Esoteric Symbology of The Spider & The Web

Part I. Spider in Mythology, & Folklore

The symbol of Spider & the Web it Weaves features prominently in the mythology of various across the globe.  Comparative analysis of myth across cultures often reveals deep truths about the nature of culture, reality and the self.  The obvious question at hand concerns the prevalence of the Spider Goddess archetype across cultures. What could be the reason for this ancient cross-cultural mythical archetype? Could it have deeper scientific and/or occult significance? 

Before, we can answer that question let's briefly examine some of the mythological portraits of the Spider:


1. In  the Teotihuacan culture (Ancient Pre-Mexican Civilization) the Great Goddess was the Spider Woman. 

2. In Native American Hopi Cosmology, as well as Cherokee, the creator of the universe is know as Grandmother Spider

3. The Egyptian Goddess Neith was the Goddess of War and Weaving. 

4. In Babylonian Mythology the Goddess Ishtar was often depicted as a Spider and her symbol was an 8 rayed star connecting to the 8 legs & 8 eyes of the Spider. 

5. In African mythology Anansi was a trickster god depicted as spider

6. The Goddess Arachne, of Greek Mythology, is associated with weaving and spider.

7. The Infamous Nazca Lines contain a depiction of a Spider that corresponds to stellar bodies above (including Sirius~Isis in Egyptian Mythology)

8. When the Vedic God Indra fashioned the world, he made it as a web, and at every knot in the web is tied a pearl. Everything that exists, or has ever existed, every idea that can be thought about, every datum that is true—every dharma, in the language of Indian philosophy—is a pearl in Indra's net. Not only is every pearl tied to every other pearl by virtue of the web on which they hang, but on the surface of every pearl is reflected every other jewel on the net. Everything that exists in Indra's web implies all else that exists


Part II. Spider Webs and Modern Science 

The spider web is an interesting mythological symbol considering the current scientific understanding of the universe as illustrated in quantum theory, string theory and general relativity.  As I will illustrate below, the symbolic nature of the spider and the web she weaves is truly an apt allegory for the operation of the universe, and the operation of our brains; more importantly, the operation of our brain in terms of its connection and dialogue with the creator.

The Second Hermetic Principle of Correspondence states:

This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. The old Hermetic axiom ran in these words: "As above, so below; as below, so above." And the grasping of this Principle gives one the means of solving many a dark paradox, and hidden secret of Nature. There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them we are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us. This Principle is of universal application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual universe — it is an Universal Law. ---The Kybalion 

Therefore, there should be a web above, and a web below.  Additionally, the two webs must necessarily be connected somehow, and have an effect on each other.  

The following image shows the side by side comparison of the web-like structure of the neurons in a human brain to an astounding image of the dark matter of the universe which is nearly identical to the web-like qualities of the human brain. 


Part III. The Third Web or "Veil" & Communication with the Divine


As amazing as these revelations are, if we dig even a little deeper we will discover and even more profound truth to the mythology of the Spider Goddess. 

On the Temple of Neith in Egypt there is an inscription that reads:

I am the things that are, that will be, and that have been. No one has ever laid open the garment by which I am concealed. The fruit which I brought forth was the sun

In Judeo-Christian scripture, Islamic scripture, and Japanese Folklore there is a virtually identical tale that is told in all three cultures. The essence of the story is as follows:

1. A hero (King David, Mohammed, Yoritomo) is being pursued by his enemies.

2. The hero comes across a cave in which he hides from his enemies. 

3. A spider builds a web across the entrance of the cave.

4. When the enemies come upon the cave they do not search for the hero due to the presence of the spider web. 

5. The hero is then able to escape his enemies and become the powerful self-realized being that they were destined to become. 

What could this myth be describing that occurs in our natural world? Is this perhaps something that takes place inside our brain? 

There is in the human brain a layer or "veil" of protective tissue that surrounds the inner most parts for the brain called Arachnoid "the spider's web". 


What lies beyond this protective layer of netting in the brain? 


Pia Matter which is translated as "tender mother" 

To summarize, thus far: The entire structure of the universe at level of the subatomic (dark matter) is like the web of the spider.  The network of neurons, in our brain, also resembles a web-like structure and is identical to that of the universe.  Additionally, there is a third spider web located in the brain called Arachnoid. This thin web- like layer that covers and protects the Pia Matter or "tender mother" the most vulnerable part of the brain. 

So what lies at the center of the web in our brain?

Our greater spider, our higher-self, or daemon whatever you choose to call it, but it is located in the precise center of our Brain-Web and it is called the Pineal Gland or Third Eye. 



Part IV: Contacting the Divine Spider

In nature, the spider knows when it has caught prey in its web via vibrations that travel along the web.


In meditation (especially chanting of Aum) we can "tap" the web and call our daemon spider to come and keeps us within our cave (pineal gland/Pia matter) in the arms of our most ancient mother. Through deep meditation we will be cradled by the holy mother and reborn the self-realized hero. In other words, enlightenment or higher consciousness is achieved (or at least attainable) through repetitive stimulation of the pineal gland in meditation. 

If we return to the inscription at the shrine of Neith in Egypt we now have a more lucid understanding of these enigmatic words:

I am the things that are, that will be, and that have been. No one has ever laid open the garment by which I am concealed. The fruit which I brought forth was the sun

The concealing "garment" is in fact the Arachnoid membrane of the brain which restricts energetic flow to the pineal gland unless it is stimulated through meditative techniques. The "fruit" that one brings forth is the enlightenment that pours forth from the great Mother of us (The)ALL: the Spider Goddess.  

"But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all."

~Galatians 4:26


One final thought to consider. Have, the collective we, become like the weaving Spider Goddess of Creation? Have we created an analagous  web "below" to the web "above" that is our brain? 

Indeed we have. We have most aptly named it "The World Wide Web" 

Like our consciousness, and the consciousness of the macrocosm (Adam Kadamon) which is nowhere and everywhere our internet is an interconnected intelligent web that is non-local, but instantaneously connected. The quantuam theory of entaglement provides a scientifc basis for this model of reality and the First Heremetic Principle of Mentalism provides the occult framework.

Imagine a multidimensional spider’s web
in the early morning covered with dew drops.

And every dew drop contains the reflection
of all the other dew drops.

~Alan Watts, The Middle Way 

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Replies to This Discussion

Awesome post Sam-I-am! Thanks. She sort of makes me queezy, with that tendency to feed of the body of the male. :) but I still read spider webs. They say so much about the vibration of the land. And are very useful for the gardener.

Thanks so much Robert! "reading" spider-webs? That sounds absolutely fascinating...would love to hear more about that. 

Wow-thank you, Sama'el - I - am; this is wonderful.

It is probably the interconnectedness of everything, which is symbolized in the Web and the Spider weaving it, that resonates with me most of all..

A while ago I discovered an interesting analogy between the Earth's magnetic shield and the original legends of Spider Grandmother, who "captures Father Sun", keeping the Sun in check. It is probably more than co-incidence, though, that the drawings and depictions of Spider Grandmother are practically identical to what the actual magnetic lines appear as in reality. Puzzling it is, that the Native Americans knew all about the shape and configuration of the invisible magnetic shield, and wrote legends around celestial phenomena long, long before "modern" man had the means to do so.

Now there's something more for the old mind to enjoy, then(teehee)

Thanks you for the nice words Zephonith. Fascinating about the magnetic shield! I am always amazed by the scientific accuracy of the mythology of the ancients. The more I dig deeper into this area of study the more I am you happen to have some links or such? I would love to "weave" this into my understanding of this mythology :) 

Wonderful post, Sam. I feel very kin to the Great Grandmother Spider Spirit... I guess because I'm an artist but also because my daddy's lifelong nickname is "Spiderman". :) Like in the web, here we are connecting. As your wonderfully chosen pictures together show, she's woven us in from the startrails to our neurons!

"she's woven us in from the startrails to our neurons!"

Beautifully expressed Angelique! 

and we have "startrails" in our brains....they are called "astrocytes" star-cells :) 

Thanks so much for reading and commenting Angelique. Isn't great how your personal experience of Grandmother Spider has woven it's way into this discussion :) 

Hi Angelique:)

Sam, I actually came around to "discovering" the amazing synchronicity in a round about way. I was reading up about the fact that the magnetic shield strength was decreasing rapidly, and that this concerning phenomenon results from the ever-weakening power of the planet's magnetic core; which consists of molten iron and moldavite.

The magnetic shield is actually the only reason we are still able to chat so freely on the internet, or enjoy the fruits and splendour of nature, as if it were to weaken or a breach was made due to excessive solar activity, we would be deep fried within a minute or so.

So anyhow, I then came across a picture of Spider Grandmother on Google images search and something led me to look into the imagery of the Spider Goddess a little deeper. It was then, when I compared the Spider Mother symbolism with the actual imagery of the shield that one of those incredible bursts of enlightenment which are a gift from the Goddess struck me literally straight between the eyes. It's through reading, actively learning, seeking knowledge and life experiences that the Goddess speaks :)

I have no idea whether anyone else has researched this connection or not, but to my mind it is just impossible for what we have been led to believe about our "primitive, ignorant" ancestors to be true. How did they know about the shape of these magnetic fields and how they work to shield us from the Sun, without evidently having the means and technology to do so?

I guess it would be the same as asking, "why were the pyramids constructed according to the Golden Mean Ratio, all those years ago, when Pi wasn't 'discovered' yet?" or, "How come fossilized, cultivated fruit was discovered together with the Titanoboa fossils in the same strata, dating from the same period some millions of years ago, when only humans can actually cultivate wild varieties of fruit to make bananas and avocados; and there weren't supposed to be any humans or anyone capable of this - around at the time?"

The field is wide open for further research, my friend. Thanks again for the great article!

Zephonith, I love this: 

"It's through reading, actively learning, seeking knowledge and life experiences that the Goddess speaks :)"

Well, said! And you make a great point about the technology of the internet and its dependence on the elctromagnetic web of earth. So, indeed our "mass quickening" via the internet is truly interwoven between all the webs mentioned above. 

I have long been skeptical of traditional mainstream explainations for ancient technology and knowledge as well as the mainstream historical timeline. The field is indeed wide open and I'm so glad that I and you and all have this historic oppurtunity to truly explore! 

This is interesting: an image of Earth deflecting the elctromagentic radiation from the sun and creating what appears to be the pattern of a "spider" around Earth. Do you see it? 

I am very grateful for your kind words Sparrow. It means a lot to know that members are learning from my discussions. 

Spider Web Crop Circle, Circa 1994


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