People all around the world, throughout time, various cultures and beliefs, have all acknowledged the spiritual and mystical presence of the moon and have practiced some form of moon meditation.

No matter what your personal beliefs, incorporating moon meditation is something you may wish to explore.

When we stop and take time to focus on the moon, and it's properties, it's beauty, and it's energy, we connect with something far greater than our own selves, and tap in to the greater cosmos.

The moon affects bodies of water, and our body is mostly water, focusing on this connecting, on the waves of our being and of our breath being connected to and rocked by the magnetic rhythm of the moon, we are able to transcend mind and go to deep toward feeling the divinity within.

There is no right way to meditate to the full moon, draw from my various suggestions as well as your own experiences with meditation and craft your own full moon meditation - I believe this is always preferable to adopting a set practice.

You may want to shoot for a time as close to full as possible, but don't let it concern you, most people agree that the full moon energy is strong for the 3 day window surrounding the moon, some say for a 5 day window around the moon. You will benefit from moon meditation even if the moon is not at it's fullest.

If you are able to be outside and exposed to the moonlight, this is preferable.

It's up to you if you want to be inside or outside, clothed, or 'moon bathe' 'skyclad' - ie. get naked.

If you're inside you may want to set up a meditation space or altar.You may also want to be as much as you can in moonlight, meaning by a window with the curtain open. If not, you may want a symbolic representation of the moon in your space.

If you use Tarot you may want to focus on the Moon card

If you work with crystals you may want to work charging them into your meditation, or incorporate moonstones.

Bring the tools and elements you're familiar with that you enjoy using into your ritual and your meditation to deepen the process for you. Let the spirit and energy of the moon guide you, she lends us intuitive energy to make use of.

A meditation during the full moon can start much like any other meditation practice.

The only difference is that once you are in the meditative state, you will connect yourself to the full moon energy.

Find a comfortable position, sitting down, or laying down. Relax into your place and posture.

Focus on breath, and take several slow deep breaths, slowly focus your concentration on one area of your body after another, focusing on relaxing your muscles.

Allow any stray thoughts to just float away and bring your mind back to your breath, breath flowing like the tides, pulled and pushed, gently moved, by the magnetic pull of the moon. You are breathing moon beams.

When you feel fully relaxed, become aware of the moon 'light' shining down on you. Whether you are able to see it or not is not important. Feel it. Pull that energy connection inward. Let the moon energy re-energize you and visualize yourself surrounded by moon light.

If there are any areas of hurt, pain, sadness, fear, or tension in your body/mind/soul visualize them as shadows that are pushed out of your being by the bright cleansing mothering healing light of the moon. Till finally you are one with the moon, filled with healing bright silver light. Let the moon energy thrum in every cell of your being.

When you are ready, allow the energy to flow back out of you and release it back into the atmosphere dispersing where it will go, like a wave set free to flow where it will. Slowly allow your awareness to come back 

Finish in a way that fits with your regular beliefs and practices. If you don't have one, you may want to start one of your own, it could be just thanking the moon, for sharing in your meditation with you. Or thanking the goddess represented to you by the moon. Or simply silence.

Let your spirit, and the moon, guide you.

Bright Blessings!
Leila Raven


Views: 967

Replies to This Discussion

This is so wonderful. Thank you. I will be doing this tonight.
You're most welcome :)  won't be alone... literally millions meditate to the moon. :) All of us under the same moon.

Thanks for sharing your truth, I'm always interested to know what others have experienced.  I have found that the truth of our reality is a personal and constantly shifting thing. Based on different information and experience. I believe it's important for people to remain open always to new truths and possibilities. It is equally important that a) we value our own experiences, truths and voices, and have confidence in our own beliefs, not to be pressured into conforming to mainstream beliefs or the beliefs of others, but to listen to our own selves. b) as much as we should trust in our own beliefs, we should always be willing to receive new information and experiences to challenge those beliefs and allow them to grow with us as we grow in knowledge and experience.

So I always honor and respect anothers beliefs, all truths are equally valid, as they are the personal truths that best suit US in the moment. They are meant to serve our being and work for us, not for anyone else.

I am skeptical of much of what you say, to be honest, simply I have different perceptions of the materials circulating out there. I feel people are often presenting false data to serve their own purposes. So I am naturally skeptical of -everything- (even myself! lol) yet at the same time, I am entirely open to it, and would not be overly surprised or shocked to find out if just about anything were true. It's just the way my mind works. I'm always believing that anything I think or others think is true could likely turn out to be false, I also believe anything I or others think is false could likely turn out to be true.

One thing I do believe is there is a lot more I -don't- know, than I do know... so I've mostly surrendered to the idea that we're navigating largely 'blind' to much of reality. :)

I like what you're sharing though, possibilities, of what is or may be always interest me. Especially ones that challenge current belief. Because history has shown what we always think we know, we only really know parts of.


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