I am a member (and now also head admin) of a another pagan social site which is sadly dying on its feet. Activity there has almost ceased. I feel that it needs a business analyst to take a look at it and see what needs to change in order for the site to thrive once more. Sadly, the sites owner can’t afford to do that. So my question is this:-

Are there any “business studies” students, or retired “business trouble-shooters” on this site who would be willing to give up their time and take a look at this dying site and see what needs to change in order to turn it around? This would be voluntary. I know it’s a long shot but it can’t hurt to ask. Thank you for reading.

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This site needs help too, I've even had to take a break for over a year now, life is getting in the way.

Basically, you need to promote through fb or the old twitter if you are still there.(I quit)Put an extension page and group on fb.  Post discussions in groups, and repost some on front page with blogs and discussions with link to group on the bottom.  If someone puts an answer to any discussion, make sure to comment back.   Go through discussions from others, and don't just put a comment that says, t"thanks for this, thanks for info or good read." Put a well-thought-out comment, and again if someone answers that, post another.  The whole idea is to promote discussion.  It takes a lot of work to keep a site going.  Fortunately, winter is coming and you may get an influx of people. It's like any business, it's all about promotion and advertising

Thank you Linda for your reply and suggestions. I know the owner is on FB and has 2 groups there. He promotes his site there but I don’t know exactly how he does that.   
Every so often he sends out broadcasts to all members about the various discussions and groups there. He also posts discussions where he asks what members want to see on that site. The sites colour scheme is a black background with white and yellow text, just like every other Ning 3 site I have seen. I suggested he change it to a pale colour with darker text as this would be easier to read. It would also lift the atmosphere of the site and make it stand out from all the other sites like it. But nothing changed.

Discussions in groups, the forum and blogs do post to the homepage. I notice that they get a lot of views but few replies. I don’t know if that is because no one wants to be the first to reply or because they can’t think of anything to say.
I thank you for your help. I am now trying to respond more to the discussions as you suggested and I will try to find out how exactly it is being promoted on FB.

you can also extend the discussion by putting some of the info on the'reply spots.  It makes it look like the discussion is busier.  I learned this from Kyst.  Try something fun.  Do some scavenger hunts on the site.  ask specific questions, like 5 or 6 so people don't get board.  and this gets them to know the site, and read some of the discussions.  Put the link out to members to come and answer the game.  On WM there is used to be a polls link.  You put in different polls for people to answer.  It may get more people active.  

     I'm not crazy about a dark backgrounds either.  I like dark earthy greens, or reds, a power color.  I seem to be in the minority.  I like this white, here,

Well, here's problem number one--you missed an opportunity to place a prominent link to said website! Never miss a chance at promotion. Aside from that, it would help to amass an online following through other means. For example, I have a Discord server of my own (named Luciferian Knowledge) that I use to link to other Luciferians and to educate about psychic matters. It may be a good idea for you to start a Discord server for your website, and then use the Discord outreach sites, such as Disboard, to promote it. Be sure to use relevant tags that will be searched by many people.

Thank you for your reply, Zuda and for your suggestions. I know the sites owner promotes the site on FB. He has a group there with links to his site. Here is a link to the site. https://witchesway.ning.com/

I'm a business analyst. what site?

It’s this one. https://witchesway.ning.com/

Thank you Zhan. I will find it interesting to see what changes you think need to be made. 

i can't access Facebook. i never have had an account.

It is not on Facebook. It is a separate site on its own. If you click on the link in my previous reply it should take you there.


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