Eliphas Levi was an occultist and ceremonial magician best known, perhaps, for his drawing of Baphomet, a figure which resembles the Horned God of the Witches, known by many Names as Pan, the Great God of Nature and All Creation, the consort of Diana, Goddess of the Moon and Queen of Witches.
However Eliphas Levi approached the entire study of natural science and magick from the perspective of patriarchal Dualism and objectifies the sketch of Baphomet as such in his writings.
Levi saw the Yin, as evil; and the Yang, as good. The entire universe, according to patriarchal dualist theology, is split into two warring, antagonistic halves, good and evil. These two great protagonists evidently fight a continual battle for dominance, neither ever gaining the upper hand.
This is a new development in the records of metaphysical studies, only appearing around 6000 B.C.E with the appearance of the male-dominated Religions.
And it has nothing to do with reality; as Nature itself shows that the Yin, or dark, is merely the Divine Feminine, while the Yang is the Divine Masculine.
There is no absolute good and evil in Nature; only imbalance, which itself causes harm and dis-ease both within and without if the imbalance is not corrected.
Many people who are attracted to the world of unseen science and to Divinity as spiritual seekers, are terribly confused by the whole Yin-Yang conundrum.
Yet it is very simple. Here are a few diagrams showing us what the Yin and the Yang are, within what lies without of the sphere of opposite yet complementary poles.
Note that there is no ‘good’ or ‘evil’ ~ both very subjective terms dictated mainly by the will of others ~ within any of these diagrams.
And if some readers persist in identifying all of the characteristics of the Yin , including women, with parochial notions of ‘evil’; then I challenge the reader concerned to demonstrate how it is that women per se, are evil, and men, ALL ‘good’, and furthermore to then elaborate on how the night, water, or any of the other Yin attributes and characteristics are, evil..
According to the Witch, the Yin and Yang must work together to continually create all life and indeed, ensure the continuing cycles of existence. How can ‘absolute good and evil’ ever work together in infinite ways to create life?
The point is that Witches are not evil, at least no-one is. If there is an imbalance between male and female, sun and moon, wind and water, fire and earth - within a person, this results in imbalance and disease as already elucidated upon. So thus it would seem correct to strive to attain and maintain a balance between Yin and Yang, and even though the two energies combine in constantly shifting and changing ways and proportions, to ever be in relative equilibrium or balance. True equilibrium is the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine of many Names , and in my Pagan Goddess spirituality we stay close to the Great Goddess, love all beings and harm none.
Most people though, identify witchcraft with devil-worship and evil sorcery.
In medieval days, the Church wanted to get rid of all of the ancestral spiritual traditions, especially the Wise Ones, the Witches, those who know - the Wicche; who were the elders, teachers, counsellors, healer-physicians and defenders of the community originally, before our position in society was taken over by the priests of the New Religions.
So therefore witches were to be known as evil and agents of the Biblical Devil, and the words witchcraft, bewitchment, and sorcery became words strongly identified as diabolical.
Just about all of the original Goddesses and Gods of humankind are to this day identified with this Devil ~ and in reality, we witches don’t even acknowledge any Devil, let alone believe in this supreme male devil who works as the prosecuting attorney of the Biblical God; is God’s favourite son, and is ordered to punish the condemned in his own horrendous hell of everlasting torment.
Man, we just don’t believe in that; and I have never worshipped any Devil.
Actually, In Pagan theology, working for ones Divinity is worship. No Witch ever bows down to anyone, nor kisses their butt!!!lol ~ as we are too busy doing what we do, working for Mother Nature.
No doubt the Devil and the Gods of the Bible have a reality, but this reality is framed by the Church and the patriarchs who invented the Devil. One of the most common charges against Witches is that we deny the Devil, and this is the Devil’s greatest weapon against Christianity. In the Quaran it is made clear that Pagans are wont to deny the Devil and his hellfire of punishment. Well, the truth is that everyone is entitled to believe in what and whomever they will, and so to deny the right of those who follow the new religions to hold fast to an evil Devil or this hell would be most unfair.
Just because Pagans like myself have faith in the Afterlife and believe in reincarnation it does not mean that the Biblical Devil is not very real to those who believe in him. Given the antagonistic nature of patriarchal dualism and that the Yin is seen as the Devil’s own in these theologies, it seems like if he disappeared there would be no reason for Religion at all.
As the Law of Goddess is, Love unto All Beings and to harm none, allow me to reiterate that my objection is never against any individual member of any Religion; including the Patriarchal Religions.
My objection is against the use of Religion as a tool for fear-based control over the spiritual and corporeal lives of people, and the wrongful use of Religion as an institution to justify war and enmity between people. No-one can be blamed for this except the people who included discriminatory passages in the Holy Books in the first place and who edited the words of Gods at will, to their own liking and to their own advantage at the expense of others. Even the Priests of the Church are perhaps unawares that Spirit never condemns, nor chooses one child and casts away the other. That women and the Divine Feminine have the right to equal billing in the spiritual community; and that certain dominating powers are behind the wrongful use of scriptures to gain power and to control this power through force.
Fear is of the past and future; neither of which exist. So as this new generation , do we stick to old, divisive and painful ways? No one Christian can be blamed for what happened during the Burning Times nowadays, nor can any Muslim be blamed for what happened to the Triple Goddess of Arabia and the Pagans nowadays, nor can any Pagan be blamed for some crazy Roman Caesar who fed Christians to the Lions, nowadays, nor can any single Jewish person be blamed for what was written of the Goddess Lilith in medieval times, nowadays. I can go on and on ad infinitum, however, spiritual people know that religious rhetoric and dogma falls short of reality, as we all have the same Mother and we are all interconnected.
Truly we are unique, yet we have the same life energy and the same light within. Between the primordial feminine darkness from whence all things originate, all is light. The light flows within the trees, the animals and all living beings; and it is the realisation of how the living universe is that changes one’s mind about harming any other being.
It is true spirituality which binds us all together in Love, the Love of Spirit. We are indeed One, and we are all divine in our own right. Not the better of the Great Spirit, or trying to be more equal than others ~ merely reflections of the greater Divinity. Everybody is divine, yet only a few demonstrate this living reality to themselves and others.
I was taught and live that Witches are of the Craft of the Wise; and that to strive ever for Wisdom and to venerate Nature is key to Witch beliefs. Love is the key to understanding real Witches, for we are the children of the Goddess, and every act of love and pleasure is a rite unto the Goddess, as the worship of the Goddess is with joy in our hearts.
If there is a harmful side to Goddess devotees’ magick, it is only in a situation where there is an immediate need for self-defence. I always lay out the matter before the Goddess, and She protects me. Yet have I to walk anywhere with fear.
The problem is that many so-called witches today are, again perhaps unwittingly, disciples of the patriarchy, and believe in parochial dualism - both Angel and Demon within. Any ‘witch’ who espouses and promotes patriarchal values and either comes over as angelic good or diabolical evil, alternately, has fallen under the spell of the currents of the Church and society. They play the game which was invented by the patriarchy and thereby justify the teachings of the Church with regard to the Old Ones, the Ancestors and the Craft of the Wise. Popular misconceptions and caricatures of witches/ Goddess devotees are unfortunately reinforced in the general consciousness as a result.
Real Witches know that Mother Nature is not evil, and knowing this have no need for the Biblical Devil and the spiritual hell which awaits most who are enveloped by the will of others who encourage fear-based Religious teachings and promote false and blasphemous myths regarding ancient Goddesses such as Belit-ili ~ Lilith.
Having said all of this, let us take a closer look at some of the teachings of Mr Eliphas Levi regarding ancient Goddesses, witchcraft and Pagan ways.
“ Bewitchment is a homicide, and the more infamous because it excludes self-defence by the victim and punishment by law… The term bewitchment so strong in it’s Gaelic simplicity, expresses admirably what it means, the act of enveloping someone , so to speak, in a formulated will. The instrument of bewitchments is the Great Magical Agent, which under the influence of an evil will, becomes really and positively the demon.
Witchcraft, properly so called, that is , ceremonial operation with intent to bewitch, acts only on the operator, and serves to confirm and fix his will, by formulating it with assistance and trevail, the two conditions which make volition efficacious.
The more difficult or horrible the operation, the greater is it’s power ….The prayers offered to God for the conversion of a soul will bring misfortune to that man unless he repents….
The Witchcraft we operate is the Craft of the Wise; and what goes around, comes around; and with this in mind the above statements are revealed for exactly what they are - a transparent attempt at diabolizing the Pagan spirituality of the Ancestors. Wisdom, or rather the striving after Wisdom, implies discernment, a quality sorely lacking in Mr Levi’s works in my opinion. And a word to the wise- if ever somebody professing to be Pagan attempts to convert another, then know with absolute certainty that the ‘Pagan’ is a fraud. Real Witches never convert or in other words, envelop another in their will.
Levi on Goddess Lilith and Goddess Naamah and the souls of men and women
“We read in the Hebrew book concerning the Revolution of the Souls that there are three classes of souls- the daughters of Adam, the daughters of angels and the daughters of sin. According to the same work, there are also three kinds of spirits- captive, wandering and free. Souls are sent forth in couples, at the same time certain souls of men are born widowed, for their spouses are held captive by Lilith and Naamah, queens of the stryges: they are souls condemned to expiate the temerity of the celibate’s vow.
Hence, when a man renounces the love of women from his infancy, he makes the bride that was destined for him a slave to the demons of debauch.”
This is an unreservedly critical analysis of Mr Levi’s version of magick, which is the right of anyone, including witches, to exercise. The fact that it is Eliphas Levi who has had a great influence on Western Occultism over the last hundred years or so makes this critique even more urgent, so that not many more sincere seekers are fooled by any form of patriarchal dualism. This dualism only serves to confuse people and again reinforces the quaint idea that the centre of the universe generates all living by means of irreconcilable differences and antagonisms.
This dangerous belief runs contrary to the currents of Nature, the Great Mother; and so the last three thousand years in particular have been filled with all of the by-products of certain controlling powers, namely the rape of the planet’s natural resources, poverty, dis-ease and a state of constant warfare, which supports polluting industries in turn.
Levi’s classes of women end up with Naamah and Lilith and the ‘daughters of sin’, who are destined to forever try and tempt virtuous males out of their male supremacist funk and awaken the love for the All within, which is evidently a very bad thing. These daughters of sin are, in fact, the free in spirit; whereas it can be said of the daughters of Adam, very generally speaking of course, that aside from financial considerations, perhaps, living under MCP’s can’t be easy, in fact it can be said that Levi’s assumptions can easily be reversed! In Goddess thealogy, the Angels are sent by the Great Goddess.
Who knew that the seven Angels of the planets and days of the week were always the Angels/Genii of the Divine Feminine, and that Michael is Mercury, respecting, riding and never slaying the Dragon?
The reference to Goddess Lilith and Goddess Na’amah as stryges and as abductors of poor women who at birth are separated from their soul-mates and forced to be ‘a slave to the demons of debauch’ is easily dissected under the spotlight of Truth.
In Levi’s estimate, the concept of sexual love as divine was repugnant, and it is this very principle of Divine union, reflected in the Hieros Gamos of the ancients as enacted by all the kings with the queen or Goddess prior to his assumption of the royal throne and performed with the aim of fertilizing the entire realm; that the patriarchal Levi and the Church attacked and still attack in various ways.
Sex was never seen as alien or shameful to the human condition before the teachings of the patriarchs, and women were respected as holy, virtual Goddesses on Earth.
In the view of Levi and his ilk, the Temple Priestess was a two-penny whore and all women but especially Pagan women, the daughters of sin, as it were, were the main reason for the downfall of men from divine grace; temptresses, untrustworthy and ever destined to turn men away from reaching heaven when they passed away.
The identity of the Stryge is actually that of the Great Goddess of Death and Love, the great-ancestress of Aphrodite and Venus and Medusa; Lilith. The witchcraft tradition of the strigoi is associated with Diana, Aradia and Lilith; and the owl is recognised by all truly spiritual people as one of the universally holy and sacred creatures. Remember the Love To All Beings, and Harm None Laws? The owl is sacred to Athena, Lilith, Lalita and many other Goddesses and is the nocturnal equivalent of the Eagle in metaphysical terms.
How any man can ‘renounce the love of women from infancy’ is beyond me, as it’s only when a man reaches sexual maturity that an individual decision can be made regarding his own sexuality. The implication otherwise is that the Goddess is personally responsible for interfering with free will for one thing and believes in holding the souls of women captive as sex slaves.
I could never put the patriarchal view of the Yin and Yang in better words ~
“...the superior triad is composed of three Yang, or masculine figures, because nothing passive can be admitted into the idea of God, considered as the principle of production in the three worlds. For the same reason, the Christian Trinity by no means permits the personification of the mother, who is shown forth implicitly in that of the Son. For the same reason, also, it is contrary to the laws of hieratic and orthodox symbology to personify the Holy Ghost under the form of a woman. Woman comes forth from manas Nature comes forth from God; so Christ Himself ascends to Heaven and assumes the Virgin Mother, we speak of the ascension of the Saviour, and the assumption of the Mother of God. God, considered as Father, has Nature for his daughter; as Son, he has the Virgin for His mother and the Church for his bride; as Holy Spirit, He regenerates and fructifies humanity. Hence…, the three inferior Yin correspond to the three superior Yang…”
Clearly this form of Yin and Yang is not the original, as the concepts of parochial dualism have been superimposed upon the Yin and Yang of Nature, where nothing is more equal than another.
“Magical equilibrium explains the great and primeval mystery of the existence and relative necessity of evil.
This relative necessity gives, in Black Magic, the measure of the power of demons or impure spirits, to whom virtues practiced on earth are a source of rage and of increased power.”
Here the white mage gives equal power to the black; acknowledges the Devil’s power and indeed, the ‘necessity of evil’ to make the system operable. This is alien to Pagan ways, wherein the true magickal equilibrium, between male and female, Sun and Moon, Day and Night, Summer and Winter, Fire and Earth, Water and Air and within and between all other beings, causes and elements in Nature is the Tao, the Great Mother and Ma’at; the central pillar of the Tree of Life with the pillars of Boaz and Jakin, Yin and Yang as reflecting the twin serpents of Ida and Pingala and as OD relates to OB, with AUR centre… so in original nature-based Pagan spirituality, there is no absolute evil or converse good ever antagonistic , rather a central pillar of moderation balancing the Yin and Yang; which must by the Laws of Nature combine constantly and interact to create and form all life from the abyss of the Dark Mother, the Crone whom the patriarchs rejected and vilified in their quest for dominion over the spirituality of humankind.
“ antagonism is the necessary consequence of a plurality of gods” Levi rejoins in complete contrast to the world-view of the Ancestors.
“Bewitchment may also be cured by substitution, when that is possible, and by the rupture or deflection of the astral current. The folk traditions on all these points are admirable and undoubtedly of remote antiquity,; they are remnants of the teachings of the Druids, who were initiated in the mysteries of India and Egypt by wandering hierophants….This act of high initiation was nothing else but a rupture of a magnetic current infected by evil wills…Possessions by the demon are bewitchments…”
Levi on women
“Paracelsus(A Christian metaphysician whom Levi admired)says that menstruations of women beget phantoms in the air.”
What contributes most to making women hysterical is their enervating and hypocritical education; if they took more exercise, if they were instructed more frankly and fully in matters of the world, they would be less capricious and consequently less accessible to evil tendencies”
Levi on the Serpent
“IN BLACK MAGIC, THE DEVIL IS THE GREAT MAGICAL AGENT EMPLOYED FOR EVIL PURPOSES BY A PERVERSE WILL. The old serpent of the legend is nothing else than the Universal Agent, the eternal fire of terrestrial life, the soul of the earth, and the living centre of hell.”
Needless to say, true Pagans have a contrary view to this, experiencing the Earth as our Mother, the Serpent as sacred and representing pure divine spiritual energy, that which flows through all things.
Levi on the Tree of Life
“ Analogy yields all forces of Nature to the magus, analogy is the quintessence of the Philosophers’ Stone, the secret of perpetual motion, the quadrature of the circle, the Temple resting on the two pillars of Boaz and Jakin, the key of the Great Arcanum, the root of the Tree of Life, the science of good and evil.”
The two Pillars of Boaz and Jakin are the Yin and Yang of Nature, which are not split into good and evil. Real Witches cannot subscribe to Levi’s views regarding the evident good and evil within all beings. It would just be a horrid, very confusing life if we were so divided within. The real science is that of the Goddess and God who create all things and unto whom all things return; and the Goddess Tree of Life is the original. This original TOL has been wilfully changed to Patriarchal dualism and so although the diagram is fundamentally correct in it’s bare framework, it is now up to the modern–day Priestess and Priest of Nature(all who love Nature, themselves and all beings) to draw in her and his own correspondences and fill in the Tree without the corrupt and misleading fruit tainted by the false dualism of the patriarchal theologians.
Levi on Patriarchal Imperialism
“’He that hath understanding, that is, the key of kabalistic numbers –‘let him count the number of the beast , for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six.’ It is in fact, the decade of Pythagoras multiplied by itself and added to the triangular pentacle of ABRACADABRA: it is thus the sum of all magic in the ancient world, the entire programme of the human genius, which the Divine Genius of the Gospel sought to absorb or transplant.”
In reality, a key to the Pentacle ~ ABRACADABRA ~ is sacred to ancient Pagan theology, and the number 66 which is produced by virtue of the magickal triangle is special indeed.
6+6+6 = 18 = 1+8 =9; the number of the Divine Feminine; so that Levi is fundamentally incorrect in his assumptions is proven by the fact that the cube is, although appearing as a masculine form, actually a feminine symbol and form consisting of both male and female, and symbolizes the basic building blocks of creation, into the combining of the two opposing yet complementary vital forces of Nature to create life.
It takes both male and female energies to create anything of lasting value and substance; and this knowledge is what the patriarchs do their level best to conceal.
Even though it was a Christian mage, the author of the Book of the Apocalypse, who added the third 6 to the double 6 of the Magickal Triangle, the symbol of Kali – by justifying the third six as ‘idol worship’ (a false charge levelled at Witches by the patriarchy) and thus changing the 6 + 6 = 12 = 1+2 = 3, the prime number of the Triple Goddess or Trimurti, the Great Mother - into the 666 of the Great Whore of Babylon and the mythic Devil serpent this ‘whore’ allegedly rides;
We can naturally and without besmirching the sacred with patriarchal profanities however, see the addition of a third 6 as a multiplication of the double six to signify the third dimension or aspect of the Great Goddess and God of Nature as it was originally taught in the School of the Mystery. After all, what lies without of the Triangle is infinite multiples of 3 and 9; and should a third six be added to signify what lies without of the magickal triangle we end and begin with the number 9 of the Divine Feminine.
The androgynous nature of the Divine is shown with the mirroring and progression of the formulae as follows ~
6 + 6 = 12 = 3; 9 + 9 = 18 = 9
6 + 6 + 6 = 18 = 9; 9 +9 + 9 = 27 = 9
6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24 = 6; 9 x 4 = 36 = 9
6 x 5 = 30 = 3; 9 x 5 = 45 = 9 and so on
This is why the infinity of the Cosmos and the infinite recurrence of spiral numbers and forms can be found in a single drop of rainwater, as infinite multiples and divisions are present within all living. These original teachings are far removed from impure spirits and demon, as Levi infers quite bluntly, almost like a witche’s hammer in his intensity of conviction that Witches are evil pawns of his very own Devil. By now it must be clear that the Wisdom of the ancients and the natural magick or unseen science which they employed to increase the fertility of the realm on all levels of being and which was ritually enacted in the Sacred Union ~ the joining of Yin And Yang; was literally absorbed and transplanted by patriarchs to become the Black and White Magic of Patriarchal Religions.
Therefore the original and true Magick of the Goddess and God of Nature was copied - stolen - to a large extent and then used against the perceived enemies of the Church in which shadow that universal Catholicism lurks; which currently seeks total world domination through the unity of the male-dominated Religions.
If any doubt, then one only has to observe that Jesuit teaching, that it is lawful to use Black Magic against the enemies of the Church and in the name of their God – and then run a tab up against all of the murders, burnings, trials, interrogations and tortures committed by this order of the Church to see that Black Magick - the enveloping of the will of others and forcing conversion to one’s own, is a preserve of the Church and the priests who wield this unnatural dualist type of magic against anyone whom they perceive to be the enemies of the Church. Is that anyone outside of it then, one has to wonder, or just Pagans altogether?.So it is the use of Black magic as per Levi’s own definition as set out earlier that is employed by all of the patriarchal priests, ex-priests, disaffected members of the Church, ceremonial magicians and ‘witches’.
And now we all know.
Levi further explains how his version of the Pentagram is composed of his examples of good and evil. In his words, it is the Divine Lamb of Ormuz and St John and the accursed Goat of Mendes; Mary and Lilith, initiation or profanation; so that if the pentagram points upwards, it symbolizes the Saviour and if downwards, the Infernal Satan.
And this really puts everything the patriarchy stands for in a clear light. This is not any reflection of the Macrocosmic natural reality, and runs contrary to Nature and the Laws of Nature.
True Witches therefore never venerate the plural God of the Patriarchy. Again, no-one denies anyone the right to venerate and fear/obey a Devil and a God ; it’s just that millions of people choose not to nowadays, and there aren’t any more tortures, interrogations, confessions made under severe duress, framings, disposessions of property and forced conversions any more. This happy state of affairs nowadays enables people to do their own thing and be free to choose from the wealth and wondrous diversity of spiritual paths and traditions which do not include the Biblical Satan, God or Son; without harassment or victimization from any other Religion/s. Our worship is one of Joy and Freedom and Love.
“Two things as we have shown, are necessary for the acquisition of magic al power – the emancipation of will from servitude and it’s instruction in the art of domination. The sovereign will is represented in our symbols by the woman who crushes the serpent’s head and by the radiant angel who restrains and constrains the dragon with lance and heel.
The Dragon is within all human beings, so what may we ask, is the point of crushing the head or spearing it through with a lance? Talk about self-destructive behaviour.
In this place let us affirm without evasion the Great Magical Agent the double current of the light, the living and astral fire of the earth was represented by the serpent – with the head of an ox, goat or dog, in ancient theogonies. It is the dual serpent of the caduceus, the old serpent of genesis, but it is also the brazen serpent of Moses, twined about the Tau, that is, the generating lingam .
And in this place, Levi makes sense regarding the nature and symbolism of the Serpent or Dragon of Pagan Goddess theology. Then, the patriarchal slant is introduced –
“ but it is also the Goat of the Sabbath and the Baphomet of the Templars; it is the Hyle of the Gnostics; it is the double tail of the serpent which forms the legs of the solar cock of Abraxas. In fine, it is the devil of M.De Mirville( in the notes, de Mirville is accredited as a Christian author who classed all psychic phenomena and spiritism as satanic power.)and is really that blind force which souls must overcome if they are to be freed from the chains of the earth, for unless their will can detach thenm from this fatal attraction, they will be absorbed in the current by the force which produced them, and will return to the central and eternal fire.The whole magical work consisits therefore in our liberation from the folds of the ancient serpent, then in setting foot upon it’s head and leading it where we will.…”
And herein lies the rub, as it were. How presumptuous is Mr Levi and company, to think that they can with impunity, crush the head of the Pagan Dragon. The worldwide resurgence of Pagan Spirituality is proof that the mighty and terrible sword has swung and is impotent against the dawning of the New Age of Love, Reason , Equality and Freedom.
So these mages will first free themselves from their devil who holds them captive, then lead the accursed Goat of Mendes to where they will, and see it as their right to punish, using the power of their Devil/’serpent’! Punish whom, and under which laws and guidelines is this punishment to be effected and upon whom? All of this is extremely subjective and, as is clear, totally open to personal, subjective interpretation. It is ‘legal’, then, to employ Black Magic, so long as it is for the Church? Who will end up being cursed? Pagans who persist in being Pagan and honouring their Pagan Ancestors and Divinities, I suppose.
As long as we all know about it, is all. Forewarned is forearmed against the unprovoked hatred and institutionalized Religious discrimination that is practised openly by some individuals of some Religions against other people, purely because these free people will not be enveloped by the collective will of others..
Yet can we actually blame these individuals for doing what they do, if books such as Levi’s and other patriarchal texts draw their inspiration from the Holy Books in themselves? If it still says in the Bible, ‘Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’, then these hate filled individuals have been taught this hate speech and open religious discrimination from an early age, and earnestly believe that these words were commandments from their God and not just those of a King of England who edited the Bible carefully to benefit from the calculated demonization and demise of Pagan spirituality in Britain, thereby gaining financially and consolidating the political and social domination of the Church.
And just look what kind of devilry has been created by the Church itself, by tacitly condoning Black Magic - by fostering the belief in an all-powerful Devil of evil, and host of demonic entities.
These rites are unbeknownst to real Pagan Witches; in other words, members of the Nature-based Pagan spiritual paths and traditions. There are many such texts written up in grimoires of the Commanding and Compelling traditions; which were all without exception conceived and written by patriarchal magicians; either Priests themselves or indeed, ex-Priests who became the disaffected rebels against the Church; subsequently inventing the cultus of Satanism in it’s classic format.
Not a single grimoire has ever been written by a Goddess devotee or any other real and genuine Pagan that promotes the use of Black Magic; nor is Black Magic as per Levi’s definition ever practised by real ie. (Non-Satanic/Christian/Patriarchal) Witches. Ever!
Karma is a very elegant system. No matter what the action there is certainly a reaction, a law which always works, every time. So if one harms, then harm will befall the sender of the harm; if one restricts, then the same restrictions will be suffered, in time.
In retrospect, then, the deluded and mentally affected practitioners of Patriarchal ceremonial Magic who perform rites in the same vein as that which is elaborated on below should be both guarded against and pitied to a certain degree for the certain bad Karmic currents they must now swim in. How many have suffered as a direct result of either White or Black Magic? What a heavy cross to bear for the operator, who punishes and uses sorcery to ensorcelle others.
The double irony of Eliphas Levi’s works is that he condones patriarchal white magic yet on the other hand is highly critical of the corresponding Black Magic as performed by his contemporaries, contemptuous of it on the one and then describing it as an unfortunate necessity on the other.
“…Evokers of the devil must before all things belong to a religion which admits a creative devil, who is also a rival of God. To invoke a power, we must believe in it. Given such firm faith in the religion of the devil, we must proceed as follows to enter into correspondence with this pseudo-Deity:
Magical axiom
Within the circle of it’s action, every word creates that which it affirms.
Direct Consequence
He who affirms the devil creates or makes the devil.
Conditions of success in Infernal Evocations
1 )Invincible obstinacy 2) a conscience at once hardened to crime and most prone to remorse and fear 3) affected or natural ignorance 4) blind faith in all that is incredible 5) An utterly false idea of God.
We must afterwards 1) Profane the ceremonies of the cultus in which we believe; 2) Offer a bloody sacrifice; 3) procure the magic fork, which is the single branch of hazel or almond, cut at one blow with the new knife used for the sacrifice. It must terminate in a fork, which must be armoured with iron or steel, made from the blade of the knife before mentioned. A fast of fifteen days must be observed, taking a single unsalted repast after sundown. It should consist of black beans and blood, seasoned with unsalted spices or black beans and milky and narcotic herbs. We must get drunk every five days after sundown on a wine in which five heads of black poppies and five ounces of pounded hemp-seed have been strained through a cloth woven by a prostitute; strictly speaking, the first cloth that comes to hand may be used, should it have been woven by a woman(sic) …A solitary and forbidden spot must be chosen, such as a cemetery haunted by evil spirits, a dreaded ruin in the country, the vaults of an abandoned convent, a place where murder has been committed, a druidic altar or an old temple of idols.”
Note here that Levi specifically mentions ‘Druidic altars and temples of Idols’ as suitable venues for the ceremony; thus linking ancient Pagan spirituality with the New Religion’s Black Magic.
A diagram of the Goetic circle of evocations is then presented . Noteworthy is the fact that at the five directions of the circle, within which is the Triangle, sits a cat, bulls’ horns, a bat and the skull and crossbones, surmounted by the fire of hell. Aside from the hell-fire, the other symbolic attributes are clearly taken from original Pagan spirituality, thus copied and stolen from the original Old Religiojn by these Black Mages who invoke their devil to nefarious ends.
…”A black seamless and sleeveless robe must be provided; a leaden capemblazoned with the signs of the Moon, Venus and Saturn; two candles of human fat set in black wooden candlesticks, carved in the shape of a crescent;two crowns of vervain; a magical sword with a black hendle; the magical fork;a copper vase4 containing the blood of the victim;a censer holding perfumes, namely….mixed together with the blood of a goat, a mole and a bat; four nails taken from the coffin of a convicted criminal;the head of a black cat which had been fed on human flesh for five days; a bat drowned in blood….A perfect circle is tracedby the sword, leaving, howver, a break or pointv of uissue, on one side; a triangle is drawn in the circkle, and the pentacle thus formed is colored with blood; a chafing dish is placed at one of the angles….at the opposite base of the trianglethree little circles are inscribed for the sorcerer and his two assistants; behind that of the first the sign of the Labarum or monogram of Constantine is drawn, not with the blood of the victim, but with the operator’s own blood…..the evocation can be pronounced now, as they are found in the Magical Elements of Peter of Apono,or in the grimoires, whether printed or manuscript.That of the Grand Grimoire, reproduced in the Red Dragon, has been altered wilfully and should read as follows : ‘By Adonai Elohim, Adonai Jehovah, Adonai Sabaoth, Metaron On Agia Adonai Mathon, The Pythonic word, the Mystery of the Salmander, the Assembly of Sylphs, the Grotto of Gnomes, the demons of the Heaven of Gad, Almoisin, Gibor, Jehosua, Ebam, Zariatbatmik: ‘Come, Come, Come.”
…Evocations were followed frequently by pacts written on parchment of goat skin with an iron pen and blood drawn from the left arm. The document was in duplicate; one copy was carried off by ther fiend and the other swallowed by the willfull reprobate.The reciprocal engagements were that the demon should serve the sorcerer during a given period of years and that the sorcerer should belong to the demon after a determined time.
The Church in her exorcisms has consecrated the belief in such things; it may be said indeed that Black Magic and it’s darksome prince are the true, living and terrific creations of Roman Catholicism; that they are even it’s special and characteristic work, for priests invent not God.
So also true Catholics cleave from the bottom of their hearts to the conservation and even the regeneration of this great work, which is the philosophical stone of the official and positive cultus.”
And that my friends and other readers, is exactly why real Witches do not practice either Catholicism or it’s other side of the coin, Satanic Devil worship.Yuk
We have a Planet to save, rather.
Blessed Be (the greeting and farewell of the (real) Witch.;)
"If you want to shrink something,
you must first allow it to expand.
If you want to get rid of something,
You must first allow it to flourish.
If you want to take something,
you must first allow it to be given..."
~ Laozi
"Be like the Tao.
It can't be approached or withdrawn from,
benefitted or harmed,
honored or brought into disgrace.
It gives itself up continually,
That is why it endures."
Thankyou, CJT
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