Your Doctors' Drugs for You


Anyone currently using any form of prescribed psychopharmeceuticals for any conditions, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolarity, or psychosis may often feel ashamed or stigmatized.

If these medicines sincerely help someone cope with their problems then it is unfair for anyone to find fault with them for relying on these therapies.

A life free of drugs may not be best for all people; we may all be well advised to learn respect the difficult life choices anyone using such medications must make, choices that may too often contribute to situations where they may sometimes feel very uncomfortable or even alienated when experiencing the sometimes poor regards some people may sometimes express regarding their painful, very personal life choices.

One reason it is important to avoid any judgmental statements regarding these difficult choices is that any hurtful remark may be remembered and may be re-examined so often that the person who felt hurt by this remark comes to habituate themselves to believe these remarks are true, rather than understanding these remarks are only opinions, opinions that are never worth nearly as much as the good regard they deserve to always hold for themselves.

Alas, it becomes easy for such people to lose self-confidence when faced with casual hostility for their life choices; this can help put such people at risk in several ways.

If you are a patient relying on psychopharmeceuticals with any success please do not allow yourself to be dissuaded from using your medications by the criticism of people who cannot place themselves in your own shoes well enough to understand how you feel about your medications.

Most people who rely on such medications are ambivalent about using their medicines.  Small pushes, tiny criticisms, can build up to a social pressure to conform to expectations that they should, perhaps, be drug-free.

Deciding to quit successfully managed pharmaceutical therapies may often bring many patients immediately into crises.  It is rarely safe to rapidly withdraw from most of these medications without a physician's guidance.

So please, if you are a successful or even partially successful patient on a chemical regimen that seems to work for you, please do not allow yourself to feel pressured to stop using your meds or to change whatever else is working for you.

It's ok to be you however being you will work best for you.

However, please understand, that while many people are successfully treated with various psychopharmeceuticals, as so many people already feel is true for themselves, many other people have had very poor, often critically traumatic responses to their medications; for these people, the traumas they have experienced as a result of poorly or inappropriately administered therapies make them very suspicious that anyone relying on such therapies may be at risk of dangerous, frightening experiences like their own.


When people from these two camps of rugged survivors meet, both are dependent on belief systems that may sometimes come into conflict with each other's.

One group must choose to believe in the value of their therapies because believing this helps their therapies be more effective.

The other group must believe in the dangers of such therapies because they are attracted to anything which may help ease their suffering but must painfully deny themselves this sort of help because for them it seems to consistently do them more harm than good.

Both groups of patients have very personal experiences they deserve validation for, but both groups often invalidate each other, because they are afraid that their own core beliefs, beliefs essential to their well-being, may be challenged.

Together, both groups have a wealth of experience that can unite them and help each other to grow beyond whatever limits they still experience as a consequence of the successes or failures of their respective therapies.

Some may find new meds that will work for them in spite of their fears, while others may discover safe ways to withdraw from their medications under their doctor's guidance because they learn new coping skills from those who must learn to manage without any meds.

Together we can form a stronger mental health care community and support groups to help each other to heal.




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thank you grigori fror understanding my way of dealing with my does get me in touch with a deeper self...have you hear of Steven Haskin?

Hi Nancy,

We are re-lighted to connect with you sweetie, you resonate so well with us so frequently, you are a true blessing.

Our depressions are gold-mines for us, but we are learning to handle them with bi-location to keep in a happier NOW. <smile>


We have not heard of Steven Haskin and got ambiguous google results can you link us to something of his please?



Blessed be...


I agree with what you're saying about accepting the disconnection, etc, I've come to believe that no matter what your situation is, it serves purpose, and to surrender to self and the moment and to the experience as best one can.

Yes, working toward growth and positive change again, reconnecting, but while one is disconnected, not beating self up and allowing some surrender.

Rough with words right now, but hopefully what I'm trying to convey is coming through.

Yes Leila,

It's always very important not to beat yourself up over anything...

That sort of self-abuse is socially conditioned into far too many people; people who learn to take their self-abuse to such extremes that they create elaborate hateful lies and rituals about themselves to continually emotionally and cognitively flagellate themselves...

Their hair shirts may be hidden, but the self-punishments remain...


Part of healing with depression is to learn how we hurt ourselves with our own mental and emotional abuse so we can learn to nurture ourselves instead...


However, cultural attitudes regarding depression tend to isolate depressed people far more than is safe for them, since deprtession is typically self-isolating to begin with.

That sort of isolation, where we too foten may feel rejected for reaching out in our pain, is one of the worst aspects of depression, an aspect we learn from experience to expect, so that we learn to stop reaching out to avoid the painful rejections we learn to anticipate.

We stop reaching out because we are punished when we do so; society fears depression, no one knows how to respond; other people feel their own limitations more clearly when they cannot help someone who is depressed, and this depresses them in turn.

Derpession can be contagious.

One part of our societies teaches us to reject depressed people to prevent depression from being more contagious, while another part of our socieites uses our depression against us, helps inspire us to be more depressed, helping maintain us in our depressions.

That's a very conflicted paradoxical societal message that too many depressed people give up trying to resolve; often choosing to kill themsleves instead...

We live in cultures that do not respect the individual well.

Our economic models strive to put the least energy into systems for the most rewards.

Depression absorbs collosal ammounts of energy with no apparent return for society, so depression is discouraged, frowned upon, and punished.

We need a more compassionate model for coping with depression, socially, culturally, and individually...

We are working on it, as are so many other people...


Blessed be...


All so very true, I know for me it's my hardest struggle still is being gentle with self, I think many people are unaware of how difficult they are on themselves. It's a continual growth process for me, trying to nurture self.

Leila, we like how the movie 'What the Bleep Do We Know' teaches people about their self-abuse, we wish more people would see this wonderful movie...




that's why it's one of our featured videos... love it. :)

Featured Videos?  We haven't seen that area yet... We tend to prefer reading to videos, our eyes are better at speach recognition than our ears...  <smile>

same here, I tend to rarely watch videos, I get impatient, lol. I prefer to read.

When we see a Doctor as our answer for our health needs as the ultimate authority, we seem to surrender our healing power and sort of place then Doctor as a God status person.  This is a fine line here and I am not saying to use or not use Doctors, it is more along the lines of how we feel about what they do, and do we Idolize them as the can do no wrong.  This explanation is not anti medicine or Doctor, just pointing out it is a perception of how we see them

Love and Light

Hi Bruce,

What you say has a deep authenticity brother.  We know you are not attacking doctors or how they sometimes support patients and their families, your heart is too pure to want to hurt anyone, we are sure.

You are correct, if we choose drugs and doctors, it can be seen as a lack of faith that God will care for us or for our sick family members, friends, or neighbors.

But of course, God will never cease to work miracles in all of our lives every day, and to some it may seem that the presence of doctors and better medicines among us, better tools to ameliorate the pains and misfortunes of our human conditions, are parts of the miraculous gifts God showers us with each and every day.


Just a thought bro!

Love ya lots!

Love, Grigori Rho Gharveyn....


I bring a point to bear for consideration, my emotions and context of the reasons are irrelevant.

The point I share is if we make a Doctor our last word indicator and feel their speech is the gospel, and they can do zero wrong, we have just invoked them as a deity, plain and simple cult rules begin to apply to those situations.

Not everyone here desires to have emotions of spirit, mind and body in unity to bend reality for themselves, this is why they desire someone else to do this for them


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