I'm looking for anyone that may be able to guide me toward the help I believe I need. That is to say soul retrieval in particular. My story is long and I am more than happy to tell you what I know but for now. I'd like to keep this fairly short. I've lived through severe long term abuse of every type but through that also had an incredibile journey through spirituality. Through the abuse I feel that much of the person I was has been ripped from me to the very core. Dreams, visions, healing touch and so much more seems blocked. I wonder if anyone here has gone through such things or if anyone is willing to share paths they think might help. This missing part of me is truly more than I can bear and leaves me at times feeling that there is no point for my existence.
So, I am here asking for help. I am not a stupid woman just, I think lost and separated from that which is so very important to me and me feeling whole.
Love Light and Blessings to All
thanks for the information, yes I have heard the name but no, not read his work that i remember. I will look him up and perhaps you might have some suggestions on which way to go from here? Thank you for taking the time to answer my call.
I would try dreaming the Conscious dreaming and dreaming the soul back home. He also has a blog http://mossdreams.blogspot.com/ and FB page and sometimes he answers posted questions
I was in a very bad situation where I didn't realize just how bad things had gotten, until I got out. I knew something was terribly wrong, and my identity was completely smothered and nothing seemed to go right. I kept telling myself it was a chrysalis because all my gifts were stifled, and I had no idea who I was. I found groups of people who formally met to share their experiences and processes, relative to the specific type of issue we were facing, and it literally saved my soul. Not every group is perfect, but overall, they are very accepting and loving. Things they would say about their own experiences helped me more than anything. I had worn down every friend until I was tired of hearing myself talk about it. I was about as deep in the hole as one can go. I read once, when you pray or meditate, the answers and insights that bring you the most peace is the voice of God guiding you to your next move. I think I was fighting that so hard and I wasn't doing what I was supposed to be doing, that until I did what I had to do to move forward, I would never be happy. Once I started letting go of control and totally submitted, the voice and peace started coming back, and believe me, as an agnostic and ex-Catholic, that was a very hard thing to do and wrap my head around. They say, pray to the "God of your understanding." And at the time, it was the Goddess. I literally prayed to Aphrodite and bought a gorgeous cameo of her and three doves. Oh, here's a lovely story about an incident that happened during this time. I was having a particularly shitty night, then morning. On the way to work I was a mental mess. I was just miserable and in despair. I turned on to an off ramp, and the moment I drove passe, and real white dove flew up right in front of me and flew into the trees. I looked it up, and doves are associated with Aphrodite and the Goddess, then I found the cameo later, and thought it was perfect! I felt more comfortable with her, and miraculously, I was found it was perfectly fine and totally right and proper. I had known logically, for some time, that the balance of humankind would not be restored until the religious reinstated the feminine as a true equal, but never for myself, personally. I have had a remarkable couple of years since this whole process began. Could never have dreamed.... ~*~
I just stumbled on this: http://www.templeilluminatus.com/group/angelguidesascendedmasters/f... Funny...and that's how it works. After reading this, which is spot-on, btw, to sum up the above, ~trust~ is a HUGE issue for those of us who are good and sensitive and want to expect good from others, but have been betrayed to the point that trusting anyone or anything, even ourselves, is a huge step. So, I'm glad I found this place, because it seems to be a supportive place for the next step of my lonely journey.
Thank you for the information and for sharing some of your story, it does sound familiar and we sound very much alike. I would like to add you as a friend and maybe we could share more? I too, though I have a very loving companion feel very much alone, in that I feel things a little more strongly and differently than he does though the fact that he is a man and the Only man I have ever personally met that has stayed in my life for any amount of time, he is truly good hearted and in touch with more of his spiritual side than most. Looking forward to talking more.
Love Light and Peace.
Absolutely. Hope you are doing well.
I wanted to concur with ShayC5, as my experience was not to different!
I apologize for butting into this moment, but been there done that!!!
And Would not change or undo a single moment of my past experience and the issues I endured! As it was Change energy for me to see what I needed to deal with!
Like the bible phrase where they told Jesus to quiet his apostles, and Jesus replied, If I did, the rocks would start to praise me
Luke 19:40 ► "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."
Some stuff just has such karmic over-pull that energy in this realm can not resist the forces commanding it
Technically I am a wee bit still hobbled up, with my new computer system, and it being a 64 bit processor, and Win DVD and my Audio capture file program, as that stuff was 32 bit, long story but I want to convert an audio track from a movie to an MP3 file, and this is my issue/// But to the point there is a meditation I found at a resale shop for 2$ and it is GAIAM mind body health Meditation for beginners the one I have is with Maritza!
But the video she explains the process of soul release and soul piece retrieval!
The key to this entire process being getting out of the mind and getting back to feeling everything that surrounds and is inside of us and focusing on every part of our body and letting go of thought and just living in the moment, and letting people who have something to prove just pass us by and only speed up in thought enough to help those we feel we can help, but humans get lost in the knowledge of good and evil and the desire to prove who is right and wrong and most emotionally bleed desiring approval because of past perceived failures and short comings!
So these people need to run from distraction to distraction, otherwise they feel empty and sorrowful, and desire to tell someone what to do, and feel empty unless they play emotional games of approval and disapproval
But to the computer situation, I share this to explain that I am working toward getting this meditation to an MP3 or a wave file so I could post this or email it! As it is the easiest explanation I have seen of the soul retrieval and cutting negative attachment cords automatically
That would be wonderful Bruce and much appreciated. Anything that moves me in any way has got to be a good thing, I look forward to hearing it as it has been very difficult being caught in this place where I do feel unable to move in any direction and my feelings are a jumbled mess leaving my head spinning out of control along with my life at this point. I look forward to hearing from you.
Ok I will get to this, and PM you when I have it in MP3 Format!
To figure out where you are on some other issues, as there are what Pranic Healers call Elemental's! I think of them more like Sprites who are pissed off, and attached to people!
But to figure out where you are in the attachment arena, what upsets you and where is your comfort zone!
Like I can sit at a Superbowl party and sleep LOL
Or I can go to AA meetings and look to see who has an agenda and see it, as whatever most warn you about in AA meetings, they see in themselves and are angry with, Sort of bullies get pissed off when they see other bullies operate, just an FYI
I go to Church and try to keep from snickering over the emotions being pushed and the entertainment value
And male homosexuals will tell you and so will psychiatrists that a person who is angry with homosexuals, has uncontrolled emotions there to resolve! Gay men will say they are closet cases, not yet come out And Psychiatry will use the phrase Latent Homosexual tendencies
But emotional discomfort I see as a gift and One of the greatest Untapped resources in the universe! And this is what I call change energy! Seeing other humans as perfect and God doesn't make Junk COVERS a multitude of sins! As I do not need to feel another person is wrong or needs to change on my account! I am not about to Play God in this realm and say who is wrong, that chit anit happening! And I found a freedom more powerful than any store based solution or from any theology or science solution!
As people who need to fight will find sparring partners!
Sadists will find masochists
And fools will find people to manipulate them
Idjiots like me who are dumber than a bag of hammers are to stupid to be be controlled by another human, and it is fun to watch people try As the joke winds up on them
Thanks for sharing, Bruce. I like the emotional discomfort = change energy bit. That's totally right. We change all the time, people, relationships, everything. Personally, I was stuck with a liar. He had symptoms but bottom line he was a liar, so that relationship never had a chance, because it was built on lies. You cannot change someone else. You only have power over yourself. That is the honest to God truth. You do what you can, and let it go and let your higher power, whom or whatever it is, take it over. And one of the hardest truths I had to finally accept after YEARS of fighting against things I couldn't control, is what you want and need are sometimes not the same thing. And do stuff you like to do that makes you happy and you enjoy. Be a little selfish. And give it TIME. That was hard too, you expect something to change, but I finally leveled with myself that it took me a long time to dig my hole, and it could take me a long time to crawl totally out of it. Not too long ago, I was upset, about something progress-wise and a little voice said "Pace yourself" and I repeated it like 3 times like an echo I had not control over, but it was ringing in my ears. It was kind of wild. When I get frustrated, that pops in my head, and I take it a little easier on myself.
And Bruce, you are totally right about that last part. People tend to be attracted to people that pattern their childhoods or early relationships. They give each other clues and people are usually pretty honest about themselves, so it's now the other reacts to the cues. Is it accepted or not? Is it familiar. So that's how cycles of dysfunction perpetuate. I was controlling, but I thought it was my job to help keep someone "in line." Perhaps my Q laughed at me too. I am sure he did in the end. I don't blame him. It was all ridiculous and absurd. Perhaps in the beginning it worked or was received. Perhaps I had promises of "doing better." Probably dramatic, heart-felt, even sincere apologies. This cycle applies to the whole rainbow of abusive or substance abusive behaviors and relationships. So up down up down.
This may have nothing to do with "soul retrieval" so sorry it's gone off on this tangent.
> This may have nothing to do with "soul retrieval" so sorry it's gone off on this tangent.
How do you think retrieval of soul pieces works, Yep we do this by facing the issues that caused the fragment and venting the anger, and seeing where we went wrong, and sort of just need to My Bad the situation, and figure where the safe exit points from this or these situations are! As these are down as lessons well learned and things you will not soon repeat or forget
But please remember you adversary, or mate DID you a service along with with the bad stuff (or stuff you decided you do not want in your life anymore) they taught you some lessons that Money can not buy you in public universities as you have the experience and not just head knowledge or I heard someone once say ....
So they are not your enemy, we are our own worst enemies and critics keeping ourself from happiness!
Hang in there long enough and let enough forgiveness pass and the stories get funny and hilarious when you tell em! I practiced telling my faults at AA so much I went to work and told my boss I just broke security protocol and he might need to discipline me, as I was on my to to tell HR and IT, I think a few of them pissed their pants laughing as I told how screwed the pooch LOL My boss laughed for 10 minutes straight and had to put his head on his desk, his ribs were hurting he had to hold his chest, As people usually are scared when telling of their mistakes, It is fun when I mess up and get to tell on myself
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