I'm the creator of Temple Illuminatus, and I just wanted to take a moment to encourage our new incoming members to reach out and introduce themselves.

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Hi Duane, thanks for the welcome. We seem to have a lot in common.  Scary but I'm with you Duane.... something is wrong. I talk about it with people but no one seems to care. I think because at the moment their okay, they got theirs. Then I got going on the paranormal.... I'm Catholic. How does it fit together?  oh Duane sorry I went off a bit.

Much respect.

Hey, thank you.  *s*  It's a great site and I'll try not to share as well as listen.

Once again.. Thank you

Merry Meet Children of the Goddess! Outspoken Pagan Private Investigator, Fierce Child Advocate/Paralegal with sarcasm to share. I love to hunt, I wildcraft my herbs and roam the woods as much as I can. I freely share my gifts of psychic communication and lifetime of learning passed down from the Wisest Woman I've ever known, my beloved Granny, the first woman in her "squat of hollars" to ever wear pants! She was the areas Healer and Uncrosser, Midwife, Water Witch, RumRunner and Foster Parent. Spending summers with her were like stepping back in time and I wanted to stay there.
I also bless houses and clear spirits at an ever increasing rate these days. The state of the economy and the struggles of many families have caused a rise in dark entities with a taste for sorrow, depression, anger and fear that is Unfortunately quite easy for them to find.

I am blessed with Gypsy heritage mixed with Sioux and the wisdom of both were honored and celebrated in my family. I enjoy a close walk with the Earth and the Divine and try to limit my diet to that which Mother Earth provides, whether that be by hunting, growing, brewing, churning or gathering.
Why hello there you gorgeous gossamer winged beauty! Here is a sturdy flower to perch on while I reach into my bag a get you a sweet cube. I always carry it just like my Pappy taught me to. He said I should sit very still and look at those wise eyes and let you know I would be honored if you chose to shift your shape for me. I will lay the sweet cube here on this leaf and share this nice little visit as long as you wish. By now I'm sure you realize that Pappy trusted me so your secret's safe with me... But here is what I know to be true: Fireflies are Fairies in Disguise!

Hi Duane,
I used to think that govrnment, scientists and theologians are hidding information too. Government yes. But for scientists, the facts are all there in books and research materials. Same for different religions. So why depend on scientists and theologians to interprete reality for you when you can do the research and connect directly with the truth. Nothing is really new under the Sun. What I have found out about scientists and theologians is that many of them have limited perspective or they are ignorant on many issues where the public assume they have knowledge.

Let me amuse you; do you know the theory of evolution is not right? It is false. Do you know that there is no God that ordered the creation of the world in six days?

The story of Genesis actually showed slightly incorrectly the six stages through which our ancestors terraformed the desert planet Earth to life when we migrated here from Mars about 3.6 million years ago.

This is just a tip of the ice. I can go on and on with so many falasies in theology and science. Regards. Philuz.

I've just joined the site, thought I'd say hello before I went to have a nosey round.

I'm Lydia, I'm 31 and live in the Uk.

Much love x

Hi Priscilla  Hi Lydia...... Hello everybody!      : )


I have not been a member on your site for long, but the varied pics, stories, and general topics amaze me. I really enjoy this site, keep it up Blessings to all

Hi, I a illuminus a and have come to help, learn, and grow. It is nice to meet you all!

Hi My name is Steven, found you on twitter and i run a website changeyourlifepraxis.com  its all about actually making change in your life, hense the praxis. 

If my introduction is too long, I apologize in advance. Hi, my name is Al and I am an addict. I am addicted to learning, healing and seeking the path of my ancestors.

I first learned healing as a child from my parents – my dad was a coach and I learned to wrap knees, ankles and all that goes with it. Since then I have studied every healing style I can find – the good and bad alike.

My great grandmother was a “hardcore” Baptist and yet she had the “second sight” with church members coming to her for readings. Thus, I was raised accepting that information from the Spirit World was there. I also learned never to talk about it around my dad or his family. I later learned much more about my ancestors the Scottish tribe known as the Picts as well as several of the tribes along the Mississippi. I love history and found myself drawn to books in high school about the prehistoric people in America.

In high school I was thrown from a moving pick up breaking my neck in six places and had the traditional near death experience. It would later prove a blessing and a curse. About 10 years ago I began to have seizures. Test revealed the accident had damaged parts of the brain resulting in temporal lobe epilepsy (tle).  A TLE seizure is a lot like an out of body experience. I quickly adapted the seizures into a more guided experience. Following the onset of the TLE, I developed cancer requiring three surgeries including a repeat a few years later when the tumors returned to the same spots.

AND if that was not enough I had a heart attack in the hospital ER while wired to all those recorders. Within just a few weeks they found the lower 1/3 of the outside of my heart was dead, but from using several healing modes, the inside was perfect. I thought at this point things would be great. I was wrong as the medication for the seizures had killed the liver (I don’t drink – never have) giving me about a year to live, according to the doctors. In December 2011 I was given weeks to live. I admit it – I had given up. But our granddaughter needed a home so we adopted her.

I was walking in the hallway of our home when I fell, breaking both bones in both legs and destroying most of the ankles. Again surgeries and rehab to learn to use a wheelchair. When admitted to rehab the liver was still huge and painful. They did not expect me to live to leave rehab. Two weeks later the liver was normal. I have a written statement from my family doctor who has been through all of this with me stating that I was healed by an act of God.

During rehab, I drummed several times a day. There is a great story about the drumming, but not now. While I “gave up” with the liver problems I never stopped any of my other shaman work. I am now/still bedfast most of the time, nearly a year later as the left foot has not healed and will not.

So, here is what the Creator has done to me or for me. I have nearly unlimited time for drumming, vision quests, working for others and all the things shaman want to do but never seem to do in modern times. I am literally the hermit in the cave, the old Indian in his tipi for days at a time without speaking. It is wonderful! I do not have as much contact with others as I should – MAYBE – but then again, it gives me a great time to seek and walk in both worlds.

That is my story and introduction, now can I learn about the rest of you? Please?


Hello, everyone!

I just joined and I am learning how to navigate the site. I have many varied interests, and when I have had time to mull over how to share them with you I will. I think the best way to do that is to join the groups and...just wade in! lol.

I live in Canada and I am currently looking for a new job. My guide said to put "single" so I will. ;)




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