In "dissension" energy is coming down through the spheres passing into your auric energy, ultimately permeating into your body. Ki, Chi and Prana are synonymous as the same Life Force in which some people seem to get confused.
The Ascension Process involves the awakening of the third eye, which connects the Ajna chakra through the pituitary gland to an energy center at the medulla oblongata; “base of the skull”.
The Ascension Process is the balancing of the lunar/solar poles of the expanded third eye.
One of the primary keys to the Ascension Process is the balancing of the lunar/solar aspects of our nature and the proper balance between the two poles of the expanded third eye.
The 3rd eye “Ajna chakra is commonly thought of as a chakra or energy center corresponding to a point above the bridge of the nose.
Both "Ida" and "Pingala Nadis work and interact together, crossing each other's path and finally meeting at the third-eye chakra -- "Ajna".
The third eye chakra is the center responsible for the development of our inner vision and intuition, making the link between us, the collective subconscious and the divine conscious. Therefore, both Nadis when meeting at the Ajna chakra are also accounted for the creation of our notions of past and future on a subconscious level.
Prana “life force – flows in through the Chandra chakra
The lunar & solar channels spiral around the center channel which connects to the chakras above the head through the thousand petaled lotus.
(When properly balance, Prana can flow in though the Chandra chakra - “Mouth of Goddess” and create an energetic triangle between the negatively charged Chandra chakra, the positively charged Ajna chakra “3rd eye” and the top of the head.
The hypothalamus, in the "center" of this triangle, is activated and the whole brain lightened, particularly the temporal lobes so important to our next evolutionary exploration.
The Chandra - (Middle Forehead) Chakra. (mystical mind)
"The fire in the center of the triangle burns cold and destroys all that is not pure gold." The Middle Forehead Chakra is called the Indu or Chandra (Moon) chakra, and corresponds to various spiritual states of consciousness, essentially accessed through abstract, contemplative thought. Chandra chakra is associated with the hypothalamus gland, and thus operates to manage and maintain the balance in the physical hormone system. It works with the ray of love and acts to mediate between the Manas and the Upper Forehead chakra (higher inspiration).
The Back of the Head chakra also has a fundamental purpose of creating a point of balance for the three forehead chakras.
The three primary rays of Divine Light are (Ray of life, love and wisdom) enter through the forehead chakras, and are directed to the Brow chakra, while simultaneously the Back of the Head chakra responds by transmitting the yang energy traveling up the back of the body. There in the Brow, the universal mind absorbs with the yang energy flowing through the Will Channel making the Brow chakra an arena for the dance of the Soul vibration.
Where the Manas chakra most represents the rational mind, the Chandra chakra most represents the artistic, creative, mystical and intuitive mind. As the ray of love interpenetrates Chandra, a vibratory connection is set up with the Pineal gland. In this the Chandra represents the Yin or negative polarity and the pineal gland provides the Yang or positive polarity. Together they create the faculty where Divine Light (supreme consciousness) is made available to the physical self. Also called the Buddhi Center, Chandra represents the higher mind faculty, providing access to the super-conscious where the Self is united with the universal mind. Through this connection, the individual has access to the “Akashic records,” a vision of their complete Karmic History.
For the most part the Kundalini is a result of mental/spiritual progression as in working on the chakras and the body through meditation, prayers, bodywork, breath work or various yoga or sexual practices.
Sometimes emotional traumas (death of someone, near death experience) and physical traumas (childbirth, menopause, and accidents) may shock the body to allow the Kundalini to be opened. The mystical mind is forever changed by the Kundalini awakening.
The Kundalini is associated with the Muladhara “1st Chakra” and Sahashrara “7th” Chakra.
Since we are dealing with Universal Energy, the Kundalini energy works on the chakras as well by cleansing and speeding them up. When the chakras are cleansed, there are numerous symptoms that accompany this transition: emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, and increased psychic abilities. So, if a chakra is "transparent" the Kundalini energy could be more "prevalent" in that sector and eventually will start spreading to other points.
This energy moves upward from the root chakra up the spinal column to the head. Using Kundalini energy to cleanse and balance the chakras can enhance the universal current within. The chakras transport the Prana energy which intersects the main Nadis.
When kundalini is awakened, it begins to rise through Sushmna ultimately to reach Sahasrara, uniting with Param Shiva, the eternal unmanifest masculine aspect of the Divine. As it spirals upwards through sushmana, kundalini enters the network of nadis and in ascending opens the chakras/cakras one by one as it rises.
Prana flows down through solar Pingali channel on the “RIGHT SIDE” then flows around the base of spine rising up through the lunar Ida channel and out through the Ajna chakra “3rd eye”.
It coils around the Chakras, only the opposite way to the Ida “LEFT SIDE”.
The central spinal fluid may coincide with the Kundalini creating energy through the body. When the Kundalini awakens you the inner qualities of the soul magnifies. This powerful energy rises up and down the cerebrospinal pathway the same way that the spinal fluid does.
Reiki – the chakras, nadis and meridians are very important to reiki, yoga and acupuncture among others.
Both the nadis and meridians work with the "Chi" energy.
Reiki is responsible for restoring both the functioning of the chakras, nadis and meridians. Reiki and yoga are good ways to cleanse and filter out the meridians and chakras.
In terms of yoga, this can be achieved by putting into practice some of the following techniques:
Pranayama (breathing techniques);
Samanu (purification of the nadis);
Asanas (exercises to correct body postures);
Meditation with Mudras and Bandhas (hand positions and body postures)
Below: from the book “Touch for Health A Practical Guide to Natural Health with Acupressure Touch and Massage by John Thie, D.C.
(Meridians are perceived as a net of energy channels that cross the human body, charging it with the "Chi" energy. Acupressure vessels, or meridians, are located throughout the body. They are the pathways of the positive “yang” and negative “yin” energy power which carries on some of the communication between parts of the body.
Meridians are classified yin and yang based on the direction in which they flow on the surface of the body. They inter-connect deep within the torso, but you work with the part that is on the surface and is accessible to touch techniques.
Yang energy and yang meridians flow from the sun, and yang meridians run from the fingers to the face or from the face to the feet.
Yin energy and yin meridians flow from the Mother Earth, flow from the feet to the torso, and from the torso along the inside (yinside” of the arms to the fingertips. Since the meridian flow is one continuous, unbroken flow, the energy flows in one definite direction, and from one meridian to another in a well determined order. You can view this order of the meridians as a wheel.
As you go around this wheel following the meridian lines, the flow follows this order on the body:
From torso to fingertip (alongside of arm – yin)
From fingertip to face (alongside/back of arm – yang)
From face to feet (along outside of leg-yang)
From feet to torso (along the inside of the leg-yin)
You go through this four-step process three times to cover the twelve meridians. Running the meridians with the hand can be a quick and energizing massage. Complete the massage by running the central and governing meridians, which run directly up the back and front of the body to the upper and lower lip.
According to acupuncture, there are 12 major meridians ruling specific body organs:
stomach “yang”, spleen “yin”, heart “yin”, small intestine “yang”, bladder “yang”, kidneys “yin”, gallbladder “yang”, lungs “yin”, liver “yin”, large intestine “yang”.
Such techniques are said to achieve their effects by manipulation and, ideally, balancing of the energy running through a network of complex bodily patterns.
They all start from the central channel “Sushumna” then to the periphery where they gradually become thinner.
Meridians all start below the base Chakra and work their way up the body.
They are not nerves but rather channels for the flow of consciousness.)
Just as the negative and positive forces of electricity flow through complex circuits, in the same way, pram shako (vital force) and manas shako (mental force) flow through every part of our body via these Nadis.
There are 72,000 Nadis or more such channels or networks through which the stimuli flow like an electric current from one point to another. The ten important Nadis are, and they carry the Prana’s are the Ida, Pingala, Sushumna, Gandhari, Hastijihva, Pusa, Yusasvini, Alambusa, Kuhuh and Sankhini.”
There are three main Nadis that correspond with the spine, and which concern us in the practices of Kundalini and Hatha yoga. Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are said to carry Prana and have Moon, Sun and Agni as their Devatas.”
The Sushumna “great Nadi” interpenetrates the cerebrospinal axis from the perineum to the juncture of the lambdoid and sagittal suture of the cranium.
The energy which flows through these psychic pathways “Ida & Pingala” are often called Prana.
Besides the "Ida" and "Pingala" Nadis, the human body still has a third Nadis called "Sushumna". The Great Nadi connects the base chakra to the crown chakra. The movements indicate the flow of Prana “vital energy” through the central canal. The Sushumna is between both Ida and Pingala. Inside Sushumna is supposed to circulate Kundalini when awakened.
The "Sushumna" or Fire Point is in the center of the spinal column, intercepting both the Ida and Pingala spiral movements. These movements result from a flowing of Kundalini and chi energy through the chakras.
Sushumna also emanates from the Sacro-coccygeal plexus along with Ida and Pingala, but instead of spiraling upwards, it follows a straight course, piercing all the main plexuses. Sushumna is dormant in nearly everybody. Sometimes there is a slight flow of energy, but the power is very weak.
Once Sushumna is opened and the energies of Ida and Pingala are united through the middle passage, then it becomes the governing power. While Sushumna is in a state of inertia, all the other subordinate Nadis fall under the positive/negative influence of Ida and Pingala.
(the brain & the spinal cord along with the nerves emanating constitute the nervous system of the body. The nervous system is divided into two main systems:
The central nervous system (CNS) - Central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) - Peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves which gather information while others transmit orders.
The peripheral nervous system is divided into two systems:
Somatic nervous system - somatic nerves participate in the organism’s relationship with its external environment.
Autonomic nervous system - autonomic nerves are more involved in regulating vital internal functions. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two categories:
Sympathetic nervous system goes into action to prepare the organism for physical or mental activity.
Parasympathetic nervous system - the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system causes a general slowdown in the body’s functions in order to conserve energy.
The Nadis determine the nature and the quality of the nervous system, with its extensive network of nerves and plexus covering the entire physical body.) “The Sushumna is situated at the back of the anus; it is attached to the spinal column and extends to the Brahmarandhra of the head and is invisible and subtle. The real work of a Yogi begins when Sushumna begins to function. Above the genital organs and below the navel is the Kanda, of the shape of a bird’s egg. If the coiled-up energy passes up along the Sushumna Nadi and is taken up from Chakra to Chakra you will experience various forms of experiences and powers.”
Both the Ida and the Pingala terminate at the nostrils. The Ida Nadi terminates at the left nostril and the Pingala Nadi at the right nostril. This is why practitioners of yoga are often required to breathe through alternate nostrils to take in more Prana “vital energy” and to help purify each of the main Nadi in turn.
When awakened the Kundalini energy - depicted as a coiled-up snake - rises up the three main Nadis and beneficially influences each Chakra Point in turn. The Ida and Pingala Nadis refer to the two hemispheres of the brain.
When Ida is flowing, the breath will be more in the left nostril & the mental energy is dominant.
At that time any kind of mental work may be undertaken. It is like nectar and gives strength and nourishment to the soul and the body. If Ida flows for a long time beyond the normal schedule, this signifies some imbalances in the mental processes.
On a physical level, the left channel controls the left-hand side yin - of the body and the right hemisphere of the brain. People who make excessive use of this channel are emotional, often dwell on the past, often feel guilty and are easily dominated by others. In extreme cases, they may fall prey to lethargy and depression because this channel feeds also into the skull area; pressure on the brain becomes excessive. The entire system is thrown off balance causing problems such as mental breakdown, epilepsy, and senility (decay of the brain).
Ida spirals upward, left side
it is associated with lunar female energy with a cooling effect. The lunar Serpentine Ida on the left side has a negative polarity channel. It spirals upward from the right testicle intersecting the vertebral column in the four main plexuses, or chakras to the left nostril. By controlling the flow of air in the left nostril, one can excite or pacify Ida, thus establishing conscious control over the negative energy in the body.
Both Ida and the parasympathetic system have a pacifying influence on the body and the mind. They introvert “PASSIVE” and conserve energy for the activation of the visceral organs, promoting enzyme secretion in the digestive tract, increasing peristalsis, and emptying the bladder. Ida spins around the Chakra Points and brings calming lunar energy to all Chakras.
Through these systems the mental awareness introverts and identification with the ego lessens, enabling the arousal of mental creativity, psychic ability, submission, and other such spiritual virtues. This introversion of the mind happens automatically as Ida Nadi constricts the pupils and adjusts the lens to bring objects at close range into focus, thus decreasing external input to the visual cortex of the brain.
Pingala spirals downward, right side
The word Pingala means "tawny" & is located on our right sympathetic nervous system. It begins and ends to the right of Sushumna. Pingala has a Sun like nature “Yang” and male energy with a heating effect. It is also known as surya or sun nadi. Its courses from the left testicle to the right nostril & corresponds to the Yamuna River. Pingala is the extroverted (active), solar nadi & controls all the vital processes & manages our physical energy.
When Pingala is flowing, the breath will be more in the right nostril & the physical / vital energy is dominant. At that time any kind of physical work may be undertaken. It is responsible for the growth of the body. If Pingala flows for a long time beyond the normal schedule, this signifies some imbalance in the pranic body.
On a physical level, the right channel controls the right-hand side of the body and the left hemisphere of the brain. People who make excessive use of this channel are aggressive and dominating (ego). In extreme cases, the entire system is thrown out of balance, causing problems such as often blinded by ego & then decisions and actions taken not only disrupt the lives of others but also lead to heart disease.
Pingala Nadi “RIGHT SIDE – YANG” is the extroverted (Active), solar nadi, and corresponds to the right hand side of the body and the left-hand side of the brain. It is the transmitter of prana or positive polarity energy from the sun, and therefore is also known as surya (sun,) nadi. Pingala emerges exactly opposite to Ida on the right side of the sacro-coccygeal plexus and terminates at the root of the right nostril. Thus, it has dominion over the right side of the body.
Pingala also spirals up the vertebral column, intersecting Ida at the four main plexuses, and positively energizing these centers.
This coincides with the release of adrenalin into the bloodstream, and the consequent acceleration of the heartbeat. The blood vessels in the skin and digestive tract are constricted, causing the blood to be diverted into superficial muscles and organs of action, and slowing peristaltic movement.
The pupils are also dilated, allowing a broader range of vision and an increase in the quantity of impressions received by the brain. To consciously control these entire functions, one needs only manipulate the flow of air through the right nostril. Prana (active) is supposed to circulate inside Pingala.
BALANCING IDA & PINGALA If Pingala flows at night, sleep will be restlessness and disturbed. It may result in numerous adverse physiological changes such as hypertension, anxiety, acidity, and ulcers. Likewise, while taking food Pingala nadi flows.
If Ida flows while taking food, the digestive process may be slow, causing indigestion. To counter these changes, we should follow certain techniques to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
The parasympathetic nervous system counteracts the stress effect, calms you down, slows heart rate, and increases digestion and so on.
Nadi Shoshanna pranayama is the simple act of changing the breath from one nostril to the other, reversing brain hemisphere dominance & altering chemical reactions taking place throughout the organism. Changing the breath helps prevention of disease.
Sit in a comfortable position steadily. Keep the palm of the right hand facing the face. Bend the first two fingers next to the thumb inside. Now put the right thumb on the right nostril and last two fingers of the same hand should be used to press the left nostril. Remember, for the practice of this Pranayama always start & finish the breathing from the left nostril.
Pranayama Technique
1.Breathe in through the left nostril. Close the left nostril with the ring & little fingers and breathe out through the right nostril.
2. Breathe in through the right nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb & breathe out through the left nostril.
3. This completes one round of Nadi Shoshanna.
4.Make 10-15 rounds like this. “Practicing breathing - the awakened Kundalini that is taken up to Manipura Chakra “3rd” and may drop down again to Muladhara chakra “1st”.
It has to be raised again with effort. When Kundalini is awakened it hisses like a serpent beaten with a stick and enters the hole of Sushumna.
When it travels from Chakra to Chakra, layer after layer of the mind becomes open and the Yogi acquires various Siddhis (psychic powers).
To those who practice this breathing technique above, the Nadis become purified within three months. In the early stage, perspiration is produced, in the middle stage the tremor of the body.
These results ensue out of the repression of the breath, while sitting in the lotus pose.
By the practice of Pranayama “expansion of the range of vital energy”, the purification of the Nadis, the result is having good health. When the nervous centers have become purified through the regular practice of Pranayama, the air easily forces its way up through the mouth of the Sushumna.
The Prana which alternates ordinarily between Ida and the Pingala is restrained by long Kumbhaka “internal or external retention of breath”; then along with the soul it will enter the Sushumna at one of three places where it yields space for entrance through such restraint of breath, and in the navel, by the Sarasvati Nadi “Goddess of learning”, on the west “Ida”.
Pingala “right side” |
Sushumna |
Negative |
Ida “left side” positive |
Neutral |
Feminine |
masculine |
Neuter |
yin |
yang |
Tao |
moon |
sun |
Fire |
night |
day |
- |
cold |
hot |
Temperate |
nectar |
poison |
- |
space |
time |
Matter |
mental |
vital |
Supra mental |
chitta |
prana |
Kundalini Shakti |
desire |
action |
Knowledge |
consciousness |
activity |
Bliss |
subconscious |
conscious |
Unconscious |
passive |
aggressive |
Centered |
parasympathetic |
sympathetic |
Cerebrospinal |
subjectivity |
objectivity |
- |
Yamuna |
Ganga |
Saraswati |
vishwa (universal creation) |
tejas (fire) |
pragya (intuition) |
white |
red |
Black |
Brahma |
Vishnu |
Rudra |
sattva |
rajas |
Tamas |
A |
U |
M |
The Governing and Conception Vessels are the main rivers of the body's Yin and Yang energies.
They are polar aspects of the body.
The Governing and Conception Vessels are two branches of the same source, and inseparable Yin-and-Yang, front-and-back duality. These vessels connect the uterus with the Kidneys, Heart, and Brain.
They originate externally and ascend the front and back of the torso and form a small circle when the tip of the tongue touches the upper palate in the mouth and the anal sphincter is squeezed.
Not only does this action complete the balance of Fire (Heart) and Water (Kidneys) energy, it also increases the body's protective Qi.
Along these vessels, the practitioner draws the Yang, Fire, Pingala “downward” and Yin, Ida, “upward” essence up and down the body, fusing the Water and Fire energies together. This fusion facilitates a Yin and Yang balance throughout the body.
The Governing and Conception Vessels each have two energy flows on the anterior and posterior vertical midline of the body. Each vessel's pathway is complete, composed of an ascending energetic flow and a descending energetic flow. Both vessels are superimposed on each other.
It is important to understand the energetic potential of these two currents flowing in both an ascending and descending direction on the posterior and anterior vertical midline in the body.
The energetic movement of these two currents explains why there are two opposite directions of focused concentration used in energy cultivation meditations.
1. One direction follows the Microcosmic Fire cycle along the Governing Vessel (up the spine and down the chest) to stimulate the emotional regulation of the acquired mind (Zhi Shen)
The Governing Vessel
is the confluence of all the Yang channels, over which it is said to "govern." Because it controls all the Yang channels, it is called the "Sea of Yang Meridians." It flows up the midline of the back, a Yang area, and in the center of all Yang channels (except the stomach channel which flows in the front).
The Governing Vessel governs all the Yang channels, which means that it can be used to increase the Yang energy of the body.
Since the Governing Vessel is the "Sea of Yang Meridians" and it controls or governs the back, the area richest in Guardian Qi, it is also responsible for the circulation of the body's Guardian Qi to guard against external evil intruders.
The Governing vessel is also responsible for nourishing the five ancestral organs, which include the brain and spinal cord. This is one of the ways in which the kidneys "control" the brain, as is said in Chinese medicine.
Because of their importance to health, the Governing vessel and the Conception vessel are considered the two most important Qi channels. The energy of the Governing Vessel is predominant and goes up the back and inferior down the front (behind the Conception Vessel).
The energetic flow of the Conception Vessel corresponds to Yin, negative polarity, the female aspect, and responds to bass tones.
The Conception Vessel “Ren” in Chinese means “direction, responsibility”. Ren Mai, the “Conception Vessel,” has a major role in QI circulation, monitoring and directing all the Yin channels (plus the stomach channel). The Conception Vessel is connected to the thrusting and Yin Linking vessels and can increase the Yin energy of the body.
The Conception vessel also controls the distribution and “dispersion” of Guardian Qi all over the abdomen and thorax via numerous small Qi branches. This vessel also plays an important role in the distribution of body fluids in the abdomen. In Qigong society, the Conception vessel and the Governing vessel are considered the most important among the Qi channels and vessels and must be trained first. It is believed that there is usually no significant Qi stagnation in the Conception vessel. However, it is important to increase the amount of Qi you are able to store, which also increases your ability to regulate the Yin channels.
The energy of the Conception Vessel is predominant up the front and inferior down the back (behind the Governing Vessel). The energetic flow of the Governing Vessel corresponds to Yang, positive polarity, the male aspect, and responds to treble notes.
Ida “left side” Cha (S) kra 7 Pingala “right side”
Cha (U) kra 6
Cha (S) kra 5
Cha (H) kra 4
Cha (U) kra 3
Cha (M) kra 2
Cha (N) kra 1
Governing Vessel “back”
Sun and Moon hold ruler-ship over one sign each, Leo and Cancer. Yet it is only in the very center of each chakric level that the energy of that chakra truly manifests in a spiritually balanced fashion, beyond the dualistic qualities of the zodiacal wheel.
Central Meridian (Conceptual Vessel)
The Yin Channel (the Conceptual Vessel) begins at the perineum, flows up the front centre of the body and ends at the tip of the tongue. This is a yin vessel which has a governing effect on all other yin meridians. It has a major effect on conception. The yin meridians and organ functions Pericardium, large intestines, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and liver are related to storing vital Essence. They are associated with the generation, regulation, transformation and storage of energy, blood, fluids, and Spirit. The specific connecting point for all yin meridians is the base of the sternum where according to the Nei Ching all the energies are collected. This area of the solar plexus is very important for the overall well-being of the body.
Governing Meridian the Yang channel (the Governing Vessel) begins at the perineum and flows up the back centre of the body, over the top of the head and back down to the roof of the mouth. This is the main yang meridian and as such has a governing effect on all the other yang meridians and organs- small intestine, bladder, triple warmer, stomach, heart and gall bladder. The yang organ functions are primarily active and relate to breaking down food and fluids and the absorption of nutrients from them, the circulation of the derived "nourishing energies" around the body and the secretion of unused materials. Located right at the crown of the head, known as the anterior fontanel in a newborn child, is a unique connecting point for all yang meridians.
Exercise for Connecting the Governing and Conceptual Vessels
to connect the yang energy and the yin energy is very beneficial for the whole system on all levels, physical, etheric, emotional, mental etc. It is effortless to do and it is an ideal way to check your own energies are functioning and flowing smoothly.
1) Place the hands in the lap, with the right hand resting on the left, and pull the shoulders back ever so slightly and the chin in a little so that there is a small pull on the back of the neck; this will ease the blood-flow to the brain.
2) Close your eyes, and with the mouth ever so slightly open, rest the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth touched to the highest point in the roof of the mouth behind the teeth. This placement of the tongue is vital because it naturally maintains the flow of energy to the head whilst keeping the jaw relaxed.
3) The tongue connects these two important currents when touched to the highest point in the roof of the mouth. Allow your energy to complete the loop by letting your Mind flow along with it. Start in the mouth and mentally circulate your attention with energy. Eventually the current will begin to feel warm in some places as it loops around. Relax; try to bring your mind directly into the part of the loop being focused on.
4) Experience the actual feeling of the flow of chi in that part of your body. Once the circuit is going smoothly, inhale as you go up the spine and over to the third eye, and exhale as you go down from the Third Eye to the perineum.
5) You can complete as many circuits as you wish, finishing when you are ready or going on to meditate or working with your programmed crystals.
Structure of a Chakra
A chakra is structured in the form of a cone-shaped energy vortex, or spiral. Within this structure, there are actually two spirals, with one spiraling in the clockwise direction, and the other in the counterclockwise direction. In the case of a chakra which functions with a singular endocrine gland, such as the Pineal or Pituitary, the two energy spirals are concentric, and the apex of the dual spiral is directed toward the gland. In the case of a chakra which functions with a paired endocrine gland, such as the Thymus or Adrenal glands, the two spirals are slightly offset from each other, with one apex directed toward each of the individual glands of the pair.
There are various specialties within the field of alternative medicine which deal with the energy configurations of the body. Among these disciplines there seems to be a consensus that left side of the body is associated with the female nature, and the right side the male. I personally prefer the term "nurturing", rather than female; and the term "activating", rather than male as I believe these terms are more descriptive of the energies involved. Regardless of the terms used, however, the two sides of the energy body seem to be polar opposites. It seems significant that the dual spirals of a chakra are also bi-polar, with the one directed toward a gland on the left side of the body spiraling in the opposite direction as the one directed toward a gland on the right side.
In the case of some of the chakras, such as the Heart chakra and Solar Plexus chakra, the spirals are bi-directional, in that they extend out from the body both toward the front and toward the rear. In other cases, they are uni-directional, and extend out in only one direction. For example, the Brow chakra extends outward only toward the front.
There is yet another distinguishing characteristic. Some of the chakras are able to transmit energy, as well as receive energies. Others are only able to receive.
Pretty complete!
I am trying not to repeat my chakra and kundalini information here. I go over it quite a few times for it is important to me. Thanks for replying, Carmen!
I have a lot of information on the Goddess Hekate too if anyone is interested.
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