped in Greece long before all other Divinities, yet, Medusa, the Kundalini Goddess was made a monster and the Crone‘s ancient worship neglected with the rise of the male-dominated religions. The primal Divinities of Creation, intimately associated with the Great Mother, had already been classed as evil at this stage in history.


As I am fond of mentioning, all things really do have a common origin. And so, as you have stayed with me this far into my little article; herewith the true origins of the Great Serpent ~

 The Goddess Eurynome and Her Ophion

“Mother Earth bare her youngest child Typhoeus of the love of

Tartarus, by the aid of golden Aphrodite.”

—Hesiod, Theogony 820-22


Thus, Mother Earth; the Goddess Gaia, is the Mother of Typhon via the Goddess of Death and Love, Golden Aphrodite. Of course, the Legend of Athena, Gaia and Erichthonios and the legend of Eurynome and Ophion are similar in essential meaning. The Goddess’ Ophion, is most certainly NOT any Devil-snake at all, unless you subscribe to the view that those responsible for creating everything, are devils of evil.

In the earliest legends of Creation, the Goddess is first, and is partheogenic, or self-creating. The first creation is the Cosmic Serpent which the Great Goddess weaves into being. The whole of creation emanates from within the Cosmic Egg that is formed of the primal union between Goddess and Serpent or, Yin and Yang energies of the Universe.

"Diana was the first created before all Creation;

in Her were all things;

out of Herself,

the first Darkness,

She divided Herself;

into Darkness and into Light

She was divided.

Lucifer, Her brother and son,

Herself and Her other half,

was the Light"



The Worship of the Serpent is thus almost as old as the Worship of the Great Mother, as the Goddess was First and created the Serpent from within of Herself in the beginning of Creation. Clearly, even to the most biased observer, these tales of Creation are not inspired by or relate to any Patriarchal Devil.

Thus, the Serpent was never viewed as evil by the ancients, in the same sense in which Nature cannot be labelled as classically evil or good, for manifesting both stormy and tranquil weather or for facilitating death and life.

 The Great Serpent in all cultures was revered from the first times as literally personifying the God of the Sun and also the Goddess of the Moon. In Chinese beliefs, the Dragon represents Mother Earth. The Great Serpents are Creators in their own right and are intricately involved with the creation and protection of Life in the core legends of Creation the whole world over.

The Family tree ~ The first creation is Apophis, or Ophion; second is Sobek, the Crocodile Divinity representing all life which came onto the Earth from the Watery Abyss of the Nun, Great Mother, or Tao in the Beginning.

Isis as Parthenogenic Creator

 Portrayed within the Metternich stele as Androgynous, the Great Goddess stands astride Apep.  In this depiction, Apep has the tip of the tail firmly clenched within the mouth. This is a universal symbol of the World Serpent, the One who encircles the Earth in all ancient cultural legends. Actually, one of Apep’s titles is “The World Encircler”

This symbol below is an example of how Patriarchal Religion have stolen our symbols and  diabolized the Great Serpent, creating entire traditions dedicated to harming others by taking their Life Force instead of working with the energies of Mother Earth for healing as Goddessian Ophites do.

The false symbol of the Serpent. Unfortunately this symbol has been misused by certain Religions as a symbol of evil; and for all the wrong reasons - whereas for countless years before this , the Great Serpent was seen as representing the Wheel of Existence, within the context of Infinity.

This is precisely why the Goddess is shown in many instances as riding the Dragon.

Often, the Dragons pull the Goddess’ Chariot, much as Apep powers the Solar Boat as we shall see explained.

“She hummed the song,

it was as the buzzing of bees (or a top spinning around),

 a spinning-wheel spinning life.

She spun the lives of all men, all things were spun from the wheel of Diana.

Lucifer turned the wheel.”

 ~ The Vangelo, or Gospel of the Witches

And some people thought that our “primitive” pre-his-storic ancestors had to actually re-invent the wheel! Lol.

It has only been over the last five to six thousand years of the planet’s herstory that any Serpent has been described as evil or sinister, and this has coincided with the theological separation of humans and God from Nature.

For the first time ever , Nature and natural occurrences, such as typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes and even Death itself and the processes of natural decline and re-growth, the very cycles of Nature, were to be seen as somehow, evil.

The Serpent, of all creatures (co-incidentally?) was chosen by Patriarchal theologians to be the Judeo-Christian Devil’s own symbol, and so, the Goddess and God of Nature together with the Pagan Dragon were placed on the evil side of the hypothetical cosmic chessboard by default .

The Ancients certainly never viewed the Serpent as inherently evil, though; nor did they see the natural universe working in this way at all.  On the contrary, our Ancestors, being in touch with Nature, most certainly experienced the richness of Life itself which is characterized by Change, a universal constant dynamic which engenders the cycles of creation and destruction in all spheres of existence.

 Both  increase and decrease, life and death, fertility and barrenness ~ Yin and Yang ~  were always experienced as multiple aspects of the Cosmic Serpent’s awesome power.  In all lands, the Dragon was once highly venerated as symbolizing the Cosmic Current of the Life Force ~ as Mother Earth and the Elements which flow within and without of every living being..

 The ancient Greeks termed all large snakes, Drakons, a name which is generally used to describe the incredibly diverse family of Winged Serpents in the Occident as well as the Dragons of the Orient.

In the Orient, the Dragon is still highly venerated as sacred  and while it can be said that although certain Dragons are associated with bad weather conditions and other natural phenomena, it is true that no single Dragon is ever seen as evil, at all.

As most people reading this will most definitely have conflicting feelings about Apep, and these feelings are caused by incorrect and harmful patriarchal programming and the distortion of the Truth. I would like to revise these theories by having a closer look at the surviving depictions of Apophis in Ancient Egyptian sacred artworks, and analyze these in brief. It is said that a picture speaks more than a thousand words.


Apophis appears in several pictures where the Serpent appears to be cut with knives shaped as feathers, by various Divinities manifesting as  sacred animals such as Cats and Hares; and by Deities and women.

As with all ancient “mythology”, these depictions have several layers of meaning.

Has anyone ever noticed that in most of these ancient depictions, wherever the Serpent’s Blood is poured out upon the Earth, Wonderful fruit trees spring up bearing heavy ripe jewels of fruit?

The Ancients would say that wherever the Dragon’s blood spilled onto the Earth, unbelievable levels of fertility would cause the rampant growth of highly productive , healthy and pest-resistant crops.

It is also believed that wherever this blood spilt, or was shed, the Earth would experience a raising of the energy called Dragon’s Breath. Often, places of worship were erected on these Power Spots, or spirals constructed to mark their significance. This implies simply that somehow ~ and herein lies the Mystery , at least on one level of reality ~ the ancients had the means and Wisdom to be able to harness, direct and guide the primal energy of the Cosmic Serpent towards specific aims.

The Dragon’s blood was so sought after, that everybody wanted some ~ and yet, the shedding was always done without any permanent or significant harm done to Apep, save for that in illusionary symbolism which catered to the speculative, literal interpretations of the exoteric masses.


Apophis is almost always featured in various depictions of the Sun Boat of the Gods. The Sun Boat of the Ancients traverses the heavens every day, carrying the Divinities who direct the course of the vessel.

The Sun Boat resumes it’s voyage each and every day, or otherwise everything would prematurely dissolve into Chaos, the Void or Abyss of Infinite Potential , the Great Mother or Neter ; the source of all Life and Death renewed.

And how is the Sun Boat powered ~ what kind of power would be required to set in motion and maintain the Celestial voyage?

The Dragon Apep is usually seen undulating, the massive length of her supple and powerful body underneath the Sun Boat of the Divinities. Serpents have the highest levels of kundalini energies in their bodies than any other creature, and so one can only  imagine what sort of power is latent in a large Cosmic Dragon such as Apep.

 Apep appears to be "impaled"by Set on a metal staff, leading the early Coptic Christians to interpret these pictures as the “slaying of the ‘evil’ Dragon” as they tried to fit the ancient Divinities into their mythology of Dualism despite all of the latent contradictions evident in these theories.

 These later patriarchal versions, or interpretations of ancient legend and symbolism are based squarely on  Dualism and as such are not in tune with Cosmic reality.

The Universe does not operate on conflict between opposites, it operates on the complementary friction between these polar opposites which makes the Cycles of Existence possible and reflects true duality as it is meant to be experienced..

A sword was very rarely used to kill people in the Matriarchal culture of our Ancestors, as weapons are anaethema to the Great Mother, but the Sword or Athame and Staff were used for various metaphysical purposes instead.

One will notice in their daily , never-ending cyclical journey , that Apep always returns in the morning, regular as clock-work. Which is not to say that the journey ever stops at night, under the silvery moon and star-light either.

This part was left out, although some may tell us that the “forces of good” battle against Apep all night” to “ensure that the forces of darkness do not overthrow the order of things and cause chaos to rule”, and then Set, the Serpent God, gets busy killing the power that propels the Sun Boat  at sunrise and throughout the day,

Then one may notice that the metal staff of the God Sutekh, known as Set, does not ever actually kill Apophis, who is smiling during all this ~ and that the positioning of the tip of the staff differs slightly from picture to picture.

The shape of Apophis is significant as to those who are aquainted with symbols for potential energy, energy in motion, and symbols such as the Ohm symbol depicted above. When Bast judiciously sheds the Life Blood of the Earth energies, Apep is shown in a double-Ohm shape.

Apophis is also often shown as a coil, or Spiral and then in other depictions as having several undulations along the length of the body. The Spiral is the Goddess symbol of Creation and the basis of Life; an ancient symbol for pure potential energy which is released by the action of a stimulus and  then becomes a wave or undulation..

One may notice the specific number of undulations along Apep's body length, and the repeat of the symbol for Strength and Infinity  in these depictions.

Having ascertained that it is the energy of Apep which drives the Sun Boat, we could easily see that this power must be channelled wisely through form, to avoid any erratic surges and potentially hazardous bursts of directionless energy.  As Binah gives form to the freely flowing energy of Chokmah one might say, Quabahlistically - speaking.

The Sun Boat is sometimes also drawn by Anubis, the Guardian of Isis and Horus and of the Pyramids, the Love Child of Osiris and Nephthys ; thus embodying both the natural polar opposites of Light and Darkness, Yin and Yang within .

Set, often shown together on the Sun Boat with the Goddess Ma’at, the Cosmic Goddess of Truth and Justice;  is one and the same God as his equal and opposite aspect, Horus. The earliest statuary depicts One God with two faces ~  In this way, the Serpent God is similar to Anubis, having both Yin and Yang in balance; and able to interact with the Dragon. To further supplement this polarity in balance, the Goddess Maat and Ra Himself are ever-present and work with Set and Anubis together towards the same aims.

Naturally, Set is Thoth the God of Wisdom and consort of Ma’at in another manifestation, as  Divinity can appear as multiples at will.

The Nun Boat

Over the years, men have tried in vain to try and force the Dragons of Nature to comply with their harmful aims. This kind of compelling magic cannot be used successfully with Dragons at all. In fact, it can backfire rather badly should these experiments with the use of natural powers thorough technology for purposes of harm instead of healing  persist. One plays with one’s destiny when deliberately fiddling with Nature in order to deliberately harm or control others through fear, and this may be an ultimate lesson in celestial mechanics for many in time to come.

Nuclear power , having been harnessed for warlike purposes and control through fear, is a pertinent example. Should all of the resources and technology which went into the formulation of the Atomic and Neutron bombs have been used for regenerative, healing and peaceful purposes, we should all be living in a literal paradise by now.

In this very ancient depiction, Anubis works Magick with the Cosmic Serpent, depicted here as wave-like in form. This perhaps illustrates the free-flowing energies of the Universe more adequately.

This is a petroglyph from Southern Africa, said to have been done by the !Kung peoples a very, very long time ago. Note the same wave form underneath the Boat here.

In these interesting depictions, neither Apep or any other Serpent is trying to harm anyone.

A modern establishment view on some of these pictures is that they depict the “evil Apophis” being “rendered harmless by being pegged onto the ground” to “prevent him from killing people”

So close, yet just how far…indeed, the energies are definitely being concentrated in specific spots, hence the odd-looking metal hoops and pegs in the pictures; and there definitely seems to be a close relationship of sorts between the Divinities and Priestesses in these pictures and the Serpent  which is not antagonistic or controlling, rather directing and guiding. And herein lies the rub..

It becomes clear, going through all of these pictures,  that there is never any fatal slaying of the Dragon, or any permanent restriction. Somehow, there is Co-operation, or a virtual synergy apparent. The reader should query why the mighty Divinities of Old did not simply kill the Great Serpents of Herstory and be done with it! If the Serpents were ever seen as the enemy, this would have most certainly occurred. It is really impossible to kill a Cosmic Dragon in any event, and if it were, life as we know it would simply cease to exist.


It is not ever of these powers of Nature themselves that any harm is done, or healing ; it is in the operator’s will and intent. Abusing Nature and Her Laws is the same as abusing  Magick, as Magick is Natural Science as yet unproven empirically ~ so thus I would not advise it.

A most convincing method of proving something empirically would be to place a pair of catfish in a tank of water; and make sure that they are overfed on unnatural sugary food with additives and preservatives, colorants and artificial flavourants, introduce a steady stream of alcohol and drugs to the water which , having been polluted, has a low oxygen content; make sure that the tank is never cleaned out but that all waste products are dumped and steadily accumulate in the water; play disturbing sounds of violence and dischordant musical vibrations nearby, transmuting the notes into the water constantly; introduce biologically engineered viruses into the water from time to time, and ensure that the fish get overworked and watch violent scenes on a big screen all night after work; and then, observe the effects of the cause of the imbalance itself unfold in typically disastrous fashion. (Please don’t actually try this at home, unless you wish to have the deaths of two special fish on your conscience)

Things have an uncanny way of returning to the sender in more than two ways. Another “real”(lol) example would be choosing to operate according to Feng Shui (Dragon’s Breath) principles and plain commonsense by simply working with Nature instead and replacing tropical hard-woods with other suitable tree varieties to meet the demand in a responsible fashion and just leaving the pristine natural environment be. Without the lungs of the Earth, the tropical hardwood forests, nothing can survive and due to the uncontrolled rape of the forests on a world-wide scale the balance is being severely disturbed.  This disturbance is manifesting in many symptoms, such as an escalating species extinction rate, higher average temperatures, and ultimately, in consequently devastating weather patterns of destruction. This is akin to really cutting into the Serpent enough to cause serious Harm, metaphorically speaking. And, sooner or later, the Serpent will react in ways too terrible, such as manifesting in the form of a giant Tsunami or Tornado.

It is really all about energy, and how we choose to use it as we move forward and sideways through the continuum we call Time, that will determine the survival of many species on Planet Earth in time to come.

The Ancients actually made a global map of the currents of this geomagnetic energy, or the Dragon’s Breath, demarcated by a global network of Pyramids, which were all built in honour of Goddess Isis, Mistress of the Pyramids.

There are many such pyramids all over the world, and these were linked together in more ways than one by stone channels and smaller interlinking pyramidions, which we call Obelisks. All of these symbols are Ancient Ophite Goddess spiritual symbols. One may even see this mind-boggling interconnectivity to resemble a pre-his-storic power grid! Now I understand the knives, or pegs a little better…could they be concentrating, magnifying and directing the  free flowing , non-antagonistic and price-less (excuse the pun);) geo-magnetic energies of Nature, I wonder?



The spiral is found in all of Nature, as seen proportionately in terms of the Golden Mean Ratio . The spiral is the building block of all sacred geometry and the very ancient symbol of Goddess and Her Serpent.

To the Ancients and contemporary Pagan Ophites and associates, spirituality and science never contradict each other, as they are synonymous. Science is simply Natural Magick that hasn’t yet been empirically proven; and real advances will be made in time to come by the scientist and metaphysician who overcomes restriction and combines scientific analysis and logic, with the powers of Intuitive reasoning.


A petroglyph in Utah


The Spiral represents the Natural Cycle of Existence. Our Ancestors had intimate knowledge of the inherent Powers of the Earth and the Universe, and this was shared as evidenced by the monuments which remain behind as an enduring legacy of the Old Ways, such as for example, in North America where one will find Serpent Mounds, shaped in characteristically coiled serpentine style  which thankfully have been preserved in part for our descendants to appreciate and enjoy.

The Great Serpent Mound, Ohio

The Sacred Egyptian Serpent known as Cneph 

Everything we do is placed on the Spiral pathway of our lives, and thus returns again in cycles. At the centre of the Spiral path lies one’s innermost Truth ~ what lies beyond remains the Greater Mystery of which no initiate may speak.  Fear keeps most separate from the depths of the Ocean; and thus there may be hidden truth in the saying, “Many are called, but few are chosen”



Please note that the symbols of our Serpent and Goddess Divinities do not have their origins in any form of New Religion, such as Satanism for example. The above pictures and symbols of the Cosmic Serpent are of the oldest of spiritual symbols known to humankind, and are the symbols of the eternal Cycle of Existence, the Wheel of Life ~ Immortality of the Spirit within the context of Infinity. .




O Blessed Be )O(

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The Scapegoat: Yom Kippur

Posted by the Draç on October 12, 2024 at 7:00am 0 Comments


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