Your Doctors' Drugs for You


Anyone currently using any form of prescribed psychopharmeceuticals for any conditions, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolarity, or psychosis may often feel ashamed or stigmatized.

If these medicines sincerely help someone cope with their problems then it is unfair for anyone to find fault with them for relying on these therapies.

A life free of drugs may not be best for all people; we may all be well advised to learn respect the difficult life choices anyone using such medications must make, choices that may too often contribute to situations where they may sometimes feel very uncomfortable or even alienated when experiencing the sometimes poor regards some people may sometimes express regarding their painful, very personal life choices.

One reason it is important to avoid any judgmental statements regarding these difficult choices is that any hurtful remark may be remembered and may be re-examined so often that the person who felt hurt by this remark comes to habituate themselves to believe these remarks are true, rather than understanding these remarks are only opinions, opinions that are never worth nearly as much as the good regard they deserve to always hold for themselves.

Alas, it becomes easy for such people to lose self-confidence when faced with casual hostility for their life choices; this can help put such people at risk in several ways.

If you are a patient relying on psychopharmeceuticals with any success please do not allow yourself to be dissuaded from using your medications by the criticism of people who cannot place themselves in your own shoes well enough to understand how you feel about your medications.

Most people who rely on such medications are ambivalent about using their medicines.  Small pushes, tiny criticisms, can build up to a social pressure to conform to expectations that they should, perhaps, be drug-free.

Deciding to quit successfully managed pharmaceutical therapies may often bring many patients immediately into crises.  It is rarely safe to rapidly withdraw from most of these medications without a physician's guidance.

So please, if you are a successful or even partially successful patient on a chemical regimen that seems to work for you, please do not allow yourself to feel pressured to stop using your meds or to change whatever else is working for you.

It's ok to be you however being you will work best for you.

However, please understand, that while many people are successfully treated with various psychopharmeceuticals, as so many people already feel is true for themselves, many other people have had very poor, often critically traumatic responses to their medications; for these people, the traumas they have experienced as a result of poorly or inappropriately administered therapies make them very suspicious that anyone relying on such therapies may be at risk of dangerous, frightening experiences like their own.


When people from these two camps of rugged survivors meet, both are dependent on belief systems that may sometimes come into conflict with each other's.

One group must choose to believe in the value of their therapies because believing this helps their therapies be more effective.

The other group must believe in the dangers of such therapies because they are attracted to anything which may help ease their suffering but must painfully deny themselves this sort of help because for them it seems to consistently do them more harm than good.

Both groups of patients have very personal experiences they deserve validation for, but both groups often invalidate each other, because they are afraid that their own core beliefs, beliefs essential to their well-being, may be challenged.

Together, both groups have a wealth of experience that can unite them and help each other to grow beyond whatever limits they still experience as a consequence of the successes or failures of their respective therapies.

Some may find new meds that will work for them in spite of their fears, while others may discover safe ways to withdraw from their medications under their doctor's guidance because they learn new coping skills from those who must learn to manage without any meds.

Together we can form a stronger mental health care community and support groups to help each other to heal.




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Resist any pain at your peril, resistance feeds pain, making it stronger...

Pain is a guide, follow it to its source and you discover what most needs to be accepted and released...


Blessed be, always...


Very informative AmenMaatRa,

We need national and global laws for medical marijauna at a minimum.  Laws so that all people can have the benefits presented in this video, and more, and so we may travel without fear with our medicine.

Thank you for the update on states which are legalized, we note New Jersey may be an exception to some degree.


Blessed be...


Yea, it was a crazed congress that shoved the control substance act down the UN, and most countries ratified it due to American pressure. England was doing a logical change in their system last I heard, based on death reports, as the most dangerous being the ones that kill more people. I know that this will spread and the CSA was total nonsense and against most all Constitutions or bill of rights... The FDA allows poisoning of millions of people daily... They seems to have their own agendas!

Too bad that this category is so old... I live in a state where mmj is protected from state prosecution.

Dear Maedronna,

it may be the case that you will indeed require your medication indefinitely; we would never discourage you to stop using anything which helps you maintain your equlibriums, mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually.

We might choose to believe, however, that you are already guiding yourself to the healing that your post-natal depression now seems to require for you.

Depresion may be seen as a potential, as well as an illness.

Often, the things that appear to contribute to depresssion may really only be triggers, triggers armed by deep seated inner conflicts or traumas we need to heal.

Depression can be an opportunity to use our emotional pain and psychological distress to feel our way to the root causes of our pain and begin to heal them.

We believe healing is always possible in many, many ways; we believe that all people find what works best for them when provided with a bit of love, nurture, and respect for their choices.

We applaud your success as an example of a person of good spirit dedicated to the well-being of all.


Blessed be...


Thanks for sharing such personal and meaningful information. So many deal with depression, and yet still for many the topic is one which is almost taboo. As Grigori has said many people feel shame and stigma around their use of medication or about their diagnosis itself.

Than you brother Cuthbert,

Your story may inspire many to persevere; it is too easy to give up, at times, when frustrated with depression.

We like how you were able to apply both approaches, medicinal and cognitive, to find your balance and well-being, congratulations!

You are so right about support groups, our doctors, and the importance of making the effort to remain engaged with those who are trying to help us even when we may feel unworthy of their help once our depression has trained us to consider ourselves darkly with self-abuse, self-castigation, and a conviction that we may really be worthless.

We do not doubt your worth brother, the clarity and openess with which you speak now reveal someone we may always admire and trust, a person of true love, compassion, nurture, and respect.


Blessed be...



this is true~ the biggest problem with patients is they feel better and stop taking their meds...

i take two antidepressents without fail...


i have had several friends tell i don't need them  "there's nothing wrong with you, just get yourself together"

Mmm, so nice of them to contradict themselves and deny your sound judgement of your own best interests Nancy.

'Get yourself together' implies they believe there is something wrong with you so saying there is nothing wrong with you, while most likely very true is denied by them in their following statement.

Sounds a lot like hypocrisy.

And then, of course, there is the matter of trust and respect.

They should respect you enough to trust your judgment about what is best for you.

It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, nearly so much as what they choose to believe, and their expressed beliefs were contradictory, unhelpful, and potentially hurtful.


Give us Plato for a friend any day, or better yet, Socrates!



Congratulations on learning to be a courageous advocate for what works sister Shuvanni,

Thank you so much for finding your way to Temple Illuminatus, welcome!


We thoroughly agree with your principles, to preserve life and the quality of life by whatever means are most acceptable to each individual, regardless of peer pressure or societal pressures that may unfairly judge them for their personal choices.


We are delighted your own recovery has been so successful, we would like to get to know you better Shuvanni.


Temple Illuminatus can be a very nurturing place for spiritual growth and cognitive development.  We look forward to sharing some of the special wonders of the Temple with you.


Blessed be...


The only issue I see with medication I currently take and from me pursuing a test in ADD because of the possibilities of them putting me on drugs for that, is that the current drugs I have (in my opinion) interfere with what I feel spiritually and how I react to the spiritual realm. I often find myself feeling blocked or stunted, and I know that even though i can go off my pills for a few days and feel like i'm drowning I still feel a stronger connection when off them. I have come down to a choice between staying stable and being able to communicate with the world that I've come so far to keep. I take a low dosage of the medication I have however it still is an internal issue for me. I dislike having to adjust my self and my brain to different doses and attempt to relearn my spiritual process all over again.

Hi sister Ari,

We have experienced what may be the same sort of disorientation from our spiritual reality on the various psych meds we've tried.

It's easier in the long run to deal with our depression or anxieties on our own than to live in a fog so deep we can scarcely function, particularly since the meds do not relieve our depression, anxiety, psychosis, what-have-you...

We've had a pretty broad spectrum of diagnoses and treatment plans.


We got good care with both of our long-term hospitalizations; in the first one they discovered for themselves that we did best with no meds, something they weren't willing to try with us the second time...

We recovered on our own and got back to work, but only after we quit all our meds.

We know this is a very dangerous strategy for many people to try, we had another psychotic episode coming off our meds that last time, but we worked our way through it on our own.

Anyone successfully helping themselves by any means should be encouraged to continue doing whatever works for them.

It sounds like you are learning what works for you; we are pretty sure you will become reoriented to your spiritual realities while maintaining yourself with your meds.

We agree it might be a bad idea to add meds for ADD.

Anything you can manage on your own is a good idea if it helps make it safer to stay on the meds you need.

One reason we are so sure you will successfully re-orient to your spirituality while safely managing your meds is that we have had many friends learn how to do this, even on very powerful meds.

Your spirituality is an eternal aspect of yourself, always there whenever you are ready to connect with it.

If you disconnect, you have a purpose for disconnecting, a purpose you can't see without disconnecting and re-connecting.

Disconnecting and reconnecting several times is a very helpful experience.

You learn to control it.

You learn to use each frame of reference for different realitiies more versatiley.

You learn how to share your higher spiritual reality with other people more effectively.

Or at least, this is what we have learned.

We are pretty sure you are learning this too, however we always hesitate to describe other people's realities for them, we prefer to hear them describe themselves and their realities for themselves.

However, if these remarks hit close to home, it is with a purpose, to let you know you are not alone, that you can get through this well, and that you can be a guiding light to many as you awaken to your personal spiritual realities more and more deeply.



Blessed be...




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