On many occasions growing up I’ve had dreams that made me wonder if they could be snippets from a past life? However most of them weren’t relevant to my current life so I didn’t pay that much attention to them. As I’ve grown older I wish that I had payed more mindfulness to these dreams as I now wonder if perhaps I might have missed a past lesson that I was supposed to incorporate into my current life.

     With this in mind a few years ago I purchased a past life meditation CD from Brian L. Weiss to try and explore what I may have missed before. I’ve used that CD on many occasions with little luck until recently when I’m pretty sure that I broke through that mental block. I guess practice was the key to success.

     I’m standing in a room that is furnished with many fluffy pillows and the walls are adorned with art from a distant past. I’m feeling like I’m in Egypt but not a hundred percent certain of that. It’s strange because I feel like I’m two different people sharing one mind. There is the observer me and the observed me.

     The observer side of me sees what I believe is a man but I can’t be a hundred percent sure of because I very much look like I’m female. I have long thick black hair that shines like it has been treated with some kind of oil? I’m fairly tall and feel kind of muscular. I’m wearing a dark robe as well as several gold necklaces gold bracelets and rings. My skin is olive colored which seems to fit perfectly with my long black hair. I have no apparent facial hair which again makes it hard to determine which sex I am. I guess either way I would consider this incarnation of myself to be extremely attractive male or female.

     With all of that said I do not feel as If I’m a king. I am obviously someone of great wealth though. Unfortunately this is wear this reflection of this past life starts to fade out and another one fades in.

     I’m walking barefoot in a village with many people along the sides of the road in what appears to be a market of some kind. I’m wearing what I can only describe as what looks like a burlap sack with holes cut in it for my arms and a rope belt around my waist. MY hair is short and a mess sticking out everywhere.

     As I walk down this road no one in the village even looks my way. I feel destitute and totally without love or purpose. I’m obviously very poor. My age feels as If I might be in my twenties or early thirties. I wish that my life would just come to an end! And this where the CD ends which pulls me out of the meditation.

     I assume that spirit chose these two incarnations to show me that I have lived at both ends of the very rich and the very poor. I will continue to use this CD to see what else I can achieve or if I can extend either of these two past reflections for more information. If anyone would like to comment please feel free to do so below.


Bill Walker

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Very interesting experience, Bill, I have rememberd past lives on site, when visiting places and recognizing them and remembering whatever I did on those places, and I am perfectly aware of all of it and they are not dreams, but visits to the past!

In Spain, upon visiting the old capital, Toledo, I recotgnized the main Catholic Church there, which I used to attend in a lifetime, it wsas like re-visiting a very familiar place and I knew where everything was, and yet, upon arrival in a Synagoge

the same thing happened to me, thus I realized I must have been a Jew that pretnded to convert to Catholicism, at a time when it was necessary to remain there. 

But I have remembered  so many lifetimes, and different situations upon visiting old stumping grounds or places.

One of the most sublimes ones was in the Alhambra, also in Spain, when I rememberd having been a Muslin girl and that one was one oif my most beautiful lifes, which I had remembered before, upon listening to some music that had brought it back to me, but there I recognized the whole place, and even though I had fallen and could not walk right, before my arrival, everything disappeared, and I was young and happy as a lark, with no impediment to walk and walk I did all day long!

But I have remembered past lives in many different places, upon arrival at the place I begin to recognize everything!

I have been so many different people, and I have seen so much also upon leaving my body and going into other places and lifetimes!

I have that ability, to leave the body and re see scenes from other lives and re visit the feelings that I had then!

I t also happened to me in Jerusalem, and in front of Mt.Fuji, in Japan!

In visting Maine in the USA, I knew where everything was and kept of giving diretions to people, and of course in Ireland, I recognized most everythign I saw there!

The first time and every other time I have been there .

Very fond memories!

But I have also visited places that I have not identified, as yet, when I leave the body in the evenings and go wandering about!

Thanks Carmen. I would love to have a past life regression at some point by a reputable therapist. I did see a psychic once who said she could do that for me but when it came down to it she said that my energy was very dense and hard to pierce through. I was very disappointed to the point of feeling like I had been ripped off!

You were, and you knew it!

Bill, I have never had anyone tell me anything, we go remembering and the thing I did, though, was to do some exercises that allowed me to begin having out of the body experiences.

No one can tell us anything, it happens to us as we mature in our inner jouirney, I never trust or listen to what others tell me, it has to be experienced by my own Soul, and you know that, since your experiences are only yours to have.

Keep going the way you are, and if you want to have out of the body expereinces, just address that situation, with some exercises, when it first happened to me I got so scared that I ran right back into my body, but then I realized I could not be afraid and I had to let go and experience  those other realms!

I have never failed to come back, until, may be when I am due to end this journey!

In the evening, before you go to sleep,  request to go somehere you know even in this lifetime, and be persistent, until finally your Soul gets out and does it!

Then you will become a Soul traveler!


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