It seems there are always messages out there driving everyone to get on their own path and to fulfill their self created destiny, but I’m curious, how did you find yours? What keeps you motivated to keep going? 

I find myself at a crossroads right now and I’ve been standing at this fork in the road for a while now. I know which direction my gut wants me to go in (and I do trust it) but it feels like there are other forces always trying to push me in a direction I don’t feel drawn toward. 

I’d love to hear some of your stories here. 

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I just messaged you my situation. Pretty much goes along with what we have talked about.

45 year's ago and old friend introduced me toThe teachings of Aleister crowley and I've been a Thelemite ever since

Thanks so much for sharing your story, Knox. I completely understand the lone wolf scenario. That's how I operate too. 

Fall from great higness for battle of good will

In the beauty of my life, I have lost much and gained is through life experiences My Spirituality grows as a Lone Wolf, in the true quest of the Authentic Self

Bryan I have literally hundreds of stories that keep me on this path. The one at the crossroads between the physical and the spiritual I just added in a discussion about my supernatural childhood which is where my interest began. Thanks for creating the site, and I have a lot more to add!

I was born this way. I hung out with the dead more than the living as a kid. Got lucky and was taught TM starting at age 6, it was insightful, even at that age. I can't imagine my life being any other way.


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