I am going to help you find your place in the tapestry of souls in this world and beyond. This is a soul map, or index of lives that most people overlook when meditating on the secrets of the universe. Our lives are the key player in everything our universe holds close. And souls, are at the center of everything.

Here is a mystery for you. What came first, souls or creation? Now, think about this mystery in context. Did you build up your life, or were you born into one? How far you travel with your own answer to these questions, becomes the basis for where you currently are on the soul tapestry.

When you become the center of everything in your life, but an observer of the lives of others, you allow yourself to lead personal dreams into passionate reality. Regardless of how long the journey is. Here's a fun fact for you. Your soul history is such a long journey, where you have come from already until the point where you are living your life at now, that it predates creation!

Yes, you predate creation. This is why all deities worthy of reverence, call you a living miracle. Creation was started by a single soul looking to embody a purpose. And this purpose, is the primary focus of future vision.

Future vision, does not mean, visions of the future. It refers to your place on the soul tapestry. All souls are equal to one another. Creating identities through livelihoods in the presence of their own well being. The vision you dream of for your future, can never change unless you will it to do so.

The future is a constant presence of knowledge that is always being birthed into creation. The truth is, no soul in creation would not exist without being a parent. If you believe that children can only be conceived by being or playing host to another creator, then you are following in the wake of another future you are apart of. Every time you birth a creator, you let them add to the soul tapestry of future vision. Every time you add to creation, you rise above the soul tapestry to become a guardian of its well being.

Every experience you have in life, leads you closer to immortality. And every journey you travel on, will give you knowledge and wisdom from within. This is the substance of what vision is made from. When you embrace it, you become a living future. When you do this, by accepting your place within the soul tapestry, you become fully awakened to purpose and perspective absolutely.

Love as one for we are one in the all that is everything. The first ever blessing, will carry forever infinitely.

Views: 222

Replies to This Discussion

Excellent text. It's wonderful to be aware that I am eternal.

You are very welcome. Mostly this is simply getting to know such a feeling as a state of being, without adding any other density to it. Let me know if you have any questions about the soul tapestry, I will try to answer in as clear of a way as I can.

Ok. Thank you.

I like your dog, Sirian <3


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