The following are technical support notes to the essays included in ’From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells’. As such there will be numerous repetitions of the subjects covered in that work, as it was extracted largely from these notes. However, a wealth of extra material follows which could not be drawn in detail into the narrative of the essays. This material stems from 1985.

The Sabbatical Goat

The symbol of the goat’s head in the inverted pentagram is said to be the traditional glyph of medieval European Satanic Witchcraft. Since that time the Sabbatical Goat has become ubiquitous throughout the left hand path of occultism.


The letters around the perimeter, usually displayed in Hebrew consonants in common usage, spells L’V’Th’N: Leviathan. In apocryphal Jewish holy literature it was Lilith, fleeing to the Red Sea, who became identified with the Leviathan, a sea monster, often portrayed as a giant serpent or Draken.

The colors used in representations of the above are invariably red on black. Although thought of as Satanic, these colors on the Aziluth or Imperial level of the Cabalistic Tree of Life are not Satanic at all, but are Sacred to Binah. The Emperor is red, representing dynamism; and the Empress is black, representing the primordial sea of Understanding or Being; i.e. Space/Time. Red and Black were used by Cathars, who tied their Blue-Black Robes (cf. Sufi cloaks) with the hated ’little Red Cord’, which also appears as the Garter or Points in Scottish Witchcraft.


The use of a red cord has a twofold symbolism in that it is also identified as the woolen cord that was wrapped around the horns of the Scapegoat of Jewish history. The Scapegoat was identified as Azazel, an angel or Nephilim/Watcher, a prototype of the later sacrificial God/King.

Binah is ruled by the Planet Saturn or Chronos. This takes us into the Titanic period of civilization which preceded the Jehovan or Olympic age. The sacred flower of Binah is the Lily and its tree is the Cypress, used for both funerals and weddings (ie. both destruction and creation), and its sacred animal is the bee, the Sacred Mason and the drinker of the nectar of the Lily.


Uniting the concept of marriage (sexual union) with death (negation) is Tantric/Proto Cabalistic and therefore Aryan; and therefore Ubaid in origin. The sex-negation concept is central to the theory of hierogamy, divine union and courtly love which is expressed in alchemy and inextricably linked to the drinking of the "nectar" of the Lily and the Rose.

This is the true meaning of the Merovian Bee, which in its use by them was also intended to link them with the forgoing concepts and the Primordial Sea, the waters of Chaos or Tiamat as well as Lilith.

Saturn (Anu) and Lilith’s sacred color is Purple, which is the origin of its use by Emperors and kings. Displaying this color denotes their descent from Lilith and also the Titans.

Saturn is the predominant planetary sphere ruling Capricorn, whose planetary archangel or nephilim was Azazel. The Sabbatical Goat developed from Khem (formerly Azazel) whose cult was centered upon the Temple of Mendes. Later Grecian expressions of this cult cast the Khem as Pan who, by the medieval period, had become Pan-Khem: the Solar-Goat deity of the French witches who, trained by the Templars and Cathars provided, in a very basic form, a plebian and religious variant of the more complex scientific and genealogical tenets of those whom they supported and to whom "Satan"; the Sabbatical Goat, was the "Good God", the liberator from church oppression and the iron grip of their other christianized overlords.

The principal figure at these sabbats was a figure with a shining gold torso and the head and legs of a goat. It was revered as the Black and Gold Sun, echoing the origins of Khem as a solar deity but also embodying the Draconian symbol of Sirius, the Black Sun or eight pointed star.

In England Khem-Pan was known as Puck, son of Titania (Titans) and Robin Hood or Robin Goodfellow. Goodfellow is reminiscent of "The Good Folk" and provides one of many links between English and Scottish Witchcraft and the Fairies, who are also called the Gentry (because they literally were the lords and nobles of many districts) and "Shining Ones".

British Sabbats were overseen by a "Man-in-Black", usually the local Lord or Baron who was worshipped as the God of the Sabbat, ie.; Robin or Satan, Pan or Khem.

Witchcraft in Europe and Britain was run by the Templars and Cathars and provided the groundswell of support at the grasroots level for the Fairy aka Grail aka Dragon families and the doctrines which made them distinct. Witchcraft is original christianity, practicing christian gnostic dualism and providing, in their tens of thousands, an army of support for the scions of Christ.

The church persecuted Templars, Cathars and Witches equally as heretics. If witchcraft was, as the fluffy bunny apologists of the 20th c. claim, a pagan religion, it would not have attracted the animosity of the church, who only prosecuted heterodox christians

A final note on Chronos/Saturn/Anu. He was the inventor of Agriculture and thus may be identified with the Annunaki of Sumeria who also developed advanced farming techniques and settled agriculture. Wherever one travels in the world the figure of Saturn is invariably depicted as an old man with a beard leaning on a staff, even in societies where the members don’t grow facial hair themselves. He was the grim reaper, the god who controlled the fate of man. As such, he was in the fullest and most precise terms the God-King of the Fairies, the Fata or Fates.

Pan was the son of Hermes. Hermes was an intermediary between the Gods and man, a prototype of the Pontiff or bridge, the God king. As mercury he is also identified with Odin, another sacrificial god, whose totem animals, the raven and the wolf, both feature as grades of initiation in Mithraism and are specific grades of Vampire in Romanian tradition. The Stregoica or wolf-vampire (werewolf) of Romanian tradition derives from the root word Strega, which is Latin and where Stregoica is a vampire in Romanian (which is a Roman language), in Italian a Strega is a witch. The Turkish for Vampire is Uber, a witch. Note Ubermensch.

Mithras is a balancing factor between good and evil, an intermediary very much like Hermes. Odin as the one eyed God mediates between the worlds and to gain the wisdom of both hung upon Ygdrassil, a Lilith - Samael symbol of the Tree of Life/knowledge.


As a Blinded God he is reminiscent of the blind serpent who mediated between Lilith and Samael at their union.



Ham is known traditionally as Chem. In Hermetics and dualism he is known as Chem-Zoroaster "a great and venerable Magus", the Archon of the 10th Age of Capricorn. As Archon or representative, he is identified with Capricorn as its physical manifestation, ie. he IS Capricorn. Originally the symbol for Capricorn was a creature half Goat, half Sea Monster.


This takes us back to the inverted pentagram of the Sabbatical Goat encircled by the word (also meaning issuing from the space or womb of) Leviathan who is the Sea Monster, (Lilith) and Sea Dragon of primordial chaos (Tiamat). Therefore the Sabbatical Goat is Capricorn the Sea Goat. As the Egyptian God, the Sabbatical Goat is Khem, the solar deity of Mendes and Khem is a variant spelling of Chem who is Ham who is the Archon of Capricorn and Capricorn incarnate.

Ham the accursed one of the christian bible, moved to Egypt. As a Dragon God King of the Line of Annunaki, the originators and Draconian Patrons of human Kingship, Ham or Chem-Zoroaster became Khem the first Sebekh. The Sebekh is the Crocodile (water/sea dragon or Leviathan) God, who is the Patron of Kingship. He wears a solar (cf. Khem) disc upon his forehead suspended between two (goat) horns. Ham or Chem is Sobekh 1st; T’Ham’Pthis, the first dragon king of Egypt to use the Sebekh title and thus proclaim his right to create kings. First God King of the Egyptian cult of Draco.

The Sobekh title may distinguish the grafted line of the immigrant dragon kings of Sumeria from the indigenous Semitic, Nubian and other dynasties.

Ham as Chem-Zoroaster and also as Khem and later Pan son of Hermes is closely linked to the concept of Aryan Dualism and its symbol; the entwined serpents - Mazda and Ahriman, light and dark. Mazda is Ormuzd and Ahriman is Enlil or Jehovah. Ormuzd derives from the Indo-European Orm, a worm or Dragon and Masd, white or light, hence white worm (see vampire mythology) or Dragon of Light. Ahriman is thus the Dragon of Darkness, hence the Satanic inversion "Good is Evil and Evil is Good".


The entwined serpents or dragons appear as the serpents of the caduceus of Hermes, who is father of Pan; the Goat headed solar deity Khem. The caduceus is crowned with a solar winged-disc and the entwined serpents are reminiscent of the double helix ribbons of the thyrsis wand of Dionysus, which is crowned by the pine cone depicting the pineal gland. The symbols are variants of each other in a Hermetic sense.

Dionysus was the son of Zeus. The worship of Dionysus was brought from India by the Alexandrian Greeks. Zeus, his father was known as the Indian or Aryan Dispater, which translates as Deus Pater or father god, aka Enlil or Jehovah. If Hermes can be identified as a variant of Mithras, who was descended from the Aryan Zirvan, then Hermes is either an Uncle or Brother of Dionysus. Zirvan is Time. Saturn or Chronos is Old Father Time.

Therefore Zirvan and Saturn are identifiable. Consequently Mithras is Hermes son of Chronos who also fathered Zeus. Hermes and Zeus are brothers. If Zeus is Enlil, then Hermes is Enki, Samael, Masdoa (Mazda, ie. Mazda is Mithras). Hermes is the father of Pan and Zeus is the father of Dionysus. Pan and Dionysus are always featured in the same retinue and as Bacchus, Pan’s rites duplicate those of his twin Dionysus. The totem animals of Dionysus are the Panther (cf. Jesus ben Panther), the Goat and the wolf (Stregoica, werewolf, Mithraic totem etc). Other symbols include the basket with alchemical eggs and serpents.


The Dionysic Rites were cannibalistic and vampiric and echo the era of the cannibalism and vampirism of the (Titanic) era of the sons of the Nephilim.

If Zirvan is the Titan Chronos, father of Zeus-Enlil, then Chronos is Anu who is the son of Apsu or Uranus. The union between Hermes (Samael) and Aphrodite (Venus; as in Venus-Sheba-Lilith) included the nymph Salmacis with whom they enjoined much as with Samael, Lilith and the blind serpent.

Hermes is the uncle of Dionysus who is the cousin of Pan.

Comparative Genealogies:










Enki Enlil

Hermes Zeus

Ormuzd Ahriman









The Baphomet

In Draconian Tradition (see Kenneth Grant) Baphomet is translated as Bapho Mitra or Father Mithras. Baphomet is also rendered as Head or source of wisdom. If Baphomet is rendered Father (or Source) Mithras and Mithras is identified as Samael the Dragon, then one has the Source or Head Dragon, the origin of Pendragon.

Baphomet, the "Deity" of the Templars was described as being both the Head of Wisdom, which has Celtic and Galatian origins; and the Sabbatical Goat. As the Sabbatical Goat, the Templar glyph also used by the Cathars, the medieval witches and later generally by satanists and left hand path occultists, was more complex than the simple pentagram.


Baphomet was pictured as a cross legged figure (cf. Cernunnos and Krshna (?), both Lords of the Forests and identifiable with Herne the Hunter, who is Annwn and Odin who led the Wild Hunt, in search of "Fairy Women" (sic) with the head and legs of a goat, the scaly torso of a Dragon, the breasts of a woman and the phallus of a man.

Baphomet has Angel’s Wings (Swans feathers) and a torch between its horns. Its right arm is raised with index and forefinger extended. On the forearm is written the word Coagula. The fingers point to the new moon. Its left arm points down and to the side and the index and little finger are extended to form the horns of the goat. The fingers point to the old or black moon (Kali). On the left forearm is written the word Solve. Solve and Coagula are alchemical terms.

On its forehead there is displayed a pentagram with single point uppermost. In the simpler form the goat’s head traces the figure of the inverted pentagram and thus it is to be understood that one pentagram equals the other thus, as the single point pentagram represents the Goddess, then she and the Goat are one, as is represented by the combining of male and female sexual attributes in one symbol.

Such a thorough union of the two sexes negates the individuality of both and on the magical level this again represents death (of the self) through Marriage of the two leading to the alchemical, tantric concept of illumination through hierogamy facilitated by the cubic jewel (emerald of Venus) depicted in the inverted pentagram where the conjunction of the geometric lines with those of the crutch of the horns forms the "Jewel in the Crown of Lucifer", the cubic stone or Grail. Again, when reversed the simpler pentagram represents the goddess.

The goat’s chin becomes her head, its ears - her arms and its horns - her legs. The The Jewel, the emerald cubic stone then becomes her vulva and womb. Baphomet reflects this idea with the conjoining of the goat head and upright pentagram and enlarges upon the idea by displaying a flame between the horns. The Flame is Womb Fire or Starfire, enlightenment through the fluid of the womb.

The sex and death idea, as we have discovered, belongs to Binah and the various attributes and symbols of that sephirah should be recollected in relation to the Baphomet symbol.

The wings of Baphomet are swan’s wings and this immediately speaks of the swan princes, grail princesses and fairy queens which symbolize the dragon blood. Baphomet is a Nephilim. Its legs are the legs of Pan and its head-the head of Khem which conjoined to the serpent or dragons torso representing Leviathan, says the same as the Sabbatical Pentagram, the Figure represents Ham or Chem or Khem Zoroaster the Sebekh, Archon and incarnation of Capricorn, the goat headed Dragon of the Sea.

Entwined around the phallus of Baphomet are the serpents of the type represented on the caduceus of Hermes. This also reinforces the Zirvan-Mithras-Ahriman identification. The Phallus as staff or tree of life is the Plantagenista in one sense which, in being capped by an egg, is the symbol of potential which qualifies the image. Conclusion. Baphomet is a type of Chem Zoroaster who is the Quinotaur associated with Meroveus.

Baphomet and the Mendes pentagram are genealogical badges - early forms of heraldry - incorporating the symbolism of the blood rites. Note:

  • Merovingians - Bees - Binah - Primordial Sea - Chaos - Tiamat - Dragon Queen.

  • Merovingians = Dragons.

The inverted pentagram and goat symbol is not Satanic, it is a dynastic marker. Satanism, as devil worship, is just Catholicism inverted.


The Picts

Whilst the Picts endured internal exile in Scotland, their distant cousins faired less well in England and Wales. Foreign encroachment had been intense in these countries and forestry had been decimated. Both populations North and South of the border were less technologically advanced than the incomers and less adaptable, being essentially nomadic Priest Kings and not farmers.


However the Picts in Scotland managed to survive longer than those in the rest of the Island, who were forced to live in less and less space as time marched on. Both cultures became even more insular because of their inability to cope with living outside the forests and instead retained their kinships and their culture separately from the outside world, venturing out to steal in order to supplement the dwindling resources in their own wooded kingdoms, or waylaying travelers who dared to trespass on their greenwood domains.

With the marriage of King Kenneth MacAlpin to Princess Uistnecc of the Picts in the 9th century, the Pictish and Scottish Kingdoms became united and many Lords and Princes of the Dalriada sought magical Pictish Princesses for themselves. In this manner many Picts slowly became integrated within Scottish society and left their Forest Kingdoms forever to follow their Ladies and Lords. However not all succumbed to life outside the domain of the ancient woodland and sufficient remained to sustain both kingship and culture in the manner of their ancestors, against a new encroachment and a far more insidious threat - the rise of Roman Christianity.

By MacAlpin’s era the Catholic Church had enacted the Donation of Constantine (312 a.d.) for some centuries and had attempted to divest all but their own Cliental Royal Houses of the right of Kingship. By implementing policies of regicide and controlled marriage the Church had attempted to breed out the pre Carolingian royal bloodlines that stood for genuine kingship and thus posed a potential threat to the stranglehold that the Church had gained over the Monarchy.

By the medieval period a new weapon had emerged from the Vatican Arsenal - The Inquisition. As the Grail and Pictish Royal and Noble Houses followed a separate spiritual path to that laid down in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea, those houses and their retainers and supporters were subjected to several hundreds of years of persecution and terror. This was done ostensibly to purify the Christian Faith of Heresy and rid the world of the Witchcraft, in fact it was simply to thin out the opposition.

Pictish and Merovingian spiritual doctrines varied but were born from the same root tradition that Jesus followed, that being the Indo-Aryan Priest Caste, the Magi or Druids. This set of doctrines, so at variance with the Church’s pretend version of Jesus’ teaching, was labeled Witchcraft and Heresy and countless numbers of people died as a result of believing in it and supporting the Royal and Noble Houses who were its hidden Priests and Priest Kings.

In Scotland and France many noble houses of Merovingian and Pictish descent were massacred and the inquisition took on the proportions of a "holy" crusade which often destroyed whole towns and villages. In England the Kings from William Rufus’ time were far less inclined to indulge the Pope. The Angevin Houses were barely christian themselves and had far more than "just a smattering" of both Danann and Merovingian blood.

Consequently up until the Tudor period the witch craze in England was by comparison quite a sedate and subdued affair. Indeed the very "Fairy Kingships" that the Vatican were so scared of and were trying to eradicate, were actually recognized, lauded and supported by a succession of English Monarchs including Richard I, Edward III, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, despite the latter’s questionable provenance and claims, and their institution of illegal constitutional practices.

These ancient Kingships were ritually observed in the old families within which the right descended. The pre-christian King in a late post-christian setting was often called Robert or Robin Hood or Goodfellow. Often associated with Witchcraft his realm, like his fairy ancestors the picts, was the Greenwood and his subjects were the pagan rustics who inhabited every district across the country.


The stories of the coven meetings by dead of night in the forest deep or the open moor are stories of the survival of a culture and its kingship that precedes the coming of the Romans, the Saxons and the Church with its fraudulent and thus spurious form of Christian Monarchy.

Though two reasonably distinct but related lines, the Pictish and the Merovingian cultures amalgamated in Britain symbolically in the merging of the French and Scottish Arthurian legends and the Pictish tales of the Forest Lords and Ladies. A close study of the characters and some of the events in both traditions will reveal that not only are they similar to each other but they bare a striking resemblance to the story of Jesus who, in Celtic Christianity is termed a Magus and Druid. This appears to be the problem as far as the Church was concerned.

Having broadcast the idea that Jesus the rightful King had no descendants, thereby leaving the way open for his "appointed" apostles the Roman Bishops to assume the role of kingship, there still persisted the stubborn insistence in some families that they and not the Church were the rightful kings of the people by blood descent from Christ.


In the matter of both Robin and Arthur, the Merovingians and the Picts, it was well known by Roman clerics that the line of Jesus and the line of the Tuatha de Danann originated from the same Royal bloodline and all the time that that line remained in existence, the Church was in danger of being toppled by a popular movement led by one of these dynasties.

So the church demonized Robin and pronounced the Grail heretical. Nevertheless in the late medieval period in Scotland, England and France the "Witches" still met and the Local Noble of the Blood Royal would preside as Robin Hood, Robin Goodfellow, Samael, L’Homme Noir or the "Devil", accompanied by his Queen and Priestess the Diana or Marian. In Tudor England Henry VIII reconstituted Priest-Kingship and his daughter, Elizabeth the "Fairy Queen" was excommunicated for refusing to allow the Catholics back into power.


A case of right action, wrong actors.


The Stag of Windsor

Before Elizabeth was crowned by the Bishops, she underwent coronation by the people. Attending the ceremony were a host of "Wild Forest Dwellers" who’d come to bless the new Queen. Later in her reign she attended a curious ceremony in the Forest of Windsor Great Park.

Seated before a pavilion in a clearing one Spring morning Queen Elizabeth, with her complicity and consent presided over one of the most ancient druidic and shamanic ceremonies in Eurasian culture. A ceremony that harkened back to the time when much of Britain and the continent was covered by massive forests, namely the trial and accession of the King of the Caille Daouine, the Lord of the Forest.

The King of the Forest is the Stag of Nine Tines. In the lays of Robin Hood, Robin himself is revealed as the Green Stag and the Totem is repeatedly interwoven into the fabric of ancient northern Kingship. In pre-christian and non-christian Europe, to claim the Kingship of the vast greenwood, the pretender was obliged to ride and kill whilst mounted, the great Stag of Nine Tines.

This task was possibly one of the most dangerous stunts anyone could pull. During the Spring Rut the Stag is vicious, belligerent and half mad with lust and territorial rage. Getting anywhere near him was a feat of courage in ’itself. However, to be rightly invested with the true kingship of the Forest Peoples, it was necessary first to depose the reigning monarch, the Great Stag.

On the spring Morning in question one of Elizabeth’s favorites, the Queen’s Chamberlain Edward de Vere charged into the self same clearing mounted upon the great Stag of Windsor Forest. Its throat had been cut by the rider and he and the Stag came to an abrupt halt at the Queen’s feet. Edward de Vere was the premier Count of England and the senior Peer of the Realm. His lineage was far superior to that of Elizabeth, he descended from the the House of Anjou, from Melusine and the ancient Pictish and Danann druid Kings of Gaul, Albany and Eire.

A necromancer, anti-christian and libertine, Edward had contempt for the Tudors. He was student of Dr John Dee and it is still insisted that Edward was the true William Shakespeare, whose work is teaming with stories of Elphame and Magic. Shakespeare Oberon is Alberic whose name literally means Elf King, whilst his Titania is Diana, whose Druidic, woad colored Boar wears her crescent Moon upon its flank in the crest of the ancient family of Vere.

Three of Edward’s recent ancestors had borne the name Alberic and the first of them in England had adopted also the falling star of Lucifer as a badge to denote, as Verily Anderson expresses it, the Vere’s "near divinity" as descendants of the line of priest kingship that originated with the first Elf King - Samael or Lucifer.

What the Queen had attended and approved was the investiture of an ancient Forest King who, in her time, would have been the spiritual custodian of the hidden royal blood and the true cultural legacy of the British people.

For centuries the tales of Robin Hood had circulated around Britain and the ritual investiture of de Vere can be added to the corpus of that spiritual tradition which, apart from the obvious confusions between the ceremonial Forest Kings, the real Robin Hoods, and the plethora of common or garden murderers, villains and kidnappers, has thrived everywhere there has been a Grail family supported by the People, assuming their regional roles as the ancient Priest Kings and Priestess Princesses of the Dragon and the Greenwood.

Some one hundred and fifty years after Edward de Vere a Scottish cousin of his was the hereditary chief of the 13 covens of Mid-Lothian. A Consort of the Queen of Elphame (a descendant of the early Pictish or "Fairy" Princesses) , Major Thomas Weir, Laird of Kirkton and the infamous sorcerer of Edinburgh had himself conducted the ancient rite of Druidic Kingship in the ceremony of Epona.

Professor Margaret Murray insists that he was, like his cousins and ancestors, a Priest King of the Elven Line of the Grail and the Dragon. In 1670 he and his sister were convicted of witchcraft and burned at the stake. His trial records show that his conviction for being a witch depended entirely upon whether or not he (and his sister) had been servants or consorts of the fairies. They had, and they died for it. The Earl of Bothwell is said to have replaced him in 1690.

Attempts have often been made to identify "The Real Robin Hood". Numerous characters have been put forward as likely candidates and perhaps the nearest anyone has got to pinning him down was Professor Murray when she identified Robin Hood as a collection of composites from many regions and many times. At the heart of her theory is the assertion that Robin was a God figure that was at the centre of the cult of witchcraft.

Indeed this is the case, as is her discovery that the witches God was represented at the sabbats by one or other individual who, regardless of the regional or cultural variation of the period, invariably descended from a Grail or Dragon - Fairy - Family. The rituals of witchcraft were varied and contained syntheses of Catharist and Templar Dualism, Druidism and Bacchanalian practices. The Dianic rites were observed by the Royal Covens and generally the "religion" of witchcraft more closely resembled Jesus’ own doctrine than the Church itself.

This is borne out, by the Druids ready acceptance of Celtic Christianity, the fact that Jesus’ original, undoctored Gnostic teachings were founded on Essene Magian Philosophy amalgamated with the mystical doctrines of Mithras and Dionysus. Alchemy, Cabala and Hermetics were the centre of Christ’s Anschauung. All the foregoing are components of that Eurasian "religion" we know as Druidism which, for the Indians is Hinduism and for the Persians is their Zoroastrianism which for the West eventually became our Celtic Christianity.

Robin Hood or Robert Hod or Od is Odin - the Blinded God "Samael". As Master of the Wild Hunt he is Herne and Cernunnos the Lord of the Forest. In Hinduism he is also the Lord of the Forest as Vishnu in his incarnation as the Blue Boar. As Samael he is also Pan and Khem, Chem-Zoroaster and Mazda. The Son of Anu he is a Dragon King of the Danann.


He is Herne - The Great Stag of NineTines - the King of the Ancient Eurasian Forests. Jesus played his part as evidenced by St. Augustine’s letter to his disciple Ceretius in 400 AD. Augustine states that Jesus often sat in the middle of a circle of his followers and crossed legged in the manner of Pan or the Templar’s Baphomet, he would play an accompaniment to their ring dances, invoking aloud the Ogdoad or Eight Great planetary Spirits of the Gnosis. English and European Woodcuts of the Reformation period show Pan or "Robin Goodfellow" engaged with his witches in identical firelit, woodland frolics.


If he were alive during the medieval period, Jesus Christ our Saviour would have been arraigned by the Inquisition and tried and burned at the Stake for both Heresy and Witchcraft!


Jesus Mac Art

The word Jesus used to describe his assembly was "Church". The word derives from "Circa", a Ring or Circle. In the Celtic Christian period, going to Church was called "Going to the Stones" or Stone Circles.


Jesus was a Messiah or Dragon King. Those who followed him by blood descent, either through the Davidic Merovingian lines or through the Scythian descent of the Dragon Kings of Anu, both of which lines have a common origin and share many historical dynastic alliances, often took, as Jesus did, the role of the "Robin Hood".

Perhaps the name varied from country to country or from region to region but the identity was essentially the same and the figures of the pageant of the Elven Kings of the Forest were perennial. Even Charlemagne, who wed an Eastern Fairy Princess, belongs in the cycle of stories celebrating the continuity of the blood of the Dragon Queens and Grail Kings. His Wedding to Frastrada was blessed by the appearance at the feast by a Dragon bearing in its mouth an Alchemist’s Ring of Power, which it dropped into Charlemagne’s chalice of blood red wine.

One might suggest that the Dragon Bloodline had forgiven the treachery of Charlemagne’s fathers and reconciled his House with the Merovingian Kings who had established it , but by which they had effectively been betrayed as a result of the cunning wiles of the Roman Church. I doubt it though.

Charlemagne was a Merovingian caught at the back end of a dynastic reshuffle not unlike many other Merovingian dynastic reshuffles. Essentially his was fractionally the blood of the Grail and the Dragon, but the spirit of his house was slowly being twisted and condemned to servitude under a religion which claims him as being one of its greatest champions, not unlike it claimed his predecessor Constantine who, it is said, took a timely baptism on his deathbed. It should be noted that history is written by the victors and in retrospect the victors from our point of view, have been the Church who rewrote history time and time again to suit their own ambitions.

Charlemagne belongs, if anywhere, to a variation of the Grail Myth known as the Ring Cycle, and though Charlemagne is hailed as a Hero of the Catholic faith he, like others who proceeded him, has what the church might consider to be a dark undercurrent to his nature. On the surface he is a christian emperor but even so he accepts from a "Dragon", the gift of a Ring which, not unlike those of Solomon, were regarded by the Church as being symbols of Satan.

The Ring of Power, the Alchemist’s Oroborus, was the figure of a Dragon or Serpent encurved into a circle and set in the act of biting its own tail. It was the symbol both of eternity and, as the symbol of primordial chaos, the Dragon Ring also represented Tiamat, the mother of Anu, the Nephilim and the Titans.

From these ancient Deific Rulers descended Lilith and Samael and the Race of Cain and Ham, the arch enemies of the Church and, as they would have it, the arch-enemies of Man. The story of Charlemagne’s Dragon Ring, rather than being allowed to stand unmolested, has become somewhat of a morality tale.


To remove the dark undercurrent and remove any doubt that Charlemagne was the Church’s biggest supporter the tale features a Merlin/Friar Tuck/Judas Priest figure called Bishop Turpin who, seeing that Charlemagne has become obsessed with the ring, steals it and throws it in a lake.


This he does for Charlemagne’s own good, you understand and not in any way to:

a)   pervert Charlemagne’s attention from his true origins so he concentrates more on being a christian or
b)   rob Charlemagne of a traditional Druidic source of power and divination, which were the functions of Solomon’s Dragon Rings.

Of course not. Turpin was thinking solely of the good of his friend and acted entirely out of altruism for the emperor. Having thrown the ring in a lake, the story twists upon itself again and recounts that Charlemagne was led, as if by spirits, to the very same lake, with which he became inexplicably obsessed to such a degree that he built a palace next to it.

If anything the story illustrates that those of the Dragon Blood cannot deny their heritage, which eventually will find them, despite what they believe or where they are situated geographically or socially. Even if that heritage is "stolen" or discarded, it will still be there in the pool of the subconscious and, because it is genetic, once it is switched on, it can never be completely switched off again, however much ridicule, disbelief or hostility it engenders from within or without.

The Church got wind of Charlemagne’s ring and stole it, but he never abandoned it or the heritage it represented, so the Church recounts that this Evil Ring obsessed him until the end of his days. Canines and feeding troughs come to mind. This story belongs to the Ring Cycle which inspired Tolkien who unfortunately has inverted the Ring in much the same way as the Church did.

Tolkien’s characters nevertheless are taken from the Dragon and Grail Families who, like Robin Hood, actually existed in one form or another. The Ring of Power, the Dragon and the Grail are exactly one and the same female symbol of sovereignty, nurturance and subsequent transcendence, hence the never-ending circle of eternity and the joyous chaos of the unlabelled, the unnamed and the undefined that Tiamat really stands for.


Language creates structure, relatedness and psychological order which we think of as reality. The sequential nature of language and thought create time but eternity is beyond time and consequently beyond thought. If eternity is beyond thought and its paranoid obsession with order, then eternity must be chaos.

The Ring equates with the well and the fountain deep within the Maze hidden at the centre of the dark, mysterious forest. Guarded by a water nymph or Dragon Maiden, the flow of this fountain and the waters of this well bring union with the eternal, heal the divisions within the mind and bestow Anschau. With a still mind the supplicant of the Maid feels the surge of power released and the gift of wisdom revealed.

At one with themselves and consequently with the Godhead and the source of all power they understand themselves to be the centre and the source of all things. In this revelation there is obtained absolute Sovereignty over self which itself becomes Sovereignty.

The Dragon that bestowed the ring on Charlemagne was Frastrada the Fairy. Like Tiamat, Lilith, Tamaris, Sheba, Diana, Arduin, Brigid, Lamia, Janet of Carterhaugh, Gwenhyfar, Pressina and Melusine, Frastrada was a Dragon Princess and a Grail Maiden. She is a Mary Magdalene and a Maid Marion.

Without these Queens and Princesses, none of the Kings associated with them throughout history would have been fit to reign. It is only she who can bestow the gift that brings sovereignty which as transcendence and creativity, bestows blessing and fertility upon the kingdom through a wisdom and depth of vision that anticipates difficulty and initiates productivity through activity that, for any other than the King and Queen, would appear totally uncausative. Through the ability to see situations several steps down the line, they are able to plan ahead and bring blessing upon the land and the people.

For this reason patriarchal religions hate women, like little boys trying to be free of Mummy’s apron strings they deride the female for her authority. The Church is fully aware of the regal identity of the Dragon Kings and fully aware of the power of the Grail Princesses through whom and by whom those Kings reigned. For this reason the inquisition was particularly directed against specific females.

Puffed up with male pride and misogyny the Church fully knew and hated the fact that beneath the symbol of the Lamia lay the truth of a distinct neurological difference between not only fairy women, but fairy men as well. The Dragon Princesses produced a chemical that acted on their own physiology to produce a state of mental composure and grace that history symbolized as the swan, not only because of their elegance, but also to denote the origin in the anatomy of that chemical.

The consequent state of grace produced by this chemical and the energy it afforded, uninhibited or wasted by any preoccupation with stress or inner conflict, appeared to make the female glow with an inner serenity and beauty that many people described as Fairy Fascination.

The state of peace that they enjoyed was, to an ordinary care worn observer, utterly alluring and charming, a quality to adore because in proximity to her the energy could be felt like soft electricity which had a calmative affect on the mind which, as it slowed down and became still began to perceive the joy and sense of oneness that has no beginning, no cause and no ending but lies hidden behind the internal barriers, taboos, fears and attachments that we use all our mental energy to sustain in our minds which, usually quite exhausted has no energy to spare to see beyond the tired struggle with imposed illusions.


In her company the observer would partake of her abundant morphic energy which could provide the observer with enough energy to see beyond and begin to understand that mortal care is unimportant. A mind thus stilled glimpses the eternal and this is one aspect of Hierogamy and the Love that is Death.

The chemical also has a physical affect in transferred to the observer. The same stillness occurs and produces psychotropic effects. The problem was though that the observer would have to have sufficient numbers of the correct axon membranes in the right type of synaptic receptors and an increased number of dendrites connecting the appropriate brain cells across both hemispheres. In other words the Dragon Princess had round pegs and Dragon Kings had lots of round holes, in contrast to non Dragons, who seemed to have different shaped pegs and holes and less of either

The Church hated the fact that they couldn’t use the "Magic" so they attempted to destroy it so no one else could use it either. This they hoped would result in a level playing field where the glaring stupidity of their own monarchic clients wouldn’t be noticed in comparison to the hopefully exterminated and thus unobservable wisdom of the true fairy kings.

It would also appear that the Church knew that the Fey, because they participated in the eternal spirit of the One, were themselves eternal, needing no forgiveness - for sins they transcended - and no priest to intercede for them to a god whose spirit they were at one with. The Fey knew salvation was chemical and physiological, being determined on the ability of the mind-brain to perceive the eternal mind of the Cosmos and join with it. With their inherited natural body chemistry they were predisposed towards the ability to negate the ego and see beyond time and tide and understand that their individual consciousnesses or spirits weren’t individual or personal at all, but aspects of the one consciousness, which was eternal and required not the salvational ministry of a church that was run by the living dead.

Worst of all the Dragon Queens and Kings, not being descended from Adam and Eve, completely bypassed the absolutely farcical doctrine of "Original Sin", the lynch pin of the Church’s contrived Raison D’etre. Without Original Sin there could be no subsequent Sin and if there were no subsequent Sin there was no need for salvation.


If there was no need for salvation for a people who could see beyond the contrived notions of good and evil and therefore couldn't be blackmailed into paying into the Church’s spiritual protection racket, these people and their culture represented a threat to the profit margins of the prelates. The Church couldn’t exploit what the fey had and they feared what the Fey instilled in their client tribes people and communities.

Therefore the fey had to be eliminated in order that the Church could take over the communities and install into them the kind of guilt and fear that encourages converts who can then be transformed into a pliant, captive consumer workforce.


The Church recognized the problem and began a gradual process of deionization, marginalization, genocide and finally academic ridicule and incredulity.


The Salmon of Wisdom

"The Maiden guards the fountain and the well and at the bottom of the well there lives the Salmon of Knowledge. Every month a nut drops from a tree that grows over the well and this blood red fruit is consumed by the Salmon".

The Druids who concocted these riddles were wise enough to know that Salmon didn’t live in Wells and if they’d meant ’underground river’ they would have said,

"the Salmon of Knowledge that occasionally happens to swim to exactly the right spot to catch a fruit that isn’t ever part of its normal diet anyway but for which, all the same it will navigate thousands of miles just in order to flounder about in the dark waiting under a bore hole - for an alien and indigestible tidbit".

The Salmon of Stupidity? Anyone who seeks a plausible answer to this riddle based on matter of fact, reasonable explanations has probably eaten a sizeable lunch portion of the very fish whose behavior and habitat they are attempting to rationalize.

The Salmon of Knowledge therefore isn’t a fish. If one takes a whole Salmon and cleanly slits its belly open and removes the lights, then spreads the reddsish-pink flesh apart to form an oval shape, it is reminiscent of something or another I’m sure. As the fresh meat bleeds under the knife, one also brings to mind the Blood Red Nut that the Salmon purportedly finds so irresistible.


What is a nut?


It is a seed, a beginning to new life, very much like an egg which, colored red is the object being held by a beautiful Mary Magdalene, whose pretty lips are slightly upcurved into a subtle, knowing smile which, it appears, is fully intended to taunt and infuriate!

By wisdom a Fish may become a Flower that begets a Flower.

The allegory of the Well appears in the Song of Solomon, the Annals of Irish History and the Story of the winning of the Elven Lover - Tam Lin (Thomas Lindsay) - by Lady Janet of Carterhaugh.

It is fascinating to see that the Scythians and the Jews have so may symbols and allegories in common with each other with regard to the Holy Grail. The Scythian Gaels share with the Jews not only the symbol of the Well in the Garden or Forest with the Fountain, but also the Salmon which, in in the Judeo-Christian tradition becomes the Christ, the Ichthys. By which means Christ, his body and blood, shed for the remission of sins, becomes altogether a deeper allegory and his Virgin Birth finds echoes in the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon.

There is no doubt that Christ existed as a living being. However, he was a Dragon King of the Grail Bloodline and many of the stories associated with Christ are Rosicrucian and Alchemical. The salvation that he preached to his disciples was not obtained through faith but knowledge or gnosis and that knowledge is woven into the parables he told and the stories associated with him and with his close Royal cousins, the Sidhe of Ireland and Albany.

Indeed the Grail stories of the Gaels precede Christ by centuries and indicate that Christ was one amongst a long succession of Priest Kings whose teachings he too, in his turn, expounded. Jesus’ teachings and the stories surrounding him did not come into being with his arrival into this life but were part of any already extant corpus of secret knowledge which had been held in common by the Holy and Royal families of Eurasia for millennia.

Beneath the stories concerning Jesus’ virgin birth, his life and death are corresponding sub texts and symbols that, rather than being part of a lineal account of his unfolding qualities and exploits, are instead references to the nature and quality of his, but more particularly, of his mother’s blood and its dynamic.


In this manner Christ himself becomes an allegory of the blood’s qualities and potential.

a)   If Christ is the Ichthos, related to the Salmon of Nechtan, then the blood of Christ shed for the remission of sins is the blood not of Jesus, but of the Messiah, the Messe or Dragon Kings, shed by the Salmon.

b)   This Salmon lies at the bottom of a well which in the Gaelic and Frankish tales (cf. Melusine) is guarded by the Dragon Maiden, but which in the Song of Solomon is the Maiden Herself, who is identified as "The Shunnamite", Sheba the virgin child bride and sister of Solomon, who corresponds to both the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene in the New Testament.

c)   the Virgin birth of the son of God, the seed of David, is symbolized by the Magdalene presenting the blood red egg. The egg is the son of god and the seed of David which as the nut from the tree over the well is consumed and retained within the salmon which represents the vulva that resides beneath the womb or well. Christ simply means anointed one and derives from Messe the act of anointing a Dragon Queen or King with the fat of the Sobekh or water dragon (crocodile). By understanding the dual meaning of Ichthos we comprehend that Ichthos as both Christ (anointed-messe) and salmon (fish) means "anointed Vulva of the Dragon Princess", giving the meaning that her womb gives issue to the seed of god which is held in the virgin vulva (christ) which sheds its blood, and the seed, for the salvation of man. The body (ova) and blood (menses) of Christ (the sacred womb).

d)   The anointed vulva can be found in the Song of Solomon.

"My hands are on the lock of the door, my fingers drip with Myrrh" - Sheba.

The act of anointing signifies sacredness and holiness, that someone or something is set aside for some sole Holy Purpose. The anointed Vulva/Womb that itself anoints is set aside for a higher purpose that mere procreation. It is the Holy Virgin Grail which contains the Blood of Christ, the Blood of the Messiahs or Dragon Kings and Queens.


The Virgin Birth was not a child, but a seed of a child and Christs (the Vulva’s) sacrifice of its body and blood for the salvation of man was the "birth" or flowing forth of the spent ova in the menses which, in the Eucharist, is symbolized by the Bread and Wine which, as we all know, must be consumed.



The Little Nut Tree

The Nut or seed which falls from the tree is properly the release of the chemical by the pineal gland which overrides oestrogen and causes the "seed" to be discarded in the menstrual blood which naturally has an increased level of that chemical in it, which is what the story is really getting at.


In the Song of Solomon Sheba says that she will give Solomon to drink the juice of her Pomegranite which is a symbol used repeatedly to represent the virgin female organs which juice: Blood, is the red wine of the Pomegranite.

"I had a little nut tree,
nothing would it bear,
But a Silver Nutmeg
and a ’Golden Pear’,
The King of Spain’s
daughter came to visit me,
and all for the sake
of my little nut tree".

Beneath the political allegory concerning the proposed marital alliance between Catharine of Aragon and Henry Tudor, there lies another alchemical message.

The Badge of Aragon is the Golden Pear or Pomegranite. On Card II of the Major Arcana of the Waite Tarot: The High Priestess; is a veil symbolizing the virgin hymen. Printed on the veil are rows of Pomegranites which in turn also symbolize the virgin vulva. The High Priestess is the guardian of wisdom and the "mysteries".

The Palm Fronds interspersing the Pomegranites on the veil represent the Palm Trees that grow next to the Pools in desert Oases and equate with the Nut Tree in the story of the "Well of Nechtan". These Palm Trees lent their name to a species of Holy Virgin Princess who bestowed upon the King the right to rule. Their category was "Tamaris" and Jesus’ daughter bore that name and title. In Sufism the Tree of Life is represented as a Palm Tree atop of which is perched a Peacock. In the Welsh and Irish Tales the bird is an eagle, whilst in Hindu Tantra the bird is a Swan.

In the popular nursery song quoted the Nutmeg symbolizes the Pineal Gland whose colour silver equates with the Moon and Diana, representing the virgin huntress’s "moon" or menstrual blood. In Ephesus Diana is depicted riding a Panther, which means that the Panther clan carries her qualities, holy and therefore very special 
"Moon" blood. Jesus’, and therefore, in anglicized form, Mary’s family name was - Ben Panther or ’sons of the Panther’ which, in mythology is interchangeable with the werewolf and was born by the Plantagenets as their family badge.

The Nutmeg itself is known to be a powerful psychotropic drug which recently has been synthesized as MDMA or Ecstasy. The story relates that the chemical discharged into the bloodstream by the pineal gland has psychotropic properties when processed via certain exercises relating to the Tree of Life.

The Nut Tree, the Palm Tree and most other fruiting trees can be said to represent the Tree of Life but the sovereign of all these is the Apple of Avalon. If the Well and the salmon symbolize the womb and the vagina, below which is the vulva, then the tree growing next to the Well represent the lower and upper torso, the head and the arms of the Virgin female.


The twigs and branches of the tree symbolize the veins and arteries of rich, Holy Royal Blood and the fruits of the tree represent the endocrinal glands that correspond to the chakras in Tantrism, the Sephira in Cabala and the Nine Worlds in Viking mythology.


The tree is Jacob’s Ladder or the Ladder of Lights.


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